Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

I find that Mating has a tendency to over hype or under hype many things. He was the first one to say that the AIM9M IRCCM was not very good, when in fact it is absolutely bonkers


Well on new dev servs the missile is way more dodgeable than before haven’t been hit by one since 10 games but it does work quite well but they really need to work on the IRCCM type of R73 and Magic 2 because currently AIM9M power positioning among missiles is completely fake because its equivalents are nerfed by the systems/techniques the game currently uses

Bro LMAO after seeing the answer of Stona to the question will nations such as GB and SW getting 4th gen this year ppl think EF 2000 is coming i’m so dooooone XD we already know for grippen but cmon brits are just gonna have a new tornado because they believed very hard in the fighter variant of this whale jet lol Typhoon isn’t coming before 3rd quarter of next year at least or else i want Rafale F2

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Is it possible to take a x3 Magic 2 with x1 530D?

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yes but with how The magics irccm is performing i would take the 2 530Ds with the buffs that came


They were already below 1 km.

I mostly tried side/ rear aspects shots from up to 1,5 ~ 3 km on an aware target ( basically the situations that could greatly benefits from IRCCM) and noticed no difference from the current Magic 2.

I’ll try what you’re suggesting but I’m have some doubts it’ll be any different.

I’m noticing huge differences between the two already… not sure if you were expecting free kills on targets doing everything right or something.

I also feel like the m2k flies better o ndev but idk it just could be me

There was improvement to the flight model not mentioned in the dev server changelog.

Well, it does feel way better on some manouvers i would say. I tested a bit Magics and they are ok, though would appreciate a bit better flare resistance since the reduced range, matra super feel finally good right now.

I think that if we get the additional cm of ECLAIR the M2K can be very competitive. Right now you can win against F16C and so Mig29SMT if you play your cards right.

Magic’s had an increase in range via reduction in drag this patch. The IRCCM is the same as R-73, so it is underperforming according to my report. I will try to get it looked at, reopened, or something.

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Okay lets hope for the best then, maybe they will notice your post and do that. Would you mind sending the report?

It is indeed better, however be careful not to rip from G overload. Happened to me a few times.

NEW THREAD: https://forum.warthunder.com/t/the-super-530d-should-be-fixed/26429

Made a new thread dedicated to fixing the Super 530D. Lots of work has already been done, but there’s more that needs to be done. The new Mig-29SMT is now able to completely notch other people’s radars while guiding the R-27ER in. This is completely broken as the Mig-29 would be able to trash the Super 530D and make it self explode. Devs should fix the 530D so it doesn’t self explode and would help a bit against the new Mig-29



wait , how is that physically possible?

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At the angle it’s at this shouldn’t be possible surely it looks like it’s behind the radar’s capability to even look in that direction

Jesus…I thought it was the same limit as the Yak-141, but it actually goes past 90 degrees wtf

Maybe i’m wrong but even AESA radar aren’t cabable to look so much behind them how tf a mechanical radar is able to do that

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Mechanical radars have better gimbal limitations than AESA, just slower.

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Ok thanks for the info tho i’d like to believe this won’t be possible in game