Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Seriously this R73 crap without even adding the AIM9-M to compensate stay in the middle of my throat. How the fuck are they making their calculation to get to the conclusion “OH R73 on the SU25 BAZ still brings suffering to the game and even if flarable just take you by surprise by how agile this crap is but anyway lets put it on a brand new fighter with new long range almost hypersonic IR missiles with an IRCCM to complete this crapsterpiece”

I mean gaijin could show them France’s almost hyper sonic bvr ir missile with irccm missile :) only two of them of obviously :)

I don’t quite get what IR missile you’re talking about rn

Mace is talking about MICA IR. Mirage 2000-5F can carry 6x MICA IR instead of just 2 however.

Can carry 6x MICA IR for long range BVR stealth kills ;))


There are photos of MICA IR on non-wingtip pylons

This photo shows 5x MICA IR + 1 MICA EM


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i know it can carry six but i don’t wanna piss off every other nation

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Well,… they do not have your honor in things like that…

US has Aim7R , dont know about japan or others though

First of:
AIM-7R never seen production → budget were cancelled.

So i’m not sure that kind of missiles would enter the game.

I don’t see how general missiles talk can relate on having the honor to not be willing to have better missile technology over every other nations,…

Well , it is not like R-27ET was ever used in a mission ( like 90% of russian missiles or tech)or R-27ER ever mounted on a Mig 29
What is going to eeduce them to be cancelled project as they were desperate attempts to not die after soviet collapse

R-27ET entered service 1990 aslongside the R-27ER, which AIM-7R NEVER DID,… see the difference ?

And if considering usage IRL to be in game, then only R-27R can be added to the game, as none other misilles variant were ever used in combat,…

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But… why would that matter? The 7R is not a prototype, its not a technical drawing or a vague set of specifications. Its a missile that was manufactured in some numbers and was tested extensively. Only difference between it and the R-27EXs is the numbers produced and a checkmark in the “In service?” field

Which means qualifications for x and x aircrafts
Which means production grade model and not prototype grade model
Which means reliable results thoughout years
Which means values are far more accurate as far more users had their hands on them, instead of secret values kept out of document during prototypes stages (no gimped values)
Which means no differences between missiles, while prototypes always are different to test all possible configurations,…

Therefore,… Entering service for a missile is far more intersting game wise, because it is far more accurate in the end


Right, in order

  1. Every aircraft capable of firing the sparrow M is capable of firing the sparrow R
  2. What does that even mean? How would one differentiate between a missile that never entered full service but had presumably hundreds of articles manufactured (including the RIM-7R) and a missile that did enter service and realistically has had less than 200 missiles produced (R-27EX)
  3. The extended range variants of the R27 have never been used in combat
  4. Same as the point above
  5. Same as point 2
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The AIM-7R’s Seeker was recycled as the MHIP seeker, which was subsequently used by / shared with the RIM-66 Block IIIB so its not as if performance is unknowable.


just more proof that we are not even in the equation

Am i the only one for who the CLDP keeps losing lock as soon as i make a move with the 2kD??
i use the AS30 btw

All is there,… come back with sources dude.

R-27ET have been produced over 500 missiles depending on sources i’ve found, both for export and for Russia,…

AIM-7R // RIM-7R:
Only 9 missiles RIM-7R were launched for test, using DD967 Elliott & DD 976 Merrill; from Spruance class destroyers (4 missiles of which failed to be launched during the 1st phase of test, were re-used and fired at the 2nd phase)

AIM-7R seen only 1 missile produced - platform of test is unknown

Soooooo,… get your sources on before talking please

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Despite being knowledgeable, there were only 1 AIM-7R built as AIM-7R

It absolutely has been acknowledged? What are you talking about.

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