Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Mirage 2000-5 soon in the Russian tree trough Ukraine?

Begone, French plane stay French.


Mirage F1 is added RP-35



Hope they’ll add the Mirage 2000 wing fuel tanks.

Now that MICAs are here, and F-16AM is an option, I don’t see the point in having this fictional air to ground loadout. Although would be nice to get Mirage 2000D-R2.

Mirage 2000-5F should not have air to ground armaments // Gaijin.net // Issues


So fast

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Well that was unexpected, but I’m not exactly going to complain if they want to dig their heels in on that one. it is wrong though


Thing is to invalidate or remove a loadout from a plane you have to prove it can’t via claims thats say “It can not do that” Unfortunately nothing of the sort exist and the closest to that are a few articles and videos that say Mirage 2000-5F can’t use target pod but that if needed a 2000-5F can ve equipped with A2G ordinance but can’t designated alon it need the help of a Mirage 2000D or a Rafale TGP

@DirectSupport You tried
But at least we can have it, and to any other main: we tried and didn’t keep it secret.


Very true. Now if only the FM can be adjusted so it isn’t a whale then we’ll be set.

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@Whale_Biologist The Mirage did receive another new FM tunning not so long ago



Mirage 2000 (all):

  • Elevators effective speed raised from 650 to 800 km/h
    • Will begin compressing later
  • Wing, flaps retracted:
    • Arm shift at 0 AoA slightly lowered from 0.07 to 0.06
      • Very slightly more pitching moment close to that AoA
    • Linear Cl coefficient raised from 0.045 to 0.049
      • Slightly more rapid increase in lift coefficient until stall angle
    • Coefficient of lift after positive critical angle raised from 0.9 to 1.25
      • More lift after stall
    • Linear Cl coefficient Mach curve coefficient max value raised from 0.85 to 0.95
      • Less steep decrease in linear Cl coefficient from M0.72 to M1.08 ( Now and Before )
    • Critical Cl Mach curve coefficient max value raised from 0.52 to 0.82
    • Critical AoA Mach curve adjustments
    • Induced drag Mach curve adjustments
      • Mach number of coefficient max from M0.9 to M1.0
      • Coefficient max value from 0.72 to 0.9
        • Less steep decrease in induced drag from M0.3 until M1.0 ( Now and Before )
    • Aerodynamic center offset Mach curve coefficient max value from 0.01 to 0.02 ( Now and Before )
    • Pitch moment from M0.1 decreased [ 0.0, -0.06 → 0.0, -0.04 ]
    • Pitch moment from M0.3 decreased [ 0.0, -0.04 ->0.0, -0.03 ]
    • Pitch moment from M0.5 increased [ 0.0, -0.005 → 0.0, -0.015]
      • Will result in slightly decreased instantaneous turn from M0.1 to M0.3 but slightly increased instantaneous turn from M0.3 until M0.5
    • Positive critical AoA increased from 29 to 30 degrees
      • Will stall at a higher AoA
  • Wing, flaps at 100% deployment:
    • Coefficient of lift after positive critical angle raised from 0.9 to 1.25
    • Pitch moment from M0.5 increased [ 0.0, -0.005 → 0.0, -0.015]
    • Positive critical AoA increased from 29 to 30 degrees
  • Added new elevator deflection restriction tables for 1000 m and 6000 m
  • Instructor overload multiplier increased [ 0.7, 0.72, 0.85, 0.92 → 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.92 ]
    • Will enable more pull with instructor, enabling higher instantaneous turn
  • Overall, will result in slightly more instantaneous pull but lower retention and slightly worse pull at high speed

So now M2K have a better instantenious pull/turn compared to the first FM of devserv patch but still worse than the current live patch (2.35)
To see if now M2K FM is more close to the chart
Another thingto note, the “autopull” when using Full real have been fixed, which is good thing. You can now use again Mirage 2k in Air Sim without using the dampering mode.

Unfortunate for RB players but I guess it’s better than nothing. Hopefully it’s actually good in the current meta, otherwise it’s just another dead french plane

A little review of the current Devserv for those which didn’t tested yet
(since now it’s almost a week and some bug start to be fixed):

The good:

  • Obviously fox 3 with ~1990 weaponary (new big step for France is now either a new M2000-D or Rafale with new radar PESA)
  • Gaijin drop a new mechanics (fox 3) for every nations on the first release.
  • MICA EM is currently the top#1 ARH thanks to his current performance (TVC , overall performance). A glance of MICA IR. Just imagine MICA IR performance in this game. We are not ready for this.
  • With the new Mirage 2000 FM ( it easier to retent energy, but a little harder to pull/turn instantly. compared to the live patch
  • New loadout expand for M2K - from x4 previously to expected x6 to now x8 missiles, either go for air with x4 Magic 2 + x4 mica or 6x mica + 2 Magic, both do the job.
  • MICA offset one of the weakness of the Mirage 2000 - 2 circles fight - thanks to the HMD + TVC of MICA (see below)
  • M2K has maybe the best loadout to deal with any opponent in team fight (x8 missiles) and surely in 1v1. HMD + Magic + MICA do the job. 1v1 face to face? HMD+MICA and go defensive in case of incomming ARH. 1v1 at neutral or near the ground? Mirage performance + HMD + Magics 2.
  • Mirage 2000 is once again very meta. No trouble to deal with any opponent (even the new addition) apart Grippen. However Grippen is “less” problematic to deal with compared to the live patch (2.35). Couldn’t test vs a F-16A block 10.

The bad:

  • Fox 3 are very VERY easy to notch and to deal, with multipath issue/balance - I mean R27er in current live patch is more HARDER to notch even to deal with multipath vs any others fox 3 - yes even the MICA - in the current devserv (however didn’t test R-27er in devserver). Was expecting to be on same difficulty level to defend like a R27er current patch, but currently feel like S530D/Aim7F/M level of difficulty to defend. (hard to explain)
  • The radar issue become more and more annoying (PD radar more picking on chaff) same for the HMD
  • Still no MAWs for Mirage
  • MICA has same issue as R-73 with offboresight shoot (because of tvc, missile spinning, not stable)
  • MICA still lack of some of its performance (refer to @DirectSupport bug report), smokeless, range, chaff resistance (affecting every fox 3 atm), and this purple rocket engine.
  • as usual missile wobbling a lot, which seems to affect its performance

(Side note: Benelux tree in France air TT, mean you can theorically have an F-35 in France air TT. Personally not happy with this (prefer tech tree to be unique) but less grind i guess.

  • the Fact that France have now 3 platform with powerful ground ordnance (5F, M2K D,F-16AM) with potentially 3 futurs meta ground ordnance addition: M2K D update, F-35, Rafale)

i’ve found something really weird on the new Mirage 2000 flight model, it’s less agile in arcade than in realistic. That’s weird because all flight models are exagerated in this game mode, it should be pulling more than in realistic… not less.
The thing is really obivous when you compare with how any other plane behave in each of theses two game mode.

it feels like they messed up something here, you can see on theses pictures




It seems that flares and chaffs will be available separately from this update. I wonder if SPIRALE’s chaff pack will also be available this time?


We should hopefully see it by live patch.

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Tried on dev server, m2k still has a worse turn than a f16 in 1 circle

In theory if Ukrainian Mirage 2005F’s receive AASM in their service doesn’t that mean our ingame 2005F can as well?


What ukrainian Mirage 2000?

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