Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

well, you should’nt play with statistics, you say you know better because you have higher KD… however you don’t have better winrate, so even if you have better K/D, you are not doing better to win the battle, that’s a first flaw in this logic.

on the other hand, we can look at Defyn stats :

if we follow your logic, given the really strong K/D he has, he know better than you.
We can add to this that he also has overall a better winrate in theses planes, around 75%, so better K/D and winrate.

Remember that Win rates depends on Teams,…
Remember then that DEFYN plays with full squad of coordinated teammates

Which is not my case,… despite having a team, we’re rarely 2 people playing the game at the same time let alone on the same Air/Ground/Naval side of game, as 99% of the players aren’t playing anymore(since 2015)

Show me one video where he has a full squad

Does he needs it for content creation?

Did i ever said he plays with squad for content creation?

I said stats over Winrates are irrelevant due to potential squad plays,…

PS: BTW, always bringing DEFYN means you all are zombies behind what he says,…


Winrate does not matter while K/D does depend on many things.

Currently Mirage F1 should be able to slap a F-4 in most situations.

While Mirage F.1 has been buffed heavily after it’s introduction, F4 players are at an all time low but I’d say F.1 has the upper hand.

And while stats can be a indicator to some extend they ultimatively don’t matter all that much.

Scientists says the water boils at 100°C, i’m following that so i should be a zombie… but it doesn’t mean i’m wrong to do so.

When someone has a better expertise than you in an area, well, the odds that you are wrong and him right are higher than the other way around, that’s simple.
Not admitting that fact is just having a huge ego.


From my experience, and what I read before from this thread, Mirage F1 is just French MiG-21bis (albeit the bleeding speed of MiG-21bis got compensated by its pretty powerful afterburner), don’t play it like an absolute turnfighter, but the greatest drawback Mirage F1 has is the low acceleration. Yes it can slap a Phantom, but obviously not in a sustained dogfight.

I agree with this, Service Record stats aren’t so reliable is also because of its easily manipulated stats (this because killing bot also counted as kill in Service Record), but I don’t also imply Defyn mostly inflate his K/D by killing bots. For the other factor of how his play because, he (probably) GE his every aircraft, it’s literally impossible to have a good stats under 50 victories (especially in a top tier match), and he got a full coordinating squad that worth better than full team of premium clowns.

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I’d not say it basically is a French MiG-21 in handling.

You can win a sustained fight against F4 or even MiG-21 or F-5 assuming you play it right.

F.1 suffers as soon as it gets to slow somewhere below 600 km/h or 500 km/h.
As long as it keeps it’s energy and only enters a dogfight when the skies around are somewhat clear it is quite decent.

And you bring to me the advices of someone else while never played the aircraft we’re talking to,…

Soo,… Scientists are right, but neither ME or DEFYN are scientist of the game, PoV differs.

Between what is said and what have been analyzed, by both me or Defyn, there would be a fair difference,… because experimental approach, such as Me or Defyn, have their limits:
i also based my sayings on current ability for both platform that are F-4E and Mirage F.1C

never played… i’m sorry ?

CC stats are fully unusable because paart on their contract ensure they have matchmakings with people with poor stats. So, no… Defyn is not experienced or good (With french planes at least)just highly helped by Gaijin. Also LMAO so few battles fought bro sometime has higher repawn count than the matches he played and you call that an experienced person… Also add to your flawed reasoning that currently matches are 16V16 and with that number of players it’s easy to get numerous kills but still lose a game because your team won’t score a single elimination.


Where did you find that there are such statements in their contracts? Genuinely lol.


That’s some nice conspiracy theory you got there, mind about sharing the source lol

Plus I’n pretty sure the guy dwarves the stats of 99% of other CCs so that’s still a valid refenrence.


I was a CC for some time and getting top tier jets spaded fully on day one or in a few days really buys into the better stats, especially if jets get tweaked in the first week of major. Right now I don’t get spaded jets so I have to play 30 or so matches stock.


That is definitely a huge factor yes

The cope is insane, what are you talking about?


Me checking the Mirage thread hoping people have something to say about the Mirage

During the dev server, hopefully I will report missing Magic 2 Mk2 for the following aircrafts: Super Etendard, Mirage F1, Mirage 2000D, Mirage 2000C, and Mirage 2000-5F. Although I suspect they’d only give it for Mirage 2000-5F.

The Magic 2 Mk2 should feature 33% extra range over the current Magic 2. It may even outrange AIM-9M.

This will be a nice stopgap missile until MICA IR.