I just said DEFYN is not always right,… and it horryfies me that so many players thinks is he’s always right,…
And yes i got to turntime,…
To turn, you have to rely either on the fact that you:
→ Can bleeds your energy, thanks to AoA → which F4 beats you at
→ Can sustain better rates than your opponnent, thanks to good engine output, or said differently thanks to TWR → which F4 beats you at
Therefore yes, F-4E and later variants beats your ass in Dogfight indefinetly,… at same piloting skills.
So yes, loosing MAGIC-2 on Mirage F1 is definetly gonna kill the aircraft unless it reaches a BR of 10.3,…
You forget that the magic 1 is practically the same missile as the magic 2 except its not all aspect which in a dogfight vs f-4s doesn’t matter a lot.
I agree with 1 point: it doesn’t matter.
Having Magic-1 in a dogfight with an F-4 phantom is the same as having dead weights for a match of Boxe,…
You’ll never be able to use such weapon, unless you came unknown from your ennemy.
Have you played with magic 1s lately?
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Just jumped into a round with two magic 1s and two super 530f and guess what happen? I killed a F-14 with a magic 1 then I killed a F-15 with a magic 1 then gunned another F-15. Then I got hammered by a R-60M in a head on because I’m stupid.
You have not as good engine output yes, but you have good energy retention, and don’t forget that by being 10.7… it’s a lower BR than the F4E or the Mig 21bis, you can see 9.7 to 11.7.
the point is, you want to keep it with the Magic 2 while at 11.3 the airframe can see F-16 and Mig 29… okay, but why not both ? why not having the possibility to have one that can make better use of its airframe, that would be uptiered against F4S, MiG 23MLD and at worst F-14A instead of F16, MiG 29 and at worst the F-15.
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Have i played magic-1recently?
i guess we can say that i played them quite a bit actually, and even recently with Mirage F1C:
which is not on par with yours (comparing my F1C to your F1C200 or Mirage 5F/3C or even F-8E(FN) results)
and overall we played as many battles with Magic-1 platform ( 1463 game for you / 1534 game for me)
the Magic-1 is not going to save your ass from a dogfight,… because the weapon, as good as it is currently, is still a rear-aspect one.
my point was that you’ll never be able to use it if people is able to notice you.
also Magic-1 doesn’t also shares the IRCCM of Magic-2, because the Seeker is different on that point too,… meaning that some flares will definetly saves the ennemy from your Magic-2.
now, if you wanna prove me wrong then go for maneuvrability of the Mirage F1 vs F-4// everything else,…
currently Mirage F1C holds nothing to bear the loss of Magic-2 ability.
EDIT : oh you did 1 good game, yet your stats proves to me that you’re not doing that really often,…
Shall i go making KD rates out of all our game on Magic-1 platforms?
my stat are bad because I bought the mirage f1c-200 when I wasn’t very good so I learned how to play top tier in it and I use it for grinding.
By the way did you see the new BR changes for ground battles? The super etendard is get the AS-30L finally which means it won’t be that bad at 10.7 if you can get a ground line up to work.
you call onto me to prove my ability to talk about Magic-1, and then you try to hide yourself with a “i didn’t learned how to play” - over a 826 battles,… 826 battles you’ve done with it,… at some point you know how to play,… and that takes less than 150 battles to know how to use an aircraft.
you had 676 battles to do better, and you’re barely over 1 KD (1.07 actually) with it,…
you have:
1062 kills
1200 deaths
for 1463 games
i have :
1944 kills
1000 deaths (funny though)
for 1534 games
btw, when i did say that a good F-4 Phantom would always win, i know i’m right, and it’s not because i’m bad with my aircraft, but because i’m also good enough with my Phantoms.
yeah, good change for once.
go play a Mirage F1 before talking about Energy retention, please.
the energy retention is currently due to the fact that whatever you try you can’t pull AoA.
When did you play the majority of your battles?
over the years, if you’ve seen my profile already you know i do play 7 out of 9 Techtree,
and that i play without premium so it takes me times to reseach aircrafts, they often get the early patches, and generally the following BR update.
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So its flight performance has been buffed multiple times over the last year so its much better now.
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I luckily missed the early mirage f1 which apparently was absolutely terrible
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i played Mirage F1C last in april. and the only buffs it recieved then is the Max BR being upgraded to 12.7, making the F.1C unable to be overtiered all the time anymore.
i did tried against MiG-29, while difficult, Magic-2 was the only weapons able to save the aircraft from misery,… and in lower tier i ended up fighting 1 F-4 who beats me, but i got lucky and my ennemy got his ally firing an AIM-9J, which i used to kill the F-4 which was 0.4-0.6km in my ass.
I don’t know why you think it can’t out dogfight a f-4 then.
Well its been a pleasure talking to you Cpt but I gtg. I still believe the mirage f1 can out dogfight a f-4 but that is only my opinion.
which i can respect, yet, i feel otherwise (by stats and experience) o7