Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

The MAW pod on the F-16AM has a strange feature showing all the TWS target on the screen, is this normal ? Should it be the same on the M2k ?

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Pretty much, as RDY, " S H O U L D " be capable of it.
I believe it has already been bug reported.

But why or how is it related to the MAW?

not sure

It does?
8 buckets.
8 large charges for buckets like that.
18 small charges for buckets like that.

Then you have the chaff tubes filled with large caliber chaff of 48 charges.

It has 40 large caliber, which is 5 buckets.
That leaves 3 for small caliber, which should translate to 54 standard charges.

So yeah, it’s off in standard caliber count…

Of course you mentioned the bug with deployment as well I wasn’t aware of until your post; thank you.

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Even if they dont change the amount of countermeasures they can reduce the amount of drop and that way Mirage survivability will increase a lot.

Does anybody else have issues with Magic II’s, i feel like im complaining for no reason when i talk to other people, but my Magic II’s consistently go for flares (close rear aspect, like 1.5km and less) and sometimes dont even detonate when they pass someone. Is this just gaijin striking me down for playing france?

What range?

Anybody else having some trouble with locking aircraft with HMD on the 2000-5 ? Often it just refuses to lock for no reason


1.5km and less alot of the time.

Thats has been happening with every jet, idk what causes it. Could just be its somehow thinking its getting notched.

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I believe it could have something to do with parallax between the helmet HMS and the radar refusing to lock in close ranges

They closed the bug report for the countermeasures a week or two ago but I don’t see a fix in sight yet. Community Bug Reporting System

Where are you getting 48? 112 chaffs are dispensed.

I can prep a bug report for dev server, usually those get attention easier.

48 large caliber chaff is currently present in Mirage 20005F’s tubes.
IDK if that amount of large-caliber is correct; what I do know is it’s the equivalent of 4x the amount of standard caliber chaff.

There is no mention of some large caliber Chaff being placed in the SPIRALE launchers ever, they are said to contain 112 chaff split in 2 tubes of 56 chaffs that’s it. Also the 48 chaff CM are not large caliber even in WT :
“Paillettes” are chaff (Provided by SPIRALE obviously)and are marked as normal the only correct thing in the picture is the large caliber Cm ammount of 40 → 8 large CMx5. (With a repartition of 3 blocks placed in ECLAIR M pod and 2 integrated blocks of large CMs)


Oh, they’re no longer large caliber.
I wonder what happened…

Afaik they never were large to begin with. Never seen Large marked for the chaff CM

Do some of the other planes have large chaff CM?

Tornados, tho they use pod for it.