Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Turning the radar on fixes this, as for some reason the target tracker also turns off when the radar does.

If you’re in a vehicle without a radar, pressing the radar on button will also allow it to work.

I just noticed same thing happens on JAS39C if you close the radar.

I guess this problem occurs on every single plane that carries Targeting Pod.


Given the changes to the FM, how should the m2k ideally be flown? Especially in dogfights against other top tiers.

It’s because when u turn off your radar or use hmd u can’t lock ground targets with your pod it’s a weird bug that probably got reported

In today’s server update the F-16, F-15, F-18, JAS39C HMD/ACM modes were made to no longer lock chaff above horizon. Is the -5F missing this?

Not the first time they left out the -5F for changelog, but yes, it is included in this according to datamine. Here’s a full list of radars included in the changes:



Can anyone point to the any picture of Adla’s M2000’s pilot with a HMD?



For me to avoid turning while also rolling, in before FM rolling is the most viable tactics to avoid missile joust because its FM can sustain a high roll maneuver. For the current FM, it really suffers from sudden wing snap due to Instructor Limitation.

Don’t afraid to pull a turn in above Mach 1 because that is where M2K have good energy retention, just imagine you are Starfighter that actually can pull hard while also maintain good energy retention. Don’t ever try to do low speed dogfight unless you know your enemy have absolute disadvantage.

Combining with the missile, make MICA as your “Preemptive Shot” to enemies, because they’re afraid of 50 G TVC Missile, they would bleed so much energy to go cold so they can chaff your MICA. When they do that, you can finish them off with an IR Missile or just gun them down to score a splash.

FYI: M4K still have the old FM, you can try how different is current M2K FM to the old FM with M4K.

MICA compared to AIM 120 A is supposed to be harder to chaff and notch since MICA is an equivalent of AIM 120 C-5 in terms of capabilities irl but in war thunder they gimp it so much u cant even reach a target past 20 km and it gets chaffed so easily when at certain distances chaff should not be affecting the radar and that has to do with the unrealistically wide notch sector
adding to that its doesnt have its proper proportional navigation law like the 530D
therefore it overleads and bleeds to much speed when you try to shoot a target past 20 km
ive seen players just flight sideways and it was enough for the MICA to lose all of its energy

I’ll launch a MICA at like 2km in a close fight and it has a perfect path to the target and it somehow gets chaffed. Im not the smartest when it comes to missiles but i dont think that should happen.

yea that used to not happen in the dev since trust vector was strong enough to pull inside the target

Maybe they nerfed the TVC values to avoid the spinning issue like they did for R-73. But i can’t backed my assumption.

All seeker part of news fox 3 are almost identical. Not realistic, but expected as it’s just the first introduction of ARH missile (apart AIM-154). ie: remember the first introduction of aim-9B? The missile was pretty OP in their first iteration. At least this time they introduced this mechanic to every nation, which is fair.

It just the first batch, so we need to wait, until fox 3 get their unique properties.
This major update is still pretty bugged (ie: Mirage NEZ dont appear on radar, some information dispear if you zoom in cockpit, etc etc) and i still hope that the IRCCM of Magic 2 get buffed very soon.

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they nerfed the fin aoa pretty significantly

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hi can someone tell me what happened to countermeasures on mirage 2000c-s4 ,it has 34 of them now. when in the past it had 54

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I think it has to do with the separation into large and normal countermeasures. If you count the flare ‘circles’ under the plane it matches the number tho.

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Have you heard anything about this ?


i know most people are not concerned about this, but this is a really painful one for thoses concerned. Something has to be done about it.

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It’s been almost a month so, but still no response?