i’ve never heard of this one… it can be a feature for a new 2000D maybe ? did the F1 MF2000 also use it ?
Giving it to the 2000C would probably mean making it going up to 12.0. It would be lovely to make room for the 2000C-S3 but at this point i doubt gaijin will add it as a filler… unless it’s a premium of course.
A new Mirage 2000D could be equipped with it. MBDA states that only French air force vehicles equipped the Magic 2 Mk2, so it wasn’t exported. Although I guess they could still give it to MF2000 since French Mirage F1s did equip it.
As far as 2000C, 2000C-S3, I think it’s very messy and that’s up to you guys as the community to advocate and try to sort out.
So here we are, French Aircraft Tech Tree now get a Benelux Sub-Tech Tree. Any thoughts?
A little bit off topic though, but I kinda disappointed the biggest QOL are the new radar display. I wish wing vapor would make into this update, but well.
@DirectSupport As you have seen the Belgian F16 is going to get a MAW system. Would it be time to reask for the M2K MAW system as well ? I guess both system would be similar (as the F16 is a 2018 something tech), so the excuse of the M2K system being more advanced than those of the F111 and su25 would not be warranted compared to the f16
I agree that the system on the Belgian F-16 and the J-11 (supposedly) is going to be very similar to what the Mirage 2000-5F’s maws will feature. If I asked about M2K’s maws, I would be told, “Wait until dev server”. So that’s what we’ll have to do.
I would be very surprised if it doesn’t come alongside the Belgian F-16 though.
It’s just a shame that we often have to wait for the same tech available on the M2K to come for others before they finally implement it for us.
I certainly hope so. It’s very much the same type of technology if I’m not mistaken. Pylon based MAWS that is part of the RWR suite. They’ll probably showcase the Belgian F-16’s MAWS but may not show M2K’s on dev stream, so we’ll have to see for ourselves.