Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

That’d be my case too, it’s an incredible aircraft thx to the MM with Prems, been more suicidal by flying on min fuel and it can actually hold up rushing right into the enemy team scoring some kills yet survive.

ive come to the same conclusion.
im back from top tier to playing the S5, it is in a very good place right now.

better enjoy it while it lasts (let’s see with the new update)

So the uptade with the magic 2 and automatic radar is live

Somebody tried it?

They soon gonna bump the C-S5 to 12.0, just as they promised in before BR Changes. Gonna milk it to death then lmao.

Yes, and it feels great, tbh in the full uptier for -5F I think it’s more reliable to kill now, and for “Reversal” by forcing your opponent to overspeed so you can get a shot from rear aspect, it’s 100% reliable and deadly.

It’s more like “Pseudo” 50 G for me, but at least the C-S5 in its BR are getting more overpowered now.

For the automatic radar, it really helps radar slaving because you don’t need to change ACM mode to auto lock freely. What infuriate me is that when I’m launching Super 530D from ACM mode rear aspect with target moving away from me, because I can’t manually change the lock, the missile just launching itself to ground due to automatic mode, if it’s still in before patch, I can just switch to Regular TRK Mode so I can splash a kill with 530D.

Does the radar just lose lock rather than switching to pulse?

Does the mirage 2000 carry anything equal or similar to the new Kh-38s? I know the PGMS are similar in range but i find they are too slow to use at distance like the Kh-38s

Some variants of the 2000D can carry the AASM HAMMER.

I suspect we get one more late mirage 2000 with MICA and Hammers and the Rafale will drop in its early purely A2A configuration.

No, it still retain the lock because the target is moving away faster than me. Maybe because it’s just another SARH Missile Bug?

Picture is courtesy of @themadseventeen, RDY radar finally got MPRF TWS, it’s ready for fox 3 combat.



The scan height is terrible…
If you launch 2 misisles and one target increases altitude while the other decreases altitude, the radar will only be able to maintain TWS lock on one of those aircraft…

Your radar in TWS is already only capable of providing updates on one target, and it will discontinue updates on the other target if you switch TWS lock. No radar in-game has multi-track capability yet

This is false, on F-14, if you switch TWS soft lock on different target, but the previous target stays visible (is near the second target, no huge change in altitude), your missile will still guide onto the first target (AIM-54 Phoenix) and you can launch second. Both will have datalink updates.

I’ll have to test this then on the F-14

Yeah, it’s not a feature implemented into the game as of yet.

I’m saying that if/when it is, then the scan height for the mirage 2000 radar in TWS mode is going to be an obstical to overcome.

this is false @tripod2008 tested it

Yeah, I misunderstood what a developer’s response was to a certain report:


I took a look over the RDY document, should be 4 line scan with 15 degrees rather than 3, I’ll have to see about reporting it.


Lmao 13 kills in sim with the C-S5

As long as the first target “dot” stays visible on the 4 degree TWS scan, Phoenix will guide on it using data link, but if it only for one second disappears, datalink is broken and missile is on inertial.

This is why there are many people advocating for fixing F-14s TWS jumping lock. It jumpes once and datalink is severed and cannot be fixed. Interesting info is that the new Fox 3s had datalink reconnect, but I’m not sure if it worked even.

Seems like the 2000-5F model we have still has the MICA pylons in the hangar and in games, with some bugs: