I’d prefer 8 R-73 to 8 Magic 2.
On lonegr ranegs Magic 2 is easily flared while it is not efficient enough on close range.
On very clsoe range I hvae had betetr rsults with R-60M recently.
If it was fixed you’d feel the opposite way… 8x 50G missile with superior IRCCM to anything in the game currently on fighters
For the people who care about the small details: All mirages are missing auxiliary intake opening at low speed, as well as animations of the variable frontal intakes
We are many to know this but there is more important issue to fix for the Hard Working members of the french tech report makers. If you want to see these animated do a report yourself. Usually these things as they are details don’t require lots of sources(but you need at least an official one : book or something) + are usually passed and implemented quite fast, usually.
Unfortuantely we are at least still 2 months and a half away from such a fix. Because i somehow feel like 50G + Flare Decoy Rejection or smaller IFOV or Both + shorter guidance start delay + shorter Fuze delay will all be implemented at the same time in a major update. While they really could immediately buff Guidance start delay and fuze delay honestly but gaijin be gaijin…
Agree, less reaction time and also less burn time really makes Magic 2 stands different than R-73. I got easy kill from side aspect and from front aspect at higher range due to less burn times, enemy can’t react to invisible missile.
While R-73 are very noticable when it launched, making people who really pay attention hasting to pre-flaring it.
sorry but tornado has been first for a long while.
Super 530F and Super 530D datamine show that they now have a break lock max time of 20 seconds instead of 3 seconds, patch isn’t live yet.
Thanks for that datamine this means i can finally loose lock and reacquire my target.
Finally having time to do it is great.
finally, a reson to use 530Ds over Magic IIs.
Finally. Took them months, but at least it’s here before modern fox 3s lol. Would have been useless otherwise (except if they don’t intend to add MICA right away)
I’d be happier if they added the chaff ignoring mechanism as well for both 530F and 530D.
Would be nice to add MICA IR at the moment to keep with with other top tier using 6 missiles vs the 4
The 2000-5F can mount and fire 6 missiles, all of which can be either IR or EM (assuming that one picture floating around with 6 EM MICAs wasn’t only for a ferry flight). @DirectSupport might know more about that.
every picture of the m2k-5 all have fuel tanks where the 530 should be with the capability of carrying 6 missiles. i believe someone mentioned that the -5 series does not have the capability to actually carry 530 missiles and only mica and magic missiles. also i can’t find any historical information of the -5f carrying guided a2g nor do i see them carry the targeting pods
The 2000 5F cannot carry 6 missiles while using 530Ds, that is correct, but you’re talking about the MICA IR, which has a 0% chance of being added with Fox 1s, so the only way this comment makes any sense is when you pair it with the MICA EM. If you’re asking for the existing plane to have the MICA IR be added then you need to get your head checked.
Spoiler ahead : they don’t (french being game breaking blah blah blah, we don’t feel it that way ^^")
You can do:
6 MICA whatever the variant
4 MICA and 2 Magic-II’s
Or 2xS.530D and 2 Magic-2 or MICA whatever the variant
That’s all.
Also, S.530D are Fox-1
MICA-IR and Magic-II are Fox-2
MICA-EM is Fox-3 (same as AIM-54 and AMRAAM)
The -5F never was intended to carry Air to Ground mission and never was fitted that way.
Only the Mirage 2000-9 from UAE carried PGM bombs, and all other options are coming from Mirage 2000-5EG of Greek airforces,… but Gaijin made a choice: Mix all of these.
Also the Taiwanese Mirage 2000-5 is unable to carry MICA-IR because they never bought it, and only had MICA-EM and Magic-II
Just did a very quick test and with no surprise the 530F is still worthless, it can’t relock after launch so the only time it hits while losing lock is when the enemy flies straight. Inertial guidance is obviously too complicated for puny western missiles, unlike the glorious r-24