Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

smt its flying brick but the r73 perfect in the dev server. and the smt come to live with nerfed r73, and later get radar, aoa etc… nerf… smt aoa not exsist, r73 flare resistance its a joke like r60m, r27et have 3km lock range xDDDDDD. and the new flight model??? omg… everyone hang me… new flight model its a heavy autism… and in sim mode almost uncontrollable with low speed (massive fly by wire nerf). and the f16 still the best plane in wt any why? the reason is easy: extremetly overbuffed and the gaijin optimalize the plane for usamain skill levels… like the aim9m… unflareable and the usamains can get 1.0 k/d… intresting anothert f16s have 4+ and 6+ k/d just the usa f16 have 0.7 before the blk50…

Most of the things you’re complaining about are a skill related issue.

The high alpha is sufficiently better than most aircraft, the R-73 is nothing short of fantastic, the radar is the best in the game.

It would be rather easy if we are permitted to carry whatever we want and start from BVR. You can’t even catch the SMT in the F-16…

Also you have 1800 battles… I have 19,000… I’m not sure this is a fair test to begin with.

I don’t think so, I’ve had no such issues with other average players in their F-16s.

You can watch me flare the “un-flareable” AIM-9M and fight these guys with nearly 20 minutes fuel remaining in the SMT…

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I think the problem now is that the f16s are overperforming, while the 29s are close to what they should be

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None of the Mig29s can pull alpha and come to a stall far quickly than the fighters it faces and pre and post stall maneuvers are nonexistent. How is the pitch? I do not think the Mig29s pitch up as fast as they do in game.

Do you mean they are as correct as far the instructor would allow; as in correct in Air RB?

Additionally, The SMT potentially does not perform like the regular series based just on the extra weight? I am genuinely asking.
Because I would be surprised if it only has to do with weight and should be something else as well.

Or If GJ just does not know. Why heavily limit the alpha in the first place? As default it should just remain the average mig29FM, but extra weight applied, and those effects felt. I do not see why the alpha should be limited any less than the average airframe as it does. Being that when I have less fuel than standard and flying clean, still cannot pull the same alpha as the others with missiles.

Also, the roll is tremendously limited compared to the others even while flying with less weight as in the same situations above. Actually, the roll is my biggest complaint and will get you killed in many situations.

I guess extra weight appears added in off balancing places like the front fuselages hydraulic extension refueling capability. Just did not think the SMT would suffer from any huge flight characteristic changes from the weight of its added capability and asymmetrical enlarged surfaces they add.

They all had nearly double your matches after a brief overlook. I’m not confident you’d be the best shining example of the F-16. In a perfect scenario with two equally skilled pilots, the F-16 would win in a guns only fight… That doesn’t make the SMT bad though.

I’m confident the SMT would win pretty often or go toe-to-toe with just R-73s.

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This isn’t quite true, they all have correct pitch-up moments. I’m not at my PC this week so I can’t really record and show it at the moment but they were all corrected according to my report. They can all properly Cobra… They don’t stall too early. Post-stall maneuvers aren’t a thing for the MiG-29, only ease of post-stall recovery.

We don’t know how the SMT is supposed to perform. We don’t have sufficient data on the airframe to know. Gaijin has modeled it as a heavier 9-13 with even more internal fuel and tbh it’s not even that much heavier when fuel weight is equal.

The high alpha of the SMT is affected by the gravity shift from additional fuel, not by a change specific to its FM iirc. Performs similarly to the 9-13 on low fuel. Gaijin didn’t go out of their way to limit it.

As I said earlier, I’m pretty certain the FM didn’t change much besides weight. I could check in my datamine from my phone if you want verification.

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the biggest problem the extremetly nerfed aoa and r73 flare resistance. and the fm change is awful in sim mode… like when i turn off the fly by wire in my su27 in the dcs world… catastrophic in low speed…

It’s not “nerfed”. It’s pretty much accurate right now. The R-73 is a free kill with certain conditions, and extremely useful in a dogfight. You’re acting like it’s an R-60.

lol that was not the average F-16 player in that 3v1. That was a little below average and rather a strange encounter. None of them actually committed and kind of just flew up and orbited wide and never pulled the control fully back. Those were not the smallest turn radius the F16 is currently capable. They even avoided the head on and rarely fired anything.

Well damn, I wish that was the average F-16s I face in the SMT. For me It is almost like every time its players that knows exactly the limitations of the SMT, where they are and how to exploit them and know I am not fast enough to bug out.

I think it’s funny though, switching to the G and find people make the mistake in thinking I am an SMT and race over to commit. All confident and alone. You can almost see the moment they realized it was really not a good idea to chase this mig29 and now merged screwed tf up.

Weird, every single time I flew it seems like all the F-16s were exactly as good as the ones in the video.

in the 4 games you played the SMT? Beginning of its release? I guess I can see that happening.

hes a standard air rb man who dont meet any good pilots. try this any jet tournament or clan war…
standard air rb dont need a skill just a luck

He duels predominantly. We reference air rb as measure of feasibility of any given platform’s fm.

Air RB requires high situational awareness as well as tactics and vying for dominant positioning just like duels. Just on a larger quickly changing multi-threat environment. Luck is a factor in all things. Skill is highly demanded overall to enjoy top tier consistently.


Pretty much, from what i read the 29 lacks a liiiiiil bit of performance like 0.5 more deg/sec while rating, it’s Very close to its IRL counterpart. The f16 is an arcade mode plane stuck in Air rb


I Just wanted the 9.13 to get archers or at least some lighter version of the fulcrum with r73s for the russians before they add the su-27 :(

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Do we have hard data for the F-16C vs 29SMT comparison?

Also, are you able to submit a bug report about the SMT RWR incorrectly working whilst the radar is in operation?

I wouldn’t use that video as a showcase for the MiG-29.

Not only were the F-16 pilots braindead and probably able to be beaten with an F-104, you should have been dead/damaged twice but the Aim-9s failed to proxy fuse. Once at 0:20 when the missile pretty much flew between your vert stabs and again at 1:59 when the missile was inside your aircraft.


SMT RWR can work with the radar active (at least I haven’t seen anything saying it cant) its the other 3 MiG-29’s, and the upcoming Su-27’s that can’t