Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


That is BEYOND hilarious. The pilot wasnt kidding when he said the RWR lit up like a xmas tree xD

Made a quick visual of what itd look like according to the manual:


Well it makes sense

The radar sighting complex RLPK-29 includes a pulse-Doppler radar consisting of a parabolic antenna with mechanical azimuth and elevation scanning, a transmitter, high-frequency and low-frequency receivers, a master generator and an antenna and synchronization control unit, a digital computer of the C100 series, an input-output device and information conversion units.

  1. Radar is a BRLS (On-Board Radar Station)…

It probably shouldn’t have been that hard to invert the pod’s output and feed it to the RWR so it destructively interferes.

It’s pretty comical.


Yes, the Su27 is the most famous and feared capability of the East and is today. However, the Flanker platform is not from Mikoyan, but Sukhoi.

Additionally, I never said Mikoyan is trash, you did. I only stated Mikoyan suffered from a design philosophical flaw that was rooted in Artem Mikoyan himself personally and carried on by successor Rostislav A. Belyakov.

Another example of design doctrinal flaw is that Mikoyan is the only OKB to take an aircraft design and continue working on it for years even though it was an absolute failure by definition.

An aircraft that never completed a single task it was designed to do and was a matter of greatest importance to the Soviet Union at the time. Its sole purpose was to destroy and deter the SR-71 and put an end to the daily, very public slap in the face by the Americans of flying into Soviet Airspace completely unbothered and doing so for years. At the time the Soviets were purely interested in developing interceptors because of this. Mikoyan’s answer was the Mig25.

Regardless of if Mikoyan later used this failed platform to give us the Mig31 it took decades and years for their designs to ever be considered a strategic threat of the United States and forever behind the West. A philosophical flaw and stubbornness that only effected this OKB and not Sukhoi.

Yes, these aircraft were amazing in their purest form (Except the Mig25), However the second Mig starts attempting to modernize them past their prime we get aircraft that is still behind the West and the SMT designation.

That is the issue at hand as it relates to the Mig29 SMT and the complaints we have and see in performance.

Regardless of history and its design. The SMT is still heavily limited in Alpha at subsonic speeds, and I believe it is time they should remove its instructor constraints so the aircraft can perform pre and post stall maneuvers in Air RB.

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Ik the su-27 is from the sukhoi, what i said is that until the creation of the su-27 MIG was the most feared and important fighter manufacture from the East, they “lost their position” after Sukhoi made the su-27. The “quantity over quality” statement Just doesn’t make Sense.

It does not make sense to you without acknowledging the predominant Soviet philosophical mindset of the USSR while holding on to a personal attachment to Mikoyan.

Quantity over quality was always the dominant motivating factor in all aspects of the Soviet Armed Forces that extended to the civilian sector. Only few OKBs have broken this doctrine and why we have products like the Su27 and Mig never produced a fighter that was truly feared after the Korean war to a strategic level other than having what seemed like infinite number of units made.

You cannot have quantity without suffering in quality. The numbers of fighters are a fact and present, as well as the confirmed combat record of each design. What else are you not understanding?


Expectations can still be met with the Mig29 platform. Even the SMT.

The R73 is prefect for now, but the main issue imo is that no mig29 in game is currently modelled to perform the nose authority needed at slower subsonic speeds to make the R73 and HMS as a combined weapon system as feared as it was.

We are inching closer, but still the Mig29 lacks the low-speed alpha and post stall maneuver capability as well as the energy to quickly recover from its extremely high thrust to weight it was known to do.

When we slow the jet down it should have insane nose authority, but does not in game and is like any other fighter because people want it to be limited for ease of use, but still expect it to rate like an F-16.

R-73 is still the best IRAAM in game xD

Its just not an insta-kill unless you are close than 1.5km

R-73 seem to spaz out high off bore. I haven’t really used them yet either so I shouldn’t diss

i prefer the 73 over the 9m


We bug reported the R60MKs from the Mig29G? wow… I loved having more types of missiles available and having 2x R60s and 2x73s and 2x R27s was my favorite loadout. Historical loadouts and more potential combinations the better. Mix it up when you get bored or challenge yourself.

R60MKs are light and the Mig29 handles noticeably better to me with R60MKs just placed at the outer pylons alone.

Eliminating weapon system that from the entire loadout because a stock has 30G all aspect and is not the R73? Only because its native country’s more modern variant does? That was lame as hell imo to bug report that.

That gives me an idea though that they should allow all the lesser missiles a fighter variant was known to operationally use at one time in the modifications to grind but does not have to be the stock and can be done as a sort of after you spade it reward to grind.

I do like to mix older stock missiles in the American aircraft for fun when it gets boring or too easy. I cannot do that and mix them in Soviet/Russian fighter…

But when I say the exact same thing instead of getting 10 likes I’m called a Russian tech tree lover and German tree hater lmao

Because you don’t have a moderator designation. You can say you hate all the orphans in the entire world and get 20 likes from the gate in the RR topic right now if you had one.

But he is right it is not historical. The long burn R27ERs were not a mig29G thing and not really ever really a general Mig29 missile either. Operationally did not make sense as it was suitable for the Su27 and it’s role and the 29 could not detect at the distances and precision like that of the Su27 armed with a powerful advanced radar (even by Western standards) to reliably guide it.

The Mig29 is Frontal Aviation asset reliant on high thrust and agility as point defense. Those missiles are massive and heavy for the small Mig29 and its BVR capabilities were not feasible for the ER. The regular R27 was the appropriate missile for its design and general task at hand. That is why GJ did not advertise it or offer it in the Mig29’s (9-13) initial release.

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I keep thinking your joking because your name is F-2A Viper and just trolling the SMT FM complainers which I am one.

Now, I am just unsure lol.

nope, the smt its rly overnerfed plane. and i hate the unbalanced things and the usamains. smt very potent plane when this come the live server i hope for the plane counter the overbuffed f16. but not, the smt get lot of nerf and the f16s still dominate the air. very boring game the f16 vs f16… no have any counter atm…


The high alpha of the 9-12 and 9-13 models of the MiG-29 are correct, we don’t have sufficient data on the SMT to be making declarations on its’ performance or we’d have done the reports already. Either way, I find the SMT is fine. The only issue I have is when I’m fighting the F-16 because it can handily beat the SMT in all areas of flight performance for some reason which… as we know, shouldn’t happen.