Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Ah ok. No point submitting a bug report then, you know GJN will never nerf all the mig29s like that.

Idk, im still debating submitting a bug report, because I think itd be a good balancing factor seeing as gaijin seems allergic to fixing NATO radar missiles in any way, granted ive kinda sworn off making bug reports because 9/10 times gaijin just ignores them if they dont like what the sources say

It’ll also be a good balancing factor for the Su-27, which will likely be the best aircraft in-game when added and for a while afterwards, because it’ll have better flight performance, better missile loads, and better missiles than western jets because of gaijins liberal interpretation of eastern and western tech, to the advantage of western tech and detriment of western tech, as usual.

Its not that it can or can’t. We just don’t know as info on mig 29 smt is classified. Perhaps it lights up as a christmas tree aswell, but in MFD form

Oh 100%. But it’s a Russian-origin vehicle so there is no chance they will hold the same standard of realism to it. Maybe if it were in a minor nation tree.

The evidence Gunjob posted seems pretty conclusive.


Which one?

Conclusive evidence is irrelevant, what matters is what gaijin devs think.

This has been proven time and time again, even in direct arguments on the forums with the devs, and is the primary reason I dont bother with bug reports anymore.

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Which was supported by this:


And this (from the Su-27 pilot manual allegedly, which you posted?):

Edit: I may have misunderstood the question


There is an avionics manual for the SMT floating around. I couldn’t find anything about the RWR and the radar not working well together in there.

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What’s the name of this tactics manual by the way?

  • Air Warfare Centre Tornado GR1 Tactics Manual
  • Central Tactics and Trials Organisation Tornado F3 Tactics Manual

Radar doesn’t interfere with the rwr. The jammer does. Which non are modeled

No, the Su-27 manual states that it is necessary to turn the radar off for 5-10 seconds at regular intervals in order to read the RWR display. The British training exercise report also clearly states that the radar was what made the RWR unusable for the Germans.

The jammer does interfere with the RWR, but so does the radar.


You first find similar documents for Western aircraft!..
The MiG-29 radar also interferes with the F-15 radar at medium and short distances…
Any radiation creates interference…
On Soviet aircraft, which, as you know, the main method of guidance is ground-based through the automated control system- The radar is switched on intermittently for a very short time during the search and capture of the selected target-as well as after assessing the air situation to Light the target for targeting Passive radar missiles before capturing the target of the TGSN (that is, a maximum of 20 seconds)…In all other variants, it works in passive mode (escort on the passage) or the RLPC channel for the OELS…In the mode of close air group combat-for example, 20 aircraft within a radius of 10 km…+ plus, as in the Middle East, there are about 7 air defense systems in the same radius…
You will definitely not be up to the RWR readings…


So because Russian RWR had a problem with it Western stuff did? Where is your evidence for that?

Source? You can report that when the F-15 is added.


In any case IT would be the F15 causing interference with the mig29’s radar. The F15 has more average and more peak power than the mig 29s. The f-15 also has superior processing, operates faster, has ECCM. Again this is another tall tale from Yefim Gordon’s tall tales. You know, there are things called Radar Channels for this very issue…The pilot, in combat or training, selects one, wingman selects another one, the other wingman selects another and so on.

Su27 and mig 29 aswell use channels for interference.

This has been the issue as you saw with the reply above from interfleet in the rwr/radar report. My report on 29s radar.


Yeah, the whole fallacy of “well if the russians had an issue with this, then the west MUSTVE had an issue with it as well!” is definitely prominent whenever trying to bug report something that would directly or indirectly impact the russian vehicles in a negative manner. This is also seen in the “well the russians weren’t able to make this work so the west obviously couldn’t either!” idea, and makes it obnoxious trying to bug report anything because the devs or sometimes mods will just throw it into your face as response and refuse the bug report on ground of their own inference instead of actual sources.

Kinda like when a dev looked at a source describing NCTR for the AIM-54C seeker:

and responded with this gem:


How do you think AMD got to where it is today? It’s a valid tactic that is also very efficient. I make the claim that the boom in jet engines (and fighters in general) that happened during the 50s was due to the brits selling the nene to the soviets

Very different to the topic of soviet electronics vs western electronics in the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Let me guess, the Russians took what the British made and perfected it? Rolls Royce is just the biggest jet engine manufacturer by coincidence.

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It wasn’t british jets dominating the battlefield. If anything they weren’t even 2nd