Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yea its a lost cause.

İ tried to keep it civil and tried to reason with him and he already accused me having biased opinion.

Made me laugh so hard tbh.


I never accused you of being a u.s. main. I merely said you’re delusional and I stand by that when you’re defending the current f16 fm.

he’s here to derail the thread lmao

My Service Record on FGR2 exceeds your entire UK top tier service record, so its safe to say that im more Uk main then you.

Because Uk is the only nation that didnt recieved any foreign or domestic jet until Eurofighter Typhoon and adding F-18 or Gripen to Uk tree before adding them to USA and Sweden will only cause havoc but you’re just completly ignoring this part.

That Gripen flies under Swedish Air Force designation with Swedish Air Force emblems, its just a rented unarmed plane.

İf you wanna complain about F-16AJ again then let me remind you, we can always replace with Mitsubishi F-2 or XF-2 which both of them will be better then F-16AJ actually.

You are toxic because of your behaviours against other people in here, not because of your opinion on current Russian tech tree. So yea try different apporoach.

İm much more civil then you, any sane person can clearly see that.

Nope. All your doing is accusing us having bias towards Russia while accusing @MiG_23M and @Giovanex05 spreading bullshits with those charts and manuals.


@SlowHandClap so are you going to write about aerodynamics?

Then Uk will keep waiting until Gaijin decides to add those jets to both nations which doesnt change the current situation.

İts actually quite strong argument.

İf Uk gonna recieve Gripen then it should be South African version, not some training version.

İ mentioned about F-2 because it was obvious that you were complaining about F-16AJ its because it is basically a paper plane.

İt actually is considering how toxic you are in this thread.

So if you dont have any valid arguments i ‘d say we should end this conversation now, cause you dont bring anything valiable to the table.

Oh yeah forgot about that, i’ll do the F-16 test again with full real. Thanks for reminding me :D.

Although the instructor shouldn’t magically give it extra performance (if anything it might reduce it), so in a report about overperforming it shouldn’t change much.

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Might be the case, but it won’t be accepted unless its FRC.



Uk should have to wait more then a year to get a competitive top tier jet no nation should

Then why did you start crying about Uk in this thread in the first place? Cause last time i checked Uk doesnt have any 12.3 plane.

İt is, its just a fact that your arrogance doesnt let you to accept that.

Never said i was against it but suit yourself.

Very cheap move but considering your behaviour it suits you.

İ already said im waiting for actual backups for that claim, yet you didnt provide anything.

Show me where they mentioned and i will accept my mistake, otherwise this claim is pointless.

Updated the bug report, thanks again :D

Yeah it’s kind ridiculous lol, when trying to do an accurate rate test with FRC the energy retention and pull are so insane right now that any slight adjustment would make me either go ballistic and accelerate a lot or just pull more than what the aircraft should do

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He Said Fm is bad, he didnt say SMT is the worst one.

Try harder.


Really excited to dedicate this patch to both Mig29s. The G and SMT.
However cool and helpful to the SMT the extra CM will be, I still think it is still severely underperforming in energy recovery, even in a dive with no input.

I do hope they do bless the jet with something at least besides CM

In sim, the F-16 is currently capable of beating a Mirage 2000 in a nose to nose engagement, and doing it easily, even if the M2K is flown perfectly. Same goes with J-7E. This is in addition to being the best energy fighter in the game, best armed A-A aircraft in the game for sim, and being the best strike aircraft while also having great sensors and fuel load and visibility. As for the downsides, none. Your better than everything else by a wide margin and in no noticeable way worse than anything else


Which is quite hilarious considering situation should be the opposite where Mirage2k does have edge on nose to nose engagements.


Reddit would explode if glorious viper is beaten in a dogfight.


But who cares about them Anyway.

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