Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

İts actually revelant considering how F-16 was underperforming in 1-2 section while bein one of the best jet and after the patch it became overperforming so much that nothing can hold itself against it.

Community Bug Reporting System , it is over performing a lot in rate (which is what the bug report is about) and also the fact that it pulls a lot more than it should (it pulls 23 degree AoA in mouse aim and goes well beyond the 13G it should do)

Turning performance reports are only accepted when using FRC. Please retest and use FRC.


As I’ve said earlier, it can quite handily exceed 25 degrees AoA in full real. Certainly, it can perform maneuvers not remotely possible in real life even in mouse aim. Not because it was limited in some way… but because they were simply impossible for the F-16 to do without departure.

Many planes in the game are capable of performing manoeuvres that aren’t possible in real life. This isn’t unique to the F-16, and is most likely a consequence of how GJN has modelled their physics engine. From the videos you’ve shown of the impossible f-16 manoeuvres, I don’t really see how they impact gameplay. I’ve not seen people in air rb abusing sim controls to make it pull 90 degrees AoA. By all means report it, but it isn’t going to stop the F-16C from being the strongest jet, which seems to be what most people want to see changed.

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My man you are literally defending the ufo that is the f16 fm currently and still complaining about how russian mains are delusional. You need help.

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Eh, not really.
Gaijin’s physics is among the best, so much so that other simulators updated their physics to be more accurate.

The +50% added to airframe G limitations is the biggest reason.
There could be issues with the control surfaces simulation, however rate is spot on for most if not nearly all aircraft.

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Well, it isn’t that. The additional 50% G pull above safety limit is something any of these aircraft could have done irl. The F-16 just performs maneuvers and flies in a manner that it never could have irl. It would depart and spin or crash. Instead, it handles like a cloud.

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I’ve not heard of this before, which games?

I’m not a US main, and I have both US and USSR top tier jets. I do very much enjoy seeing Russian players cry about US bias though, so I’ll give you that.

İs it exactly what you do when Russia recieves something better then rest of the nations?

Cause otherwise i dont see no reason why someone should sound like this.

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Ignoring the fact that the SMT is still much better than what most nations get, yes to be honest, I do. Russia never gets stuck with objectively bad vehicles though.

FM? No. Weapon sets? Yes.

İ dont think has anyone in here claimed that SMT is bad compare to other nations planes.

F16C-D and SMT are the only true 12.3 jets in here so obviously people are comparing to Overperforming F-16. So its only natural when people complains about SMT’s performance.

Not exactly true.

While its true that R27ER is much better then other SARH missiles and R27ET compeletly unique i dont think R73 is better then Aim-9M.

R73’s autopilot is mess and IRCM is actually worse then Aim-9M in most cases.

You’re talking to a UK main. The best FM we have is a Phantom or Tornado. Check your Russian-privilege.

Literally the guy above.

Because Uk decided not to adapt anything until Eurofighter Typhoon came, you can complain to UK goverment for that.

Didnt saw a single comment about how SMT is the worst plane at top tier.

Although you are free to correct me.

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Japan had no prospects for air rb, so GJN gifted them an F-16 because they considered buying one. The UK meanwhile has plenty of options they could add, including the possibility of commonwealth aircraft.

The notion that the UK tree should remain bad just because the UK government didn’t use a WT meta plane is very telling of what kind of biases you hold.

DCS had thicker atmospheric density which made supercruising impossible and caused higher fuel consumption until this year’s open beta update. Stable release still doesn’t have this fix.

This is the MiG-29 thread in case y’all forgot, SlowHandClap is actively derailing and y’all falling for the bait again.


İ never said F-16AJ was good and healthy addition, in fact i was quite against it but suit yourself up.

Would you like to show me where are those domestic alternatives that Gaijin could add? Oh wait you cant, in order to fill those gaps Gaijin can either add Canadian F-18 which will cause havoc because of Us Mains or South African Gripen which will cause another havoc because of Swedish mains. İts already confirmed that Uk will recieve a top tier jet with last patch of this year and it will probably be a South African Gripen.

Also this so called bein biased to Russia logic is nothing but a toxic behaviour, try different method.