Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

i hope they add one good version of the mig29 with r73s/r77s and with a good airframe for the ussr, smt is just sad :(, maybe mig29m?

The S variant would be good tbh, SMT was too much on electronics for how “boat like” the plane feels

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I guess another MiG-29 12.7 BR. before MiG-29SMT (9-19) gaijin might consider add MiG-29S (9-13S), MiG-29SM (9-12SM), MiG-29SMT (9-17) and MiG-29M (9-61S)


Been using the mig29 9-13 lots to grind the SMT. Honestly don’t know what all the whining in this thread is about. The jet still is amazing and performs very well. Looking forward to clubbing with the SMT.

I dont think anybody was calling it bad though the F-16’s flight model just does everything significantly better which is the problem, personally I view it less as the MiG-29 being underpowered and more the F-16 should have its flight model toned down.

Also the SMT flight model is far worse than the regular MiG-29s since it weighs 600/700kg more, like to a point you can manhandle them in MLDs if you watch out for the occasional R-73 HOBS shot


As you saw, they are toning down the stability. It’s no longer going to be doing 90+ degree excursions without entering unrecoverable spins… as it should. And yeah… mostly effects simulator / full real. Mouse aim is still gonna pull crazy G’s and sustain them which is fine… not totally unrealistic. Just need to tone it down so that it doesn’t exceed 25 degrees AoA in mouse aim and reduce the sustained turn rate where it’s overperforming and we’d be good to go.


Instructor can be used as a balancing tool, technically the FM is correct with instructor however as a way to prevent the flight model from being too cracked against other top tiers like the F-14s, Mirage 2000s, MiG-29s, etc they could just go back to the old instructor were it had pretty poor pull at high speeds but still had its insanely good turnrate at lower speeds (block 10 back then was already the best FM in air rb) that way we can go back to the “F-16 is super cracked but you have initial/high speed pull advantage so you can have a decent shot”

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It’s not correct, even with instructor.

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Unfortunately that’s reality.

My understanding is the F-16 is incorrect in how much AoA it pulls but as far as I know with instructor mouse aim it never pulls more than 22/23 degrees AoA

When coupling yaw + pitch + roll in mouse aim it’s possible (especially with <20 min fuel) to exceed 38-40 degrees AoA with sufficient lateral acceleration that it should have departure qualities, instead remains in full control. No departure symptoms or qualities of any kind are exhibited.

Mouse aim should prevent departure qualities normally… but this is not a standard held evenly across all aircraft in the game. Kfir and J35 for example are permitted to maneuver in such a way as to stall themselves. Same as the F-14… the F-16 was meant to have carefree handling right up to the limit rather than having ease of recovery when it exceeded these limits. That should reflect in-game with an absolute maximum 25 degrees AoA, less and with reduced roll rate when coupling pitch / yaw / roll etc.

Not because it’s “limited” to that irl… but because it could fly irl right up to the limit, and that WAS the limit.

We should move this to the F-16 thread.


The primary sources? The German airforce one as well? The ones that leave little to interpretation? Yeah I thought this was obvious lol

I don’t really agree that the MiG-23MLD FM is better, but the SMT certainly is a hog.

Primary sources for Russian jets*

I’m sure there are primary sources from Russia which says the Vikhr performs how it does in WT. Yet in Ukraine we’ve seen it struggles to hit stationary tanks…

ehhhh from my playing with a friend who I’d say is atleast a decent player I was able to consistently defeat him in the MLD, maybe the SMT is better in sim where its AoA can come more into play, but with mouse aim the superior retention and turnrate of the MLD at most speeds beat out the marginally better AoA of the SMT

I’m not trying to be offensive, but the SMT pilot was pretty bad then… it’s pretty easy to bleed the MLD of energy in the MiG-29SMT and then just dance around him with a smaller radius and better rate.

Also a reminder that the MiG-29 FM isn’t just made up propaganda in the Russian manuals, even the German AirForce manual backs up the data. There is nothing to suggest ANY of the Russian manuals are false or propaganda. None.

Anyone losing to a MLD in an SMT has massive skill issue, but if he’s a russia main I accept it’s plausible.

I’m also unsure why Russia mains seem to think they need to dogfight everything. Do you also think the zero is OP at prop tier?

What year were these German manuals from?


The primary repertoire of the MiG-29 is it’s maneuverability, it has off-boresight missiles. The main method from which it scores kills in the game currently (The SMT) is through WVR combat… why would people be discussing the purpose of a fighter jet? Weird topic I guess.

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So you’re basically saying you can engage with F-16’s and come out as a winner without too much issue while using SMT?

Not to mention you’re also claiming those charts are nothing but a propaganda while even German manuals supports them as well?

Very interesting tbh.


Against the average player, yeah no problems. Even with a bunch of fuel.

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