Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Literally takes 2 seconds more to do a 360 degree sustained turn with 20min fuel, but whatever lol.

Does the MiG-23MLD shit away it’s energy when manoeuvring at subsonic speeds? Didn’t think so.

Then you must warn both MiG (or at least Ukraine and other NATO countries that fly the MiG-29) and General Dynamics that they have wrong charts for their aircraft lol.

The way you came here immediately stating we are Russian mains moaning is anything but just giving feedback… although you mostly stated on topic, so I have to concede that to you.

MiG-29 used correctly and with decent maintenance in Ukrainian service are also doing quite well (unlike what it did in Serbia)… are we also forgetting that?

I think you still haven’t understood what we are talking about. Never said the MiG-29SMT is not a good plane (any plane with that radar and missiles will be good lol) and that dogfight is everything. I was even asking for R-73 not to be added in the first place back before Sons of Attila dropped. I just want planes to have a somewhat decent flight model that somewhat resembles what they were in real life, which is what war thunder air rb was always about.

Out of all the early 4th gen fighter the MiG-29 should be the second best rate fighter (close to the F-16) and the third best AoA fighter (behind F-18 and Su-27). It currently is not

Against average player you can basically use lower br plane and will still come out of top in the end.

Against any sort of competetive player where vehicles actually performs properly, you simply have no chance.

İn competetive hands even Barak-II shits on any Mig29 right now


Yes, I agree completely.

İts sad to see that Gaijin does this kind of treatment.

First they limited F-16’s too much while constantly buffing Mig29’s and now its the opposite situation.

İ wish we could get equal planes with equal treatments for every country so no one could suffer.

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Well, the MiG-29 wasn’t really overperforming iirc… the F-16 wasn’t necessarily underperforming either. It was underperforming at high speed, and overperforming at low speed. Now the F-16 is just overperforming overall.

The MiG-29 has slowly come up to what it should be… and the model that got R-73s was made into a school bus with wings. The new MiG-29G sounds interesting…

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Flaps were quite busted with old flight model, it could rate close to what it did at optimal 700kph with them

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Not to mention R27ER shouldnt be added in the first place.

But damage has already been done.

They were originally busted in the sense that they prevented any AoA and worsened handling for some reason. Made it hard to land.

Once they were “fixed” I remember them being kinda funny at low speeds… allowed it to compete with the overperforming F-16 for a bit.

That was also an unnecessary panic induced addition made before the radar was fixed and before the R-27R got his drag coefficient fixed.

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No one whined and asked for it either, we just wanted R-73 (some of us) and others opposed R-73 initially.

İ was one of the person who wanted first model of R-73 instead of panic R27ER addition.

But with classic move, Gaijin always did what they did best, causing more havoc then actual solution.


imho they were quite op, they were giving the MiG-29 the ability to keep up in a rate fight with the F-16 (that at slow speed was as good as it is now), despite it going like 380kph and with a very tight turn circle…

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I trust the vision, we’ll get there. I’m sure they would have fixed the F-16 FM and not let it reign supreme for so long had they not added the R-27ER though.

According to real pilots, the F-16 should lose the low speed fight all day long with the MiG-29 lol


Wish i could do the same.

But with constant mistakes Gaijin lost its credibility in many people’s eyes.

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The F-16 was a superior dogfighter in real life. I’m not delusional thinking the mig29 should be better at turn fighting just because Russia and/or newly reunified Germany claim so.

Rate-fighting isn’t the only way to win a fighter engagement fyi.

Got proof of its year and declassification? It’s less than 30 years so shouldn’t be allowed.

Again demonstrating your lack of understanding - sustained rate turns do not tell the full story. In fact they barely tell any of the story when it comes to supersonic jets which can pull high AoA.

Even your buddy is saying you’re wrong about the MLD vs SMT.

The truth is the truth, regardless of how much it hurts to hear it.

Is it? That’s why the Ukrainian airforce has been grounded for most of the war, and that they are still desperately pushing for F-16s?

Which non-F-16 jets in game can rate better than the 9-13?
The SMT is a fatter multirole model with extended range. It has a worse FM for a reason. To compensate it gets better radar, RWR, and missiles.

to be fair to them the real baseline fault is just pushing this planes too soon. Once they added them they actually did a decent job (unlike with MLD and F-14A that both were absolutely unfair when they were introduced) at keeping the whole thing somewhat balanced until last patch. And even now the biggest reason top tier is not fun right now is IRCCM missiles with 16v16, not the various aircraft flight models by themselves.
In other terms, the imbalance caused by the difference in performance between the various planes is amplified by the current way air rb works


The 1 circle (which the MiG-29 is better at) is also a good way. Since the F-16 sucks at AoA irl it was quite vulnerable to the Archer.

Yes, the Bundeswehr published it on google. The document was made in 1994, the latest changes were in 2001. We’ve forwarded the proof to the staff over a year ago now and the document has been in circulation on the forums for the same amount of time or longer.

You say this a lot for someone who never elaborates further or wants to add conditionals to force your point instead of addressing the original argument.

It’s just an opinion, it’s not that big of a deal. You’re only here to beg for a response from me in the first place since I was ignoring you in the Eurofighter thread. It’s time to stop.

This is just inflammatory, there’s no need for it.


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İn which scenario exactly?

Cause in high speed or low speed dogfights F-16 struggles against many planes including Mig29, not mention F-16 shines best when it can hold its speeds around 420knots so it can basically eats anything alive in a rate fight.

Claiming F-16 is superior dogfighter in generally is wrong.


MiG23ML/MLA/MLD, F-14B, F-14A when fuel is above 20min for sure, need to test others.
And the difference between MiG-29 and F-16 is too big

they are pursuing block 72s, not 1980s F-16A.

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