I don’t there are any mig 29’s with canards
MiG 35 was apparently proposed to have canards.
Ngl canarded MiG-29 looks cursed
Russian bias
Gaijin added the SU-27. therefor all MiG-29 variants seem to be irrelevant cause everyone just wants a new flanker version instead.
Will happen next update soon, the perfect F18 counter would be the MiG-29K but no - we`ll get a Su-30
They fucked up by adding the eurofighter and the rafale too soon, now there’s an urge for modern stuff to compete with them.
Both mig29 and f18 got screwed because now they are kinda irrelevant meta-wise, idc about meta but It seems a lot of ppl in the community do sooo they need to rush powerful shit and leave a lot of gaps.
Interesting that this image presents it with only one seat, every mig35 picture i’ve seen shows it with the ugly two seat making it look like a strange duck
i think most mig35’s are dual seaters but some are single with the extra space used for extra avionics or whatever
600l fuel tank
What is this beautiful dumpster fire you’ve given us?
I know that this is a rather old post and I have the bad feeling that they already rejected it, but I would suggest using trim settings so you can sustain an optimal turn on a (almost) mechanical level
So no 29… always the flanker man…
Expected sadly, maybe they’ll do like the MiG-29G where they didn’t show anything, but at this point I’m just starting to cope lol, and starting to give up.
It’s over for now fulcrumbros, one day he’ll return strongah than evah
With a Su-30SM leaked to the internet, there’s something interesting from that video. There’s a cobra button, and if you look at MatAWG’s video, there’s a Russian that commenting, the description of the button is “AoA Limiter” which does that mean MiG-29 will be saved? I know this is a very hopium, but one of greatest drawback of current MiG-29 FM is the AoA right?
My guess this update also focus on QoL for Aircraft that have strange FM like MiG-29, maybeeeeeeee this update will also giving MiG-29 another life with its Cobra Button.
You could already achieve good aoa using full real controls
At this moment we need MiG-35…
Next plane has to be the mig29m or k. I doubt they’ll add Su-35 or sm2 soon
Yeah but it is not practical to use Full Rear Control unless you’re playing sim, because Air RB have different reflexes which are totally impossible to do in a full rear control unless you have sufficient controller to sustain that.