I honestly dont think we need to touch the 29G too much
I like the ER on that airframe, even if its unhistoric. Whats kinda annoying is that the 29A has them too.
Imo they should give the ER to the 29G (and a possible 29S) while removing them from the 29A.
then they could give the R73 to the 29A and there would still be a reason to grind the 29G - it got the ERs
If you make them have the same kid it would kinda make it sad yk :/
Nah i wasn’t talking ab the G, imo the G should stay as how it is rn, it’s on the perfect spot. I was talking about the ddr 9.12 specifically, removing ER and giving it r73s would be the best for balance, or just remove the ER and drop it to 12.3…
I agree.
The GDR MiG-29 (9.12A) is kinda sad.
Its flight performance is mid af, if not even too bad for its BR and the only reason it is so high in the first place is because of the R27ER (which get outclassed by the fakour which is a BR below in sim BRs)
also it has probably the worst IR missiles at the BR.
Imo it’s a very good fighter IF you’re at 12.7 br or a downtier, however in uptiers it’ll get absolute demolished.
Unfortunately it’ll take a while for them to adjust top tier BRs, after they started adding 4th gen it took them like 2 years to adjust the BR for 3rd gen and there are still some of these planes facing stuff that they shouldn’t… Hopefully when su-30sm gets added we’ll get some decompression.
Off-topic, but I still want to talk about MiG-29. After I while I have unlocked JF-17 Sqd Vehicle, tbh in its Live Battle, it felt like the old MiG-29 FM that can literally turn anything other than any Delta Canards Fighter, especially it share the same engine as the MiG-29.
Does anyone feel the same when first time playing JF-17? Although the BR wasn’t quite fun due to constant uptier to 14.0, I’m having fun on its FM that gives me nostalgia to old MiG-29 FM.
Fun aircraft, but NOT VERY FUN for its BR, it is impossible to get a downtier to 12.3, and most of your downtier goes to 13.0 thanks to F-14A IRIAF.
If we’re going back to MiG-29, the only drawback of JF-17 is the single engine makes the aircraft obviously pull less thrust. If this JF-17 or should I say, old FM of MiG-29 FM be applied back to the MiG-29, it would be a menace for 13.7 (although the CM would be its greatest drawback). This is how I remember MiG-29, the aircraft that can turn anything just like F-16A, not a flying brick.
JF-17 is very light (only 6400kg empty) and wileywalrus shows that in terms of dogfighting capability, it wins against the F-16 Block 15 but loses against the Block 10.
The main drawback is the lack of thrust, newer variants of the JF-17 do get a more powerful engine though.
It sort of has the energy retention of an F-16 at high speed while at low speed the JF-17 kinda has that F-18-style AOA capability, not surprising because the LERX is similar in design. In DCS the JF-17 kinda feels that way as well, JF-17 in DCS actually can outrate the F-16C which is true in WT as well. So I don’t think the FM is too inaccurate especially as WT fighters generally outperform in terms of their AOA and G-limits anyway.