Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yes… which you had to master and actively switch to mid combat/maneuver if you using anything but those control (aka for absolute most people who fly in ARB)

The “AOA limiter “OFF”” button is a nice middle ground to maintain mouse controls and open the true potential for jets like Flankers and Fulcrums

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I feel like it’s probably all about TVC not really AoA despite it being written than way, otherwise F16/F15 will just get better than what they are xD

What i expect from the mig29 in the future is an overhaul for the SMT weaponry, unfortunately the only mig that’s going to be at the same level or better than the su-30sm would be the 35…

however, we can also expect that gaijin will start filling the gaps like the are doing now with the f18, i am sure we’ll get the mig29m, mig29S, K and so on, unfortunately it’ll never be the star anymore because they decided to rush content.


They don’t have to be the star

I mostly agree however there’s a part of me that wished for that at least for a few months lol, but they wasted the opportunity by adding the su27sm instead of the mig29m to counter the f15C.

Also I’m expecting a bit of decompression for top tier so i can fly the mig29g without worrying about rafales

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A weaker MiG29M is not exactly a counter to the F-15C.

Maybe to the F-16C.

The M is better than the su27sm, It carries 8 r77s and It gets a better radar, plus fbw and much better engines


Unfortunatly the MiG-29 doesnt have a Cobra Button.

The MiG-29 essentially doesnt even really have a FCS irl, so no AOA/G limiter.
The stick is just a lot harder to pull.

That would be a massive advantage in sim controls if gaijin forced aircrafts to use dampening- cause well, the mig wouldnt use dampening but Manual control.


It actually does have a true and proper FCS, of which you can disable certain dampeners iirc. It is not a fly-by-wire system but it has parity with the F-14 and F-15’s.

No, it has dampening automatically enabled at all times, you cannot simply disable this feature entirely. Any plane with hydraulic controls requires some form of dampening.


I see the dampening in warthunder more as an actual FBW FCS system, since a normal hydraulic control dampener wouldnt correct for movement as the Dampening in warthunder does.

You can fully disable to “FCS” by either Pulling with a certain force after you had the max pull on your stick irl.
Or you can disengage it on the aircrafts startup procedure - which tbf wouldnt be done irl due to safety reasons

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they should fix fulcrums FM first . . .


Is it actually that bad? I recently just got the (9-12???) and I love it! I can dogfight anything I want to. Or am I just playing against bad players?

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yeah…the average player in air rb is… something special

like… nothing else, its just the most underperforming 4th gen in the game ;-;


I’ve noticed that, but I’ve only ever had any issues with it under 400kph and over 900 kph, in between there I’ve been able to outdogfight everything (That said I don’t just rate fight like most people do I’ve noticed). My only issue with it has been flaring certain things at low speeds.

Really? I thought that would have been the Tornado. When do you think it’ll be fixed?

People keep saying this but charts and polars say otherwise

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the thing is, as far as i know, the f16A and f15A are still overperforming, at the same speeds the 29 cant do nothing against them, gripens are also better and sukhois are better too, imo

I’m gonna be completely honest here, I’m a horrible player. I can’t use the F-16AJ for the life of me, nor the JAS-39C, I have NO idea how to use either, but the F-4M, F-4J F.3, and the MiG-29 are all really easy for me, stock I have over a 2KD on my MiG-29 and compared to others thats amazing.

if the 29 is working for you then thats enough lol, fm doesnt matter so much for air rb, only for duels/dogfights, what matters is speed and how good your missiles are, the r27er is pretty good and the 29 is fast asf too, r60m are mid/bad so lets forget about them lol, usually ppl also dont slow down in air rb, it’s easy to make them overshoot you because of this

Yeah I’m certainly not complaining… BUT I wouldn’t complain if it got better ;) thanks for the information chaps

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