Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I know its 50MM irl which should be Large Caliber in game.

Either its a statcard bug or flares did get nerfed.

Report it

I need make sure if its just a statcard bug or real one, otherwise report will not be accepted.

Since i cant access to the game files someone needs to confirm it for me.

Not a bug. They updated the HUD for SIM players, which now works fully for using the radar.

So the screen is now its historical HUD repeater.

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50mm flares are standard, not large

You sure about that? As far i as know 26mm’s are standart ones.

<50 is standard, only “small” are BOL pods.

Then there is nothing wrong about current SMT’s flare size.

Should’ve been standart from the start in that case.

So it was fixed, cool

Think the main takeaway from this is there should be more than just “small”, “standard” and “large” countermeasures.

Idc, system works well enough. There are bigger issues with the detection range of IR missiles and heat signatures in general.

As per


It’s apparently some weird area and quantity computation; instead of based off chemical composition.

The M206 as used by the ALE-40 / 45 / 47 (via MJU-11 Magazine w/ 30 CM per dispenser) is an 1" * 1" cartridge [2.54 * 2.54cm]

The MJU-7 as used by the ALE-40 / -45 / -47 (Via MJU-12 Magazine w/ 15 CM per dispenser) is an 2" * 1" cartridge [5.08 * 2.54 cm ].

The Alternate MJU-10 (via the MJU-17 Magazine w/ 6 CM per dispenser) is a 2" * 2" (5.08^2) and can be loaded into the ALE-45 or -47.

The latter of which should qualify for the Large caliber due to having 2580mm^2 of surface area, though it would be a massive tradeoff due to the lost quantity.

weights, sizes and compatibility can be found on the proceeding pages, though it only lists USAF airframes.


i’m blocked from accessing this website for some reason :(

Hey @skilz2kil !
Any news on the MiG-29 FM report ?

Does RD-33 series 2 engine have any thrust vectoring or similar system?
An airforce pilot once said to me that series 2 has thrust vectoring. (he was a new pilot btw)

try using vpn

I hope we get the MiG-35 or the MiG-29M-2 at some point
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29M-2 (MiG-35) - Russia - Air Force | Aviation ...

“The Stealth Hunter”



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This engine was used in the OVT?

As you can see