Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

No, its forse than that, more like 9-13s standard

9-41 is a modern aircraft from 2007

Remind me how many Su-57 has been produced and why Su-57 still has exposed engines that effects its ir and radar signature?

As Russia struggles to finance mass production of the Su-57, it’s no fairy tale.

Yes that’s correct.

Yeah, I agree.

I know I sound like a broken record & won’t keep beating a dead horse, I will be quick in my point.

I honestly think they had a great road map for the Mig29 until they slapped each with the R27ER.
(Because they could not give us the R-73 at the time)

I think Gaijin intended to give us the first Mig-29 (9-13) with R-73s & R-27R/Ts first.
(Which is how it appeared on devserver.)

Then later they would give us 9-13S with ERs, R73s & R-77s.
But since the R-73s was too powerful on the dev server & the R60s/R-24Rs loadouts were just not cutting it on the live server…

They decided to make the 9-13 a hybrid 9-13S & gave it the ERs.
Then since NATO Mig-29s came into the game… GJ was forced to give them ERs too…
(A disrespect to the Soviet Union & Federation. But I do understand)

They decided to skip the 9-13S because nothing is special about it anymore over the older 9-12 & 9-13 so they jumped into the 9-19 SMT with a new radar as the first R73 carrier…

GJ cannot even add a Soviet 9-12 unless they take the ERs. Because it will just be another 9-13 hybrid… Thats why we still have not received it… They will have to reevaluate this game efficiency R-27ER situation because the 9-13 & 9-12s in the game now will get dunked on when ARH come in whether they have the ER or not.

They will need to drop BR, but cannot because the ER. They are hard locked at 12.0 even though R-73s & Aim9Ms are found at lower BRs.
If they give them R73s without taking the ER they will stay at 12.0 or go up. Still getting dunked on. The need the ER removed given their R73s imo. They do not even have enough flares to make it.
Its already harder flying the Mig29G right now since you get so little CM. I can only imagine when update comes…

This is classified information

The F-35 has it open too

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Sure, if thats what you wanna believe.

Did you just compared Su-57’s engine to F-35’s? Damn…

The Russian 9-19R were built only to financially support the plant and eliminate the remainder of the factory stock of airframes and parts…they are located in 116 CBP and participate in various experimental programs for example:

Theoretically, it can have such suspension options…

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Phhhh.You need to be treated

The Su57 may not be nearly as stealthy, but it has much faster & longer-range missiles.
The F-35 must come into detection range to get off its aim-120s effectively. So, it can balance & offset evenly.

In a dogfight the F-35 stands no chance against the Su57. Like zero.

the F-16 can beat it. F-35 pilots have said this. Its not what the F-35s is meant for.
They do not nickname the F-35 Fat Amy for nothing…

Китайский пилот-испытатель ответил, почему считает двигатель WS-15 для истребителя J-20, китайской разработкой, а не российской | 56-я Параллель | Дзен (dzen.ru)

Couldnt care less about what you think tbh.

Comprasion isnt about general capabilities its about stealth capabilities.

Yeah & for optimal Aim-120 launches the F-35 must get into detection range of the Su-57. The F-35 does not ever want to get close the Felon. But must to defeat it.

The engines signature only matters if both aircraft are close enough. It does not matter in a BVR engagement.

The Su57 has the better IRST anyway. Russia is the leader in IRST development & has invested in research & development since the 70s actively using it in the Mig29 & Su27.

Besides supermaneuvrability… IRST is something else the Americans have taken note & followed the Russians on.

Also, opto-electronic pointing stations (OEPS) with high off-boresight missiles. The Americans were second to field it after they thought it was not needed. Now it’s important all of a sudden.

Just because you can detect something doesnt mean you can effectively engage with.

F-35 wil destroy Su-57 in BVR scenario due to superior radar,Stealth and situational awareness.

Well none of those thing matters when you cant engage with something you cant see or track isnt it? Thats what F-35 is for.

If you think that is not enough then let me remind you that F-22 is waiting at the corner to engage with Su-57 but dont think that is necessary.


How so? It has faster missiles at a longer range. It will come down to who can launch first & whos missile will get there first. I do not think the Aim-120 will cut it.

That’s why the Americans are working very hard to replace it as we speak with the AIM-260 JATM…

There is a weak spot in the American Air to air playbook that is why they are going hard to replace it.

The truth is stealth is not what it used to be. Detection range has increased as Russian & Chinese invested in radars & long-range missiles instead of relying on stealth (they couldn’t).

The Americans got complacent & did not invest in anything else for quite some time. Now they are rushing to pump out all kind of weapon systems they once thought was unnecessary.

What good is a longer range missiles if you can’t detect or track enemy unit?

Su-57 cannot detect or engage with F-35 due F35’s superior stealth and situational awareness capabilities.

Most likely F-35 will either destroy the Su-57 before Felon realize whats going on or will just leave the area.

Stealth is still pretty revelant, otherwise China and Russia wouldnt invest huge amount of time and money for their new jets.

Problem is tho they are not as succesful as Usa when it comes to producing stealth fighters.



MiG-29s with Fly by wire (MiG-29 M, M2, K etc.) are at least as manoeuvrable as flankers even without thrust vectoring