Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I guess MiG-29SMT 9-18 from Yemen it might premium pre-order pack in rank 9

But wait aircraft premium pack at rank 9 in 3 or 4 years

If its a model with 4 pylons then yes it would, they all share that same capacity

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I only ever saw the variants with 8 pylons carry 4x R-27, so that would be MiG-29M and K variants. They have structural improvements too

It’s just that every plane has its advantages, there is no one best. Never and nowhere.
Spin tests of the F-15, there they achieved the stated AoA, by the way, above 24 AoA the Su 27 can be somewhat problematic, so it is more accurate to talk about 24 AoA for the Su 27,but it depends on each one’s choice.

Actually this is accomplishments. The 120+ can be from the F-15 STOL/MTD

The F-15 is not capable of 120+ degree alpha.

It needs thrust vectoring & canards.

No one said the Flanker is the best. I said it’s the most aerodynamically perfected.

It can go Mach 2+, supermaneuverable without thrust vectoring. No fighter is capable of what the Flanker can do unless it has thrust vectoring.

No, don’t look for something that’s not there, the report’s from 1976.

Well then you need to put in a bug report because the F-15 is not pulling any where near 120+ degrees angles of attack at any speed in full real. I have all F-15s :)

If its not referring to all accomplishments of every variant, where do you place the F-15 STOL/MTD’s AoA?
At 180+ degrees with its canards & thrust vectoring?


Remember, the F-15 doesn’t have a movable leading edge wing or slots.
And yet it can tail slide, stable AoA near 40, Mach 2.5, isn’t that fantastic?

It’s not controlled. The F-15 is not capable of doing a Pugachev’s Cobra, J-turn, Kvochur’s Bell.

It will enter a deep stall. The Su27 will not.

The Mig-29 can only cobra & hit 90 degrees. It’s not capable of controlled side slipping.

Sorry no. Great jet. Not supermaneuverable.

Sorry, no :(

Amazing jet though.

This is not accurate, a normal pilot will not give any of these maneuvers. The average pilot stayed below 24 AoA, and the better ones got above. Look for nothing more than that.

The cobra may not, the other maneuvers are highly effective in dogfights. So effective the Americans had a change of heart & equipped their 5th generation air superiority fighters with thrust vectoring.

The F-15 doesn’t have deep stall, the Su 27 might have that, given its some similarity to the F-16.

Every aircraft on earth can deep stall.

These manoeuvres are not practiced, Su 27 pilots remain practically below 24 AoA.

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What makes you think that? It is a tactic that Flankers us to quickly change direction under radar missile threat.

Supermaneuvrability is not just for dogfighting. It’s for advanced radar defeating technique as well, such as notching.

Again, the Americans understand this. Why they equip their 5th generation air superiority fighters with it.
6th generation with have thrust vectoring too.

Yea its so effective that USA decided not to use Canards+Thrust Vectoring combo on F-15 despite it was better then anything before, or better yet they decided to use 2D thrust vectoring on F-22 only.

Those maneuvers are nothing but Airshow moves.


On paper yes, in reality it doesn’t train on the Su 27 ( I think for multiple reasons), maybe on the Su 35 or 57.

Because it makes the F-15 heavier, ruins visibility & they already have the F-22.

I just told you it is also used for radar defeating techniques. But you chose to ignore that.

You both chose to ignore that the F-22 is supermaneuverable for a reason. Because there are major tactical advantages in it besides dogfighting. Thrust vectoring is very expensive to maintain. The Americans did not just add it for “air show tricks”.

Not even close.

The whole reason why USA decided not adopt Super agility was because F-15’s and F-16’s was already quite Agile.

Even Germans decided not to adopt Thrust Vectoring on Typhoon because it was not needed by any means.