Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

My apologies. You are 100% correct on that.

But I am a Mig-29 fan. Removing the ER from inappropriate models will only help them. They are going to get murdered by Aim-120s & R77s anyway. They can never drop BR with the ER.

Just a thought.

Then what is holding you back from preparing a report on this issue?

As i said on my previous reply make an actual report for this inaccuracy so we can access R-73’s on our regular Mig-29’s in exchange for loosing R-27ER’s.

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Bro, its not a question of technical or historical accuracy though. GJ already knows this. That is why the ER was not given to Mig29 at release.

It’s a matter of game efficiency came into question, they pulled the missile that is for the 9-13S, 9-19 & Su-27 & gave it to all Mig-29s ever. They alone will have to be the ones to make a decision.

I was already told this & all we can do is discuss & generate ideas. Such as the fact that no Mig-29 will ever be able to drop BRs with the R-27ER. The German 9-12A has R-60Ms and still can’t drop BRs when Aim9Ms & R73s are found at lower BRs!

Then we’re arguing for nothing because of Gaijin’s decisions.

Tbh i would like to access R-73’s on 9.12 because it was designed to be frontline fighter that can engage with enemy jets in close dogfight with combination of HMD+R73 but instead we got BVR slinger.

No. GJ responds to community feedback.

Generating productive discussions and diversity of thought is good. People get so offended when a thought enters the forum that is not following the status quo.

Also another point the Mig-29 9-12A & 9-13 do not even have enough countermeasures either.

If you play the 9-12G you know this ALL too well. Hell I only take flares these days in the G and stay really low.

taking archers and replacing them with ER was the biggest travesty - stupid af


7/10 times they dont.

Same can be said for F-16’s, aside from Barak-II,MLU and Block-50 all other models does have 60 CM which forces your hands to stay at low alt and equip flares only.

You can thank community and Gaijin for that, they Lost their minds when they saw the R-73’s for the first time because Gaijin decided to make them impossible to flare, after the feedback they decided to removed Archers and added R-27ER instead of balancing them properly.

One of the worst decision Gaijin has ever made if you ask me.

Even if they did drop in BR to 12.3, they will still get constantly up tiered to 13.0 or whatever. The MiG-29s ace was always the HMD+R-73 combo anyway. At least with the ER it has another tool in its arsenal.

You have to remember that on release MiG-29 had significantly better flight performance then it does now. I think if the MiG-29 was to release with its current flight model the R-73s would have been fine.


the F-16s is not my concern. let F-16 fans worry about F-16 problems
F-16C has 120…

Times have changed though its time to let them know. Its time to get the archers back. GJ will have to lower the BR eventually.

Additionally, they will have to add a Soviet 9-12 at some point. They will not add it @ 12.0 with the others I hope not lol. So that gives me hope.

Well they adjusted Mig-29’s fm quite fast after the release so R-73’s would’ve been fine in my book.

Balance is my concern and as i said only 3 models does have more then 60 CM.

They will do what they want to but there is no harm for trying , you’re more then welcome.

I dont think they will considering there are countless models for every high tier jets.

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Its still a path much better than sitting up at the top fighting Aim-120s 100% of the time.

Its definitely an interesting point for the Mig29G huh? Low flares count, no active missiles & has ERs & 73s so its not dropping unless it loses one of them.

I say the ER needs to go & the G will drop to 12.3.
The 9-12A can drop to 11.7 They both may be able to drop even lower.

Because the Mig21-93, US, British & Italian harriers, F4 ICE, J8F will have active missiles & are going to be 11.7 - 12.3.

Balance is going to be your concern next update if things remain the same for the German Mig-29s.

For me it will be about ICE, not for Mig-29.

Upcoming uptade will be shtshow if they dont increase the current Br’s.

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lol! what happened to “my concern is balance, justice & liberty for all”?!

Bro! Now you just abandoned Mig gang?! dang… quick to jump out the car once the F4F ICE comes huh?!

You really going full German Unification on us…

I would rather keep the G with the ER and give the regular 9-12 R-73, moving it to 12.3.

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But why would the 9-12A go up .3 only? They are almost identical. The 9-12A will most assuredly go to 12.7.

Both will suffer together.

This will also affect the Hungarian 9-12A and all three can suffer together.
You know what the only option is…

Remove the ER…

Sorry, I mean remove the ER from the 9.12, give it R-73 and move it to 12.3. And keep the G at 12.7.

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Yeah that’s an option I can see.

I honestly do not think the R73 with a removed ER will put the 9-12A up, it would either stay 12.0 or go down 11.7 imo

i think it would be fine at 12.0, 11.7 would be pretty egregious in a down tier and 12.0 is already rough with compression the way it is.

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