Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yeah, they did get engine upgrades on the 29G, but as far as im aware they are purely for increased lifespan of the engine as opposed to thrust output increase. Along with avionics upgrade/changes to NATO spec as well.

I already know all of this, but it’s also having false statements as well.

Wrong, The Mig29 is exclusively a Frontal Aviation asset. Mig-23 9-13S & 9-19 (SMT) have been shown to use R27ERs.
There is not a single Mig29 in the Soviet Air Defence Forces. You both are DEAD WRONG.

The PVO inventory of 1991
(500) Sukhoi Su-15
(890) Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23
(480) Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25
(230) Sukhoi Su-27
(270) Mikoyan MiG-31

Previous fighter aircraft operated by the PVO
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3
Lavochkin La-9 Fritz
Lavochkin La-11 Fang
Lavochkin La-15 Fantail
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 Fresco
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 Farmer
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Fishbed
Sukhoi Su-9 Fishpot-C
Sukhoi Su-11 Fishpot
Tupolev Tu-28 Fiddler
Yakovlev Yak-9
Yak-25 Flashlight

MiG-29G has the technical capability to use R-27ERs, which is what matters to Gaijin

Transcription of interview with former MiG-29G US exchange pilot ‘Spanky’:

…the weapons computer is set up so that it will accept the long burn [Alamo]. If you put it on the airplane it’ll recognise it for what it is and one of the things we did in Germany… I’m not sure how you guys did it in the Hornet, probably the same as did the Eagle but you had a simulator plug where you’d hang an AIM-7 to tell the weapons computer “Hey, there’s a missile out here so do AIM-7 stuff”. What they would put in the rail was a little computer card that would simulate an AA-10 and they had two different types of cards, one for an AA-10 Alpha, one for an AA-10 extended range, the ER. The airplane didn’t care you just couldn’t (???) you put cards in both the inboard missile rails tell the jet that we’re simulating this missile out here in the weapons computer and as soon as you lock somebody up you would get the display for that weapon, so it’s displayed the engagement envelope would be much bigger with the ER than it was with the Alpha.

No, it’s an upgrade of a 9-12A performed by a partnership between DASA and MAPO.

Prove it.

Sorry no NATO owned Mig-29 with ancient N019 Rubin radar can guide R-27ERs.

Im curious tho, do you have any solid evidence that shows N019 cannot guide R-27ER’s?


Already explained yes, even explained the technical reason why & already posted the links I can share. Soviet History states the reasons why they replaced the N019 radar. Amerincans stole all the Mig29 radar & R27 specs.

So they developed the N019M

The collapse of the Soviet Union & the MoD decided to stop buying Mig29s in favor of the Su27 :)

thats why you will never find unmodified Mig29s with ERs. :)

Awwww you actually misunderstood! Poor you.

It’s a computer simulator card … all it does it allow you to simulate an ability to launch an R-27ER.

You are trying so hard to make your NATO aircraft into something it will never be, huh?

They have sim cards the Russians also sell for the R77. Would you like one too?

I saw those explanations but i couldnt find single statement that claims N019 cannot guide R27ER, all those documents claims new radar does have backward compatibility and can also guide Fox-3 missiles.

27ER was just a MLU upgrade for already existing 27R model so its quite possible that Russians didnt care about information leak since they were already developing Better radar and Fox-3 missiles, in fact they might did this on purpose in order to make Usa believe that they were going to depend on N019 with R27ER against them.

I explained it here as well. I have closed sources but its restricted.

The R-27ER is not for sale to NATO allies & the radar that guides it too the N019M is not for sale to NATO allies either.

just a little information leak you say that the Russians did not care about?

At night, I will send the scheme of the Ukrainian radar update…Azerbaijan also has a MiG-29MU1.

Without those documents your claims are not viable im afraid.

N019M is not for sale to NATO allies because of Fox-3 capabilites not because of R-27ER.

Or they did it on purpose as i said.


Neither is the R-27ER. Ukraine has them & still cannot slap them on ANY Mig-29 :)

What makes you think NATO can on their ancient Mig29s with their Ancient Warsaw Pact N019 Rubins?

So you are arguing the Russians simply did not care that the US had EVERYTHING on the N019 Rubin & the R-27. Therefore, NATO can use ERs on their ancient Mig-29s even though you will never see one equipped on a Mig-29 unless upgraded with the N019M Topaz or greater… Interesting. I respect your optimism & your low opinion of the Russians.

To imply they would be that stupid to not safeguard the ER even though they use them now & sell them to allies & enemies of the United States…

Apperently you also dont know what you’re talking about considering you dont even have solid proof that shows N019 cant guide R-27ER but hey lets pretend those restricted documents actually proves your point for a second. Without those documents your claims means nothing.

Where is your proof that shows Ukraine Mig-29’s cant use those R-27ER’s? Aside from some random pictures of course :)

I mentioned about possible decisions or tactics because of leaks, what you keep forgetting is that you also werent there when Soviets found out their technology was leaked and what kind of deicision did they took for that.

Purposely spreading false informations are quite famous between rival countries, this situation wouldnt be the first or last.

Anyway without those restricted documents your claims means nothing to me.

Can you first acknowledge you were wrong about the saying R-27ERs were only sent to the Soviet Air Defense Forces When we have pictures of Mig-29s armed with them?

The PVO inventory of 1991
(500) Sukhoi Su-15
(890) Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23
(480) Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25
(230) Sukhoi Su-27
(270) Mikoyan MiG-31

No! Read paragraph 7 again…

@Ziggy1989 Btw i forgot to say.

Please make a actual report for this situation and prove that its not possible to guide R-27ER with N019 radar, i’ll be more then happy to loose 27ER’s on my regular Mig-29’s in exchange for R-73’s.

If you can of course.


Idk why you are getting so hung up on this dude. We have the Mirage 4000 and Yak-141 that never even had radars fitted yet this is the hill you choose to die on?

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You are not making sense bruh bruh.
The leaks were 1979-1985. The Traitor went to Trial & was executed in 1986. The ER & the Topaz were already in testing. Both entered service 1990 & 1991.

The N001 Mech radar does not emit the same guidance frequencies & was not given to the Americans.

I am sorry to break your heart. :(

The truth is unfortunately, neither does a NATO Mig29 mean anything to the game… Has no bearing on WT air RB or Ground & will have no relevance next update with R-27ERs.

You actually better hope they do remove it from NATO Mig-29s.