Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

If I bought an XBOX and then expanded the storage capacity would I suddenly need a new TV to play the same games?

I showed you your own sources. I also linked others & explained in detail where the ER is different in guidance.

You are too uneducated to understand anything explained to you. You are incapable of learning.

The ER recognizes a different combination of X-band frequencies for each of its main channels that are multiplexed in time. The Mig-29 radar that the R-27ER cooperates with is the N019M Topaz. or greater.

No more dumb questions. I will wait for your proof the N019 Rubin has guided ERs.

R-27ER is rarely used in MiG29s. Even if its compatible with older radar finding a picture would be very hard.
No one really uses R-27ER except a handful of countries. India recently bought the largest amount of R-27 but they they still bought R27R and some R-27ER. Even though R-27ER is a better missile than R-27R they still mostly use R-27R. But they are indeed making R-27Es domestically.

Since R-27ER only has a different booster I dont see any reason why it shouldn’t be compatible with older radar.

Because RF frequencies not understood by most video gamers. All they can understand is hardware.

Thats why they ask the silliest questions & use game console analogies .

Do you have any proof that shows R-27ER operates on different frequency?

I absolutely do but its restricted. Because its a missile guided by a radar not sold to NATO countries, neither is the R-27ER.

the N019 Rubin is owned by NATO & The R27.

Only the Russians can develop the radar that the ER can recognize & cooperate with. That is why Ukraine cannot slap it on any fighter & have been trying to do so for years & has tried to sidestep the Russian Federation & develop their own seekers.

Supposedly, the modernized N019 Rubin in the Ukrainian MiG-29MU1 can, but I have yet to see it.

Apparently Belarus’s upgraded N019 can work with ER.


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I can see that 100% happening Belarus is allied with the Federation.

Look at this Serbian 9-12A that is upgraded to Topaz standard with R-27ERs, R-77s & R73s in loadout.

Called a MiG-29SM+ by Nenad Miloradović, assistant minister for material resources in the Serbian Ministry of Defence.
Note: 9-13S upgrades does not always entail they come with the dorsal as you can see. I have been loving Mig29s for a while & the designations do blur when talking about export upgrades. Keeping track becomes very difficult.

I have seen somewhere that even though they are allied nations but still russia wont give them the upgraded N019s. So it’s likely that they figured out how to use R-27ER on their own

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I believe enlarged dorsal fin is just a optional upgrade. Our MiG 29(9-12B)s were upgraded to the belorussian MiG29BM standard. MiG 29BM has the large fin like the SMT but our ones didn’t receive it. Probably because we dont need extra fuel.

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I will answer you first with a text from my phone at work.


1.In Russian, words-modernized, modified, improved in many cases have different meanings of the final result… Although all these words can be combined with the universal term-Modernization.
2.Therefore, what is Modernization in your understanding? For example, for US F-15C with small updates to the radar and Software, alphanumeric designations have not changed in many cases,the same practice (finalizing aircraft in shelves according to separate bulletins) was used in the USSR/Russia, and there was also a change in the composition of equipment and software in production series.
3. models in the game _ 9-12 of the USSR Air Force of the appearance that, according to modifications, he began to receive in the regiments of the USSR Air Force in December 1987, 9-13 in production series since the summer of 1986.
4.That is, I cannot tell you exactly (there are no documents in the public domain) what kind of equipment for blocks and software was in the production series 9-13 from 1986 to 1991… For example, according to the accusations of Polish pilots at the shooting in Ashaluk, the Soviet MiG-21MF saw targets below one kilometer and the Polish MiG-21MF no…
5.Also, I can’t tell you for sure whether at least one aircraft was finalized in the shelves in the period 1986-2012 (there are no documents in the public domain), perhaps Yes, according to some sources, perhaps No, according to other sources, and what exactly changed in Radar - if it changed?.. The computer has Ts-101 been mass-produced since 1991…
6.Photos are difficult to find for several reasons. Already in 1992, the Russian Air Force refused to purchase the MiG-29… and as BBCRF already wrote R-27ER first of all, they entered the air defense forces - where you can launch this missile at maximum range through ASU…
7.I previously posted a photo of the MiG-29SMT with the R-27ER_that 14 GVIAP is the only one in Russia on the MiG-29 that in short periods of time was subordinate to air defense and was also involved in the air defense tasks of the Moscow District…
before that, he flew on the MiG-29S (9-13S), so R-27ER were in the regiment, so there is a photo… At the same time, the only part of the air defense in the USSR where the MiG-29 was delivered was 116 TsBP and paper at that time pulp and TsBP PVO_on received 5 pieces in 1990 for retraining flight personnel and most likely in a modified configuration, but there are no documents on the configuration on the Internet…
8.There is exactly one type of MiG-29 according to open data without changing the alphanumeric code on the Radar, two or three blocks and software changed…
This is the MiG-29 (9-12A_N019 Rubin) of the Polish Air Force… which theoretically can be used R-27R if Ukraine sold to Poland…
Whether such a revision was carried out on aircraft of the USSR/Russia there is no information… but in Erebuni (Armenia) there is a group of the Russian Air Force on which they still fly to 9-13/9-13S they were repaired after 2010, the designation according to open sources is the same 9-13/9-13S…

Interesting, being as outwardly allied as Belarus looks like an ally who would receive many things. But then again, makes sense thinking about it & only the Russians know who they can & cannot truly supply.

I want to look more into that now! cool.

Sweet be cool if we can get the MiG-29MU1. I do not see a problem in the Soviet tech tree it’s a previous Soviet state & still not a NATO aircraft. If it’s the cost to get it in game. I see no issue.

Its probaly never going to be a NATO aircraft either actually. Ukraine said they are done with the Mig29 after this & I do not recall them being happy with the Su27s either they are too outdated, the ones they have.

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I think (and imo most people would agree) that removing the ER from 9.12 & 9.13 probably would be very healthy for the game - hopefully also opening the door for r73’s to finally come on earlier 29’s. But the problem is while you might be correct - the argument stating earlier models explicitly can’t actually guide the ER, so far that i can gather, is based on apparent restricted sources, and therefore basically amounts to ‘trust me bro’. Sure the stuff your sharing says that ER is guided by N019M, but doesnt explicitly state that is the only one capable of using it - and unless i’ve missed something doesn’t actually state a change in ER operating frequencies different to the standard alamo which would preclude Rubin radars from guiding it either. Also, the fact that earlier migs arent pictured with ER’s equipped may well be simply due to the fact that it wouldnt be practically efficient, either due to risk of jamming or lack of ability to utilise the full engagement envelope of the missile. Not too much different from the problem of finding pictures of certain loadout configuration on other stuff, even if the jets should technically be able to mount it - it just isn’t seen, as likely was not practical to the common irl mission profiles.

So i think shifting the conversation back towards ER in a balancing standpoint would be better, as continuing to debate stuff which if true still cant be proven is not going to go anywhere. But in terms of balancing i would agree that, without the introduction of something like a loadout based dynamic br system, the base 9.12/9.13 should have the ER removed. That would not only greatly balance the jets at their br’s but also allow for better IR missiles to use other than trash r60m’s (especially considering we have magic 2’s on stuff as low as 11.0).


So what? Then Germany just has two identical MiG-29s?

It is known that ERs are recognised by the MiG-29G because pilots performed simulated launches of them for training.

ah i forgot to add ‘base’ to “the base 9.12/9.13 should have the ER removed”. I don’t think 29G would deserve to have it removed at its current br.


No, the 9-12A will drop in BR to lower with its R60s & the G stays higher with its R73s.

I don’t mind it having its ERs until it receives a legitimate top tier fighter. No one will care about a NATO Mig-29 once the Typhoon comes anyway.

The GDR 9-12A is a base 9-12A

The NATO 9-12G is a base 9-12A

My thing is allowing it until Germany has replacements for BR. I do not mind at all.

ik both the same 9.12A, thats why im specifically referring to changes as they relate to BR since germany essentially has two copies of the exact same jet - the GDR 29 being the base variant at a lower br but 29G at higher br would still keep ER.

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Pre-printed, translated, find the message above.

True. We still have to look out for the BR placements as well.

But technically they are not the same. The G has different engines and R73s cannot forgot that