Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Kid you can look up serial numbers & hex codes. They are given to every aircraft upon serial production & upon registry of any nation.

Your mad because you are not educated enough to understand these databases collect identification en masse on aircraft of countless commercial, civil & military. Of course discrepancies will be found.

Don’t forget to brush your teeth too & wash your hands.


Can you tell it’s correct? No serial numbers? What about hex code? How do you know it’s not incorrectly talking about the others in the picture?

lol so it’s a 9-13S? lol sweet. They said none existed. Lmfao

This is golden.

It’s for you since unofficial stuff is valid to you.
MSN numbers can be trustworthy if it’s a civilian aircraft. In case of military aircraft these MSNs are often wrong specially if it’s a russian or soviet aircraft.
As long as you can’t show a official document where it says its a 9-12S your claims are not valid.

You just wasted everyone’s likes to do a full circle, just to come back around to offer your evidence of an Ukrainian 9-13S…

Bravo my boy. Bravo!

When did I claim its 9-13S? I never claimed it. That picture was for you.

The pictures of Ukrainian MiGs you shared didn’t even have their full msn written on them. So there’s no guarantee that the guy entered the correct MSN.

Thanks for sharing your evidence from another source of a Ukrainian 9-13S. Oh, it was by accident though.

That’s why I post the MSN for people to look up & cross check. I did not list identifiers for you not to look up. lol.

Fascinating that Ukraine makes money off these airshow posters & does not know what kind of Mig29s they own…

So since it can’t fire R-27ER it also can’t fire R-27R, got it… Except it can… So it can!

Your entire argument is that the missiles new booster makes it impossible to launch from the airframes with the N019 radar… Just not sound logic or reason here.

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My entire argument has been about boosters? No relevancy whatsoever kiddo.

Only N019 radars that are proven to guide R-27ER & R-77s in any Mig-29 is the upgraded N019M Topaz or greater
The N019M Topaz can guide older missiles like the R-27R too.

Just because something is backwards compatible does not mean something is forward compatible.

imagine living in a world not able to understand this.

You must have it hard huh?

If it was a US aircraft I would have trusted the MSN but its not. There’s no point of talking to you. You can believe whatever you want.

I think you got that backwards

Although you’re wrong, the only part that was changed is the booster. What you’re saying is that this change suddenly made it incapable. That simply isn’t the case and isn’t even logical to think so. You can’t even explain why the N019M is special and can guide the ER when the standard N019 supposedly can’t. You’ve explained nothing, just baseless claim after baseless claim.

You can’t just make an absurd statement and ask others to prove you wrong only to go “nuh uh”. Burden of proof is on you. Lacking photos of the weapon being mounted doesn’t prove it couldn’t use it. Although you’ve been provided necessary photos regardless.

Btw anyone have any information about the Yemeni MiG 29SMT? It doesn’t have the large fin like the 9-19 SMT.
It could be a good dog fighter.

Russian information is not as reliable as American?

Not necessarily, no. However, their open sources will always have elements of maskirovka. They are masters in the art of information warfare & deceit. It takes someone privy to this to find truth.

Prove it

Find a single Mig-29 with a unmodified N019 Rubin radar & R-27ERs

Stop talking and prove it.

The seeker is identical, again… the burden of proof is on you. Dismissing the proof against your argument doesn’t make it suddenly disappear.

Can you explain what changed that makes it incapable of firing the ER? What part of the ER missile makes it incompatible?

Russia usually doesnt provide enough information about their equipments.

US aircrafts and most russian aircrafts have their serial number written on the rudder. But the Ukrainian one didnt have it’s complete serial number written on it. So it’s hard to believe that the author of the images found the correct serial number.

Your own source:

Why is the Topaz special? Why here:

I will wait for your proof that unmodified N019 Rubin can guide R-27ERs.

You didn’t answer the question. Nothing mentioned explains why it wouldn’t be able to guide the ER before vs after. What specifically precludes the ability to launch the ER on standard N019?

The missile is the exact same with the exception of the booster. How would it suddenly be incapable?

Read the upgrades. its literally part of the upgrades you are just too slow to understand what the upgrades actually consist of & believe this is all about rocket boosters!! lol.

Still waiting for a single piece of evidence that old N019 Radars that NATO also owns are magically foreword compatible with the R-27ER.

I read it, the standard N019 could fire the R-27R. I am asking you what changed on the R-27ER that would somehow prevent the standard N019 from guiding it?

You have not presented an answer. You’ve copy / pasted what was upgraded on the N019M but have failed to explain why any of that would be necessary to guide a seeker or missile that it was already capable of guiding albeit with a smaller motor section.