Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


Yup and I know the group of people behind it. It was pretty funny seeing reddit explode because of it tbh, and though I don’t fully understand how it was done I think it was still ingenious how they managed it.

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Okey dont buff the brick29. But give a massive nerf to f16 flight performance. And everybody happy just the skill issue usamains not when out plane get a balance

USSR main cope by calling their best plane a brick like it not one of the best


im not rus main but i need a balance. the brick29 too easy target atm 🤷🏻‍♂️

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With its off bore sight r73s

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It is their best plane & it’s good. But it’s a brick compared to the G and F-16C.

Only jet you have to pay attention to how much fuel you have whereas I can dogfight full fuel and a drop tank in either the G or F16C.

With the SMT you must be under 20min and no R27s whereas I can have full R73s and R27s and dogfight in the G and full aim9Ms and Sparrows in the F16C.

It’s quite a brick and it’s not because of the weight. The instructor limits its alpha as if it has some bootleg FBW. It’s really good at high speed however because of it.

Best performing MiG29 at high Mach imo. Does not bleed speed like the others.

I dodge with 1-3 flare. And they cant get a r73 launching position when i fly behind 😂

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always coming out the woodworks with these awesome videos.

Smt rly need the higher aoa limit with mouse aim. Maybe the 26-28deg enough. Or the f16 need a massive fm nerf. Im curious when the f18 come they limit the plane to maximum 8.5G like irl ability or they give a overbuff to f18 too. Like the f16

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Well they might be getting the flanker soon which should be more agile but we will see

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The legacy hornet should have great nose authority at low speed. Kind of like a Crusader. But it does not have thrust to weight of the Mig29. Not even close, nor should it rate on par with the F-16 even though both were developed under LFX (light fighter program). The YF-17 was the loser and the navy picked it up because of its dual engine (safer for carrier operations incase one engine goes out, doctrine of the time and lessons from the Vietnam war.) The Navy then gave it carrier capability making it heavier and degrading its energy maneuverability further.

It should not have alpha like the (REAL) Mig29 either. Only the Mig29 and Su27 are the only aircraft without thrust vectoring that can obtain angles of attack beyond maximum lift (supermaneuvrability).

The F-18 has great dogfight capability, but should not be able to compete on the same level of the Mig29 and F-16 due not totally being a total high alpha fighter and not totally being a slick energy maneuverable either.

The hornet was nothing more than the Navy’s workhorse. The Tomcat was the premier air superiority platform. Downfall was too expensive to maintain. However, they only recently retired in 2006 and would have loved to keep it.

It is borderline psychotic to keep stating the Mig29 model is perfectly fine when anyone who actually seen these aircraft in person or studied them can tell they most certainly are not. Even Mods are coming out saying it’s a little funky.

If they give the Mig29 its true thrust to weight characteristics and full alpha range throughout all flight regimes. The F-18 should not be much of an issue other than its great radar and sheer number of Aim-120s and great positioned nose cannon like the F5.

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Agile? I do not think so brother. More maneuverable? Yes.

but look how limited the Mig29 is because of some excuse about flight controls. when the supermaneuvrability had nothing to do with artificial limitations of flight controls.

Remember brother. that thing is MASSIVE. I am already skeptical that it will not fall into the dirt trying to maneuver though it has insane lift like the Mig29.


It’s much heavier than an SMT and has a far weaker thrust to weight than the Mig29 as well as the SMT…

They need to fix the Mig29 prior to the Su27 or we are going to be gigantic lumbering aircraft too fat with R27ERs and can barely move. We will be forced to reduce the number of missiles drastically and carry less than half fuel. At that point we should just fly Mig29Gs and SMTs still. Rather be a small target that darts around than a big boat turning the tightest of circles.

We are going to get hosed down by M61s, I already see it.

Sorry, I am not trying to be negative, but I only see bad things if the Mig29 remains in the same state.

The Flanker is also very radar reflective. I don’t know if GJ will model it, but detection, tracking and targeting in all aspects should not be difficult at all.

I’d say the F-18 is the only modern high alpha fighter the US has. Not to the level of super maneuverability, like the MiG-29 or Su-27.

Considering NASA used it to test high alpha. (I may be wrong learned this from a quick google search)

General consensus I’ve seen anywhere is that one of the F-18’s true characteristics is its ability to point the nose.

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I agree totally. On point.

Its a great jet. That nose authority and high mounted nose cannon will be insane in a knife fight. But how much nose authority are they going to give it in high Mach flight regimes is the million dollar question.

Additionally, we must keep in mind the lack of thrust compared to other 4th gen jets.

That is the legacy Hornet’s Achilles heel imo.

Yes, this is true. However, the Navy had to revert back to the Cobra Hood of the YF-17 and give it larger leading edge root extensions (super hornet).

So even the Navy was not totally satisfied with its high alpha capability… Right?

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Did a tiny bit more looking, there were 3 phases total to the F-18 HARV (High Alpha Research Vehicle). I wonder someday if we will see the nasa test vehicle’s in game. Would be super cool.

Turns out in the first phase the F-18 could retain stable flight at 55 degrees with no modifications. Phase 2 added thrust vectoring control surfaces to the aft section, allowing stable flight at 70 degrees. Phase 3 added movable strakes on the nose, retaining the same AOA in combination with the thrust vectoring controls.

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That was the word i was gonna use but i forgot how to spell it yes i forgot

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I would love to see it. That crazy black color?! I had no idea they put strakes on the nose. Thats cool I am going to look it up. I love the original cobra hood it had big holes in the LERX. Even just the YF-17 would be a cool event or something later down the line. (don’t want to drag of topic, but yea the Hornet is super cool)

If the Soviet Union did not fall, I am sure they would have had all kinds of additional experiments as well for the Mig29 and Su27! I am sure we will get these models. If the Yak-141 came in. More flankers though.

I always forget how to spell it and just smash a bunch of letters that look like it and autocorrect it lol.


The teaser is going to drop very soon, probably in a week, we’ll soon find out if we’ll get the flanker or not but honestly i just want a lighter 29 lmao

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