Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I tried it on sim as well. Shits all its speed like nothing, while not even pulling enough

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It’s a simulator when it suits them. I can’t count how many lies this company has said without getting sued for good

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Eventually they’ll change the instructor tho, rn i’d recommend you to just don’t waste your time with the fulcrum unless you wanna play with it like an interceptor or if you have the mig29G. I just stopped playing this game cuz the only thing that held me was unironically the mig29 lmao, IMO the modes are pretty shitty with the simulator being an exception because of the game structure, but most ppl don’t play SIM and i also don’t have patience to play without a stick and i don’t have money to buy one.

I’ve come to that conclusion 10 minutes ago. I went to lower tiers to play props, oh guess what, cannons do ZERO damage there as well. Almost like they can’t even manage their own game, might as well sell the IP to someone competent at this point. I’ve lost count of the amount of problems this game has that go completely ignored by them FOR YEARS. In our times the more shit you treat people the more they will abide it seems. Few months ago they were calling us trolls and stupid to our face and all it took was a roadmap for everyone to forget. Go figure…

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download wtrti to help your orientation and try to pull less aoa for rating, currently in RB with mouse aim we are forced to pull 22 deg/sec but you can control it better in sim. For 1c fights you should be good against everyone else that’s not flying a f16 because the viper still overperforms.

Your position on the mig29 is strange when you were one of the few people (in fact I only saw you wanting this), who wanted the mig29 to be able to pull less AoA than it already does, which would hurt its performance even more, trying make the mig29 behave like an f16 doesn’t make any sense, the biggest problem with the mig29 is that it bleeds more speed than the mirage while trying to turn and still loses in 1 circle to the blk10/15/20, and also another main problem is that the f16s are overperforming.

f16 pull more AoA than the 29s with mouse aim and doesnt bleed speed like the 29, that imo doenst make any sense.

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120 degrees per second is the roll speed, the pitch speed on the contrary is quite slow

It’s because the mig29 is known to be one of the best ratefighters of its generation losing only for the f16 and rating equally to the f14b, when ur in full controls, you can choose how much aoa you wanna pull, with the instructor ur limited to a specified amount of aoa. So let’s say ur 2circling with an enemy plane, you’d want to pull less aoa than if ur in a 1c fight, if ur 1circling you’d want to pull more so you can point your nose to his aircraft, but the way how the instructor currently works, it would be impossible to make it work like this, you either have less aoa to improve your rate or you have more aoa to improve your 1c capabilities. That said, currently it’s almost impossible to give the mig29 the amount of aoa required to make it’s 1c capabilities be efficient in comparison to other 4th aircraft we have ingame, so IMO it would be better to improve its rate and maintain it like that until they can further improve the way the instructor works, but that’s just my opinion… For now it’s better to just stay the way it is currently working, this same issue is targeting a lot of aircraft that we have ingame when flying with mouse aim, even old ones.

btw, how much aoa would you consider to be good for the instructor?

you can controll how much you are pulling by tapping the S or W key, it is kinda annoying to do and need a little bit of timing to do it right but it can be done, the mig29 was known to prefer 1c fight but could be a pretty good rate fighter, and loses to not only the f16 but the f14 as well, in game for some reason it also loses to the mirage2000 in rate fight, but these are the only planes that can beat the 29 in a rate fight, ofc if you keep pulling max AoA the numbers of planes that can beat the 29 in the rate fight increase because they pull less so they conserve more energy.

it is useless trying to rate fight any f16, yeah you probably can beat some brain dead pilot that just hold the S key, but at that point, the f16 already beat the 29 at 1 circle, the pilot doesnt need to rate when it can beat at 1 circle, (even more easily if the 1c capabilities of the 29 got even more nerfed by the instructor), unless he makes a big mistake in the shooting opportunities he gets with the 1c superiority of the f16, he can also choose to simply start rate fighting and also beat the mig29, but generally what happens, especially in air RB, people slow down drastically and try to 1 circle to gain a quick shot opportunity

Well these are the only 4th gen and the ones that we mostly face…

i have no idea tbh but imo it should pull 26 degree of AoA (irl safe limit) but i admit thats a little bit too much and would make ppl just fall of the sky cause it is bleeding too much speed.

well the mirage2000 is the only weird one that can beat the 29 in the rate fight, but both f14B and f16 make sense.
if the f14B and f16 can already beat the 29 in the rate fight, why would you want to rate fight them with the 29?

Exactly, that’s the issue… I want the fulcrum to perform good in 1c aswell, but the way it works it’s impossible for now as it would bleed too much speed, they need to rework the instructor as a whole, the mechanic itself.

Without the instructor currently the f14b and the fulcrum can rate almost equally, IMO it would at least improve the general situation since we can’t do 1c anyway

The MiG-29s instructor is perfectly fine. We’ve discussed this already. It’s no different than any other fighter at top tier compared to the full real controls capabilities.

The exception being the F-16.

idc about the mig29 instructor anymore, the mechanic requires an overhaul as a whole, not only make specifically the mig pull less ou more aoa. I’m just explaining my argument for why before i thought making the mig pull less aoa would be better for the game

the fulcrum will not have a good performance if the f16 keeps overperforming, thats the thing…

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that’ll eventually change, they already recognized that the scifi plane doesn’t make sense.

Wait for December, today we got a “leak” about amraams and although we don’t know if it’s fake or not, it could change Gaijin’s views on the viper, i still think they aren’t nerfing the plane because it has worse bvr capabilities than its counterpart.

It’s fake and they had a good laugh about it.

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