Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

uh…no? it went from aknowledged to -not a bug- cause trickzzter did not accept the report based on what he said there

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An oopsie, I didn’t think they needed the cover and full page. I’m including it once it’s unlocked.

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lol I know. I am just adding a little insult to injury.

On a serious note, I am reading all the Mig29 reports @_David_Bowie and the team are a tough crowd aren’t they?

These reports mig/gio did are not bad…

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It’s not the tech mods. They just share the dev response most of the time, unless the report fails to have required info or whatever. In those cases trickzzter usually responds as he did. I was being lazy when I made the report and didn’t include necessary info.

I guess they need the cover and full pages every time even though they have the source and I’ve referenced it many times in reports already.


True, I just lump them altogether in with the Devs because they are all staff.

You know mig i’ve been thinking about the instructor question, would it take too much time from you to make a report asking for them to revise the thing to improve rate in mouse aim? Ik stuff related to the instructor are complicated and there’s a chance that they won’t even pay attention to the report, that’s why i’m asking If It would require a Lot of work, If it’s not the case, can you do It? (I would consider It a christmas gift)

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I’m 100% certain Gaijin will not modify the instructor for the MiG-29’s, not the same way they did for the Mirage 2000. They did their own balance of energy conservation and available instant turn rate / energy loss. Giving it peak sustained turn rate from maximum pitch would harm it in the one circle, and the inverse for giving it the full 26° of AoA.

To convince them to change this you’d instead need to make a forum suggestion and poll to see what the community would want. This is primarily why I don’t want to do such a report for the MiG-29’s instructor. Secondarily, there isn’t a discrepancy in comparison to other similar aircrafts available AoA or performance. As an example, the Mirage 2000 had nearly half it’s available AoA in mouse aim compared to full real. They fixed this to ~22-24° (of 28-32)…

sad supermaneuverable noises

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LMFAO my boy please lower the size %


Whoever owns the Viper Zero YouTube. Love your channel! I subscribed on my personal Youtoube account. I love the Vietnam edit.

I wish subtitles were available :(

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Report has been amended. Let’s see where it goes.


Thats what I thought it went to acknowledged. OH just a few min ago.

Its because I said @_David_Bowie and the team are a tough crowd.

I am already claiming 50% ownership if it goes through @MiG_23M

@BBCRF Pointed it out, I only made the report. 100% goes to him.


Fair. You did write it so there is some appreciation in that.

Fingers crossed.

I must say it is a hell of a report. Straight to the point no deviation from fact. Short and simple to the issue at hand.

bada bing, bada boom!

Good work both of you @BBCRF & @MiG_23M

What does this exactly change? I’m quite ignorant regarding those technical terms

Quicker response to pitch possibly greater alpha capability? @MiG_23M correct?

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When you hit the pitch key on your keyboard the elevator will respond twice as fast. This will allow the aircraft to gain more inertia in full real controls and pitch the nose somewhat higher than before I would think.

For air RB you will notice the plane is more responsive to the pitch keys and depending on how much AoA it has, the roll as well.

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