Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


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The Fulcrum is so inferior and under the shadow of the F-16C they can only give it Aim7M (F) sparrows it never carried operationally? It’s so inferior and under shadow of the M2k that they must give it Super530Fs it never carried operationally either lest they both utterly dominate the Fulcrum even further?

You believe the Mig29 is perfrectly modelled and will not dare comment on Gios statement that the F-16C is not over performing by any mean.

Just come out and say it that the Fulcrum is an inferior fighter to the West. So we can stop wasting our time and beating around the bush.

Its a simple request.

Professor Datamine?

Do you just have quotes from way back ready for anything? Something is always brought up to start a new argument and it’s just comical at this point.

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Well he didn’t ask BB to source his claims (none of them have sufficient evidence for a report). Asks me to source why the aircrafts own FCS limits it at 26°…

Fact of the matter is that Ziggy will never make a report or do anything to further real discussion and help fix anything.

He’s really good at making childish insults at the bottom of his posts tho.

It was late af. He also does not argue and flip flop his position like you do.

He and Gio already has a level of integrity you lack completely.

Show US where the 9-13 has a FCS limit of 26°. Its a simple request.

I’m sorry, zig, but what’s comical is your obsession with continuing to argue with mig23m over and over again just because you two don’t agree on something, at some point this need to stop, is not helping to solve any issues related to the mig29 or any other weapon/aircraft in this game since i saw u even going at the r73 thread and keep arguing with mig23m but now about the r73.
like i said one time…just chill a little bit…

I simply asked him for comfirmation and he dances around it. I cannot post anything indicating the Mig29 is underperforming. No one can. So I jam him up for details.

How is this wrong. Do you believe the Mig29 is perfect?

I don’t, you quoted me before and after a fix to the FM. Literally just hurting your own credibility.

Go read the manual. It’s almost common knowledge that the flight control system has an AoA limit of 26° (later increased to 28-30 on later models).

You certainly won’t if you can’t read the manual. How are you gonna state that it’s underperforming and you aren’t even aware of the flight control limitations?

What was fixed I simply and politely asked?

stand-by. let me pull an earlier post and video.

being completely honest, i dont know if the mig29 is right, since im just a simple player who likes to play this game and do duels,maybe if we could have more noose authority would be nice but thats just my opinion, what i do know based on multiple ppl here is that the f16 is overperforming, just that.


You dug up the comment. Go reread the conversation.

Also, it’s not polite (but certainly simple) to call me names.

So why get in the way of people rooting out and not taking “its perfect” as an excuse? thousands upon thousands of players believe the Mig29 is underperforming. Not even on the forum. One dude who can barely see over the kitchen counter thinks its perfect and will stifle any conversation its not performing on par.

tbh from what i saw, most ppl think the f16 is oveperforming, i dont usually see ppl talking about the mig29 underperforming, if ppl are doing that is kinda simple why they are doing that, the f16 is the main threat of the mig29, since that thing is overperforming like crazy, ofc ppl will think the mig29 is underperforming in some way, you gotta understand that keep arguing over and over isnt helping, there is nothing we can do about the mig29 based on how we feel, from primary sources the 29 looks fine for gaijin, nothing will change if we cant prove.

i also dont agree with some things that the mig23m said, for example, the r73 being perfectly fine, for me it isnt but, you dont see me arguing with him non stop for that.

jesus christ english.

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Can i have some popcorn as Well? İ brought some coke to drink with that.

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ofc XD lmao lets eat and chill

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I offered him to settle the conversation simply so we can stop wasting our time. How is this unfair? I am over the Mig29.

I offered one question to settle it which he intentionally keeps avoiding.

What part of this sentence does he agree with and disagree with.

Since @MiG_23M claims the Fulcrum and the SMT is perfect based on Gios word and testing he must believe this as well.

So is the Fulcrum just an inferior aircraft to the West? Yes or no?

I will go about my business and back to the the F-16 and M2k and have nothing more to say about the Mig29 if he answers it

I am new to the forum and how it works.

But it doesn’t take much to pick up that this arguing for the past month is anything but absurd.

I don’t even come to this thread to read about the MiG-29 anymore I just come to see what you guys are arguing about. lol


lol everyone does and gets a good kick and laugh about it.

The testing Gio did with the Fulcrum looks good, and his testing with the F-16 showed the sustained turn rates are accurate. He did no high alpha testing of either. So in this case, he’s correct (strictly regarding sustained turn rate). You want to pull quotes selectively to suit your argument, you don’t intend on ending it here.

We all know the F-16 is overperforming and this isn’t the thread for that discussion. I’ve explained it well (recently) in the proper thread.

Likewise, the MiG-29 aligns itself with all available data points with the possible exception of the thrust issue @BBCRF brought up. I don’t really think he’s correct, but he’s not done the best job explaining the issue. I believe it’s mostly a language barrier.

Even so, from the sound of it the additional thrust would need to be countered by additional drag since it’s already correctly performing in low speed sustained turn rate.