Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I also had not clue that anything relating to momentum was modelled as we cannot use the Aircraft momentum alone in high angles of attack to toss the aircraft with the engine idle. It almost just dies right there floating in a stall. Very interesting. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

As for the moment of inertia I have no idea what the current values of 35000.0 signify. You would know. I have no idea how that would look if it went up or down in value.

You would have to walk me through it.

The moment of inertia, otherwise known as the mass moment of inertia, angular mass, second moment of mass, or most accurately, rotational inertia,

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Also are we sure the aircraft such as the Mig29 weight accurately drops with the less fuel that remains as it burns off?

I suspect it’s not accurate either. Too much weight still.

I understand thank you. It’s the current values or numbers set I do not.

I don’t quite understand, but the plane seems to be clamped within 30 and -20 AoA

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I am sorry you said they are static?

Moments of inertia are involved in moments of pitch, roll, yaw

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not sure

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Again, I had no idea the had moment of inertia modelled so I am playing catch up my apologies. Whether those values are static no matter whether an aircraft weighs less or more depending on fuel state and weapon loads is something I would be interested to know.

how come it was never brought to our attention the range was set and locked 30 and -20 AoA?

Oh yeah, we should all agree this is not accurate and the full range of alpha the aircraft is capable. It is clearly off.

Thank you for sharing this too.

Need a WRTI

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İ dont trust a single word coming from developers tbh.

Especially when they say its not priority, cause that usually means they are actually developing whatever they are denying.

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Fair enough


The alpha looks accurate there, ~29 degrees peak and -22 for the low. This isn’t the “maximum alpha” rather the sustainable AoA before wing rock onset and other instabilities for the most part.

In real life the flight control system has that 26 degree limiter (which you can exceed), but it should exhibit instabilities beyond that point and it does.

The F-16 had a similar limit irl (25°) but due to the relaxed static stability it is much more dangerous to exceed those limits for fear of departure. When I am back at my PC I can pull up the F-16’s for comparison (if you’d like).

If you believe it is missing lift, the lift coefficients are there also.


Can you show the Mig29 suffers from instability sustaining alpha at ~29 degrees peak and why it should be limited to such in game. ty

Do you need me to explain why the flight control system limited AoA at a maximum of 26 degrees? I already did that.

The MiG-29 actually had too much instability at such AoA previously which I covered when I put in the report that fixed that.

Did I ask that? I dont need you to explain zip.

I need documentation.

Read the manual. We’ve shared it for you multiple times and you’ve not once yet referenced it. You already know all my comparisons and reports required the use of the manual as a primary reference.

Wait you cannot post exactly where it is? but you like to sniff out like a little rat the exact sentence and graph showing lift coefficient?

While your at it, answer the question.

What part of the statement do you agree with and which part don’t you agree with?

So, you believe the Mig29 model is perfect (don’t make me bring up the quote) you based that off Gio’s testing. He also states the F-16C is not over performing by any means.

So, the Fulcrum series is just simply an inferior aircraft of the Russian Federation?

It’s so inferior it needs R27ERs? Is that it?

That is essentially what you have been saying the entire time without directly doing so lest you be disregarded completely.

I guess you two are going to start arguing as usual, let me get my popcorn
