Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

are u sure? cause the lack of nose authority is something I feel when I’m dueling against f16s, let’s say mig29 is pulling 23 degrees of AoA right now, why not just increase it by 3 and make him pull 26? (irl safe limit)

Because F-16 even with mouse aim is doing 36-40.

what–wtf, really?

At lower speeds, yes.

i have no words for that, how tf

Ik bro it’s kinda sad, but we already can’t do shit in 1c in mouse aim anyway… for the 1c capabilities of the fulcrum to be relevant in Air rb we’d need the instructor system to be more complex (like the aoa mechanic that i suggested), we wouldn’t be able to win against the f16 2c if the instructor limited the aoa a bit more but at least we would be more equal to the tomcat and other 4th gen, but that’s just an idea

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I think we can just accept the current mig that we have, eventually they’ll give r73s for all variants and thus it’ll be more competitive in air rb. The f16 needs to be nerfed tho

yeah i know, most of the suggestions I gave are more related to a controlled scenario where both are just dueling with clean settings on both planes and with min fuel, as I generally do more duels than playing air rb

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What?! I am doing my part.

I am a field operator who puts the models through as much Air RB use and report back my findings to the R&D team.

I play everysingle Top tier fighter and run them through heavy use and reports back. Copy paste models does not matter. All of them.

@dragonflaine71 @unluckyg

Using mouse aim
MiG-29SMT on 20 minutes fuel, clean pulls ~22 degrees AoA holding the pitch key.
The F-16A (block 10) on 20 minutes fuel, clean pulls ~23.5 degrees AoA holding the pitch key.

They are roughly equivalent in terms of maximum AoA, the MiG-29SMT at that weight is ~4000kg heavier. The sustained turn rates are ~18.9 deg/s for the F-16 and ~16.7 deg/s for the MiG-29SMT.

In scissors the maximum AoA for the MiG-29SMT was approximately 30-31 degrees when roll + pitching… no yaw involved outside of instructor adjustments for mouse aim. With the F-16 it was generating 40+ degrees.

Overall, the MiG-29 on similar fuel load to the F-16 has significantly worse sustained turn rate, less average flat turn available AoA, and significantly less nose authority than the F-16 in any kind of maneuvering fight. The low speed control is worse, the handling is sluggish. None of this is an issue with the MiG-29… it is a simple fact that the F-16 is severely overperforming.

I can put in a bug report acknowledging the fact that the MiG-29 has more available AoA, should be able to handle slightly better at VERY low speeds. This doesn’t solve the problem against the F-16 wherein it’ will continue to lose that fight with or without the additional AoA. In full real, you gain solely the advantage of potentially being able to force an overshoot with a well timed dynamic braking moment (high alpha, Cobra, whatever). You are limited to pretty much just one pull, though…

I didn’t bother recording, if y’all want to make a suggestion for more or less AoA I’ll leave it up to y’all. It won’t fix the issue at all. The MiG-29 is already practically perfect, or as @Giovanex05 showed us… ever so slightly overperforming in sustained turn rate post-fix. (not enough margin to warrant another report).


Post your bug report link here when you do so I can click I have the same issue

You mean how they buffed F-16 to pull more AOA beating Mirage 2000 and Mig-29 in 1 circle? Artificial buff 🌚

They didn’t do that to balance against other broken FM’s. They did that because they think the F-16’s FM (accurately made) would brick mouse aim until they can improve instructor.

I find that dubious, because the Mirage 2000 has relaxed static stability and it’s fine. Anyhow, they claim they are working on modeling the FLCS and that the issues will be corrected then.

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So we made Mig-29 close to realistic but didn’t do the same for uFo-16 (couldn’t) and buffed F-16 to UFO levels instead of leaving it as it was for 9 months since 2022 December.

We made 1 plane realistic and the other a fantasy, when we could have left both unchanged until we could figure out how to do it properly.

Suffer until we change it, poor USSR plebs. America fuck yeah

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Instead of an AoA limiter they gave it a proper G limiter based on AoA I guess. The issue with this is that it’s pulling some absurd G forces (instant and sustained, at low fuel quantities). In real life it would be limited by the AoA and roll rate to prevent departure from controlled flight.

A temporary fix might be reducing high alpha stability (give it wing rock, yaw / roll instability above 20 degrees AoA)… and cause it to have severe departure issues with roll or yaw inputs above 30 degrees AoA. Instead it has full yaw and roll stability up to AoA of 40+ degrees. (Used to be 90+…)

It has seen some very small nerfs due to our reports.

Then what I said is true then

One is made to be realistic when the other couldn’t be made so because of coding issues so instead of them being in the same type of playing field 1 gets fantasy mode the other realistic mode.

Cuz it sure seems like it

“We” didn’t make the F-16 Fantasy. Gaijin did.

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We= gaijin. Gaijin is speaking to players in my sentences

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I love how this guy does a little flying in circles in test flight and magically comes to the same conclusion as all of you that the SMT is underperforming and lacks alpha since the beginning. Since he said it. Its means it’s true because he has them fire tangibles.

You guys merely just complained. He came to a sound, unbiased scientific conclusion. Had nothing to do with the fact he realized he was the only person who believed the SMT is NOT underperforming and found himself increasingly alienated. I love how this dude operates.
Switches up with the quickness. Didn’t even record his tangible testing. But at least he agrees now!!

Cmon captain @MiG_23M I want this model pulling more alpha by Christmas!

Next on the list is the R73.

In other words, he does not want to be the only person saying the SMT is performing as expected and nothing is wrong with it as he realizes he is losing our support as he swore up and down for weeks the SMT needs nothing and is perfect.

So, today he flew around in test flight and magically came to the conclusion it does need alpha. But did not record it or provide any of you with his “tangible” evidence. Then states it’s not going to do anything anyway, and that the Mig29 is already overperforming. That he leaves it up to you to suggest more alpha…

So pretty much a whole bunch of flip flopping and nothing.

Just put in the bug report with that fire tangible evidence you did not even record & stop playing games.

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thanks for the tests, do u mind trying to make a bug report to improve a little bit more the 29? since it is lacking AoA at lower speeds, also, you could include the other variants of the mig29s cause they also suffer the same issue even tho it is less compared to the SMT, doesnt make any sense gaijin letting the f16 perform like that we need the instructor to be adjusted in some way, it’s frustrating to see that a person can dedicate as much time as it takes to be a good pilot in the mig29 and out of nowhere someone who just holds the S can beat you because the f16 is simply a ufo