The F-16 fix likewise requires a FM / instructor revision.
My only real complaint is the performance of the SMT is not present unless min fuel and clean. Which is not technical. It should be able to perform with weapons and 50% internal fuel just as good. I am cool with current Migs for now though I hear everyone’s complaint and agree.
the only test that was conducted was min fuel and clean. Which is irrelevant to us anyway.
Nothing stopped them from pulling that many G’s irl. Even the MiG-25 has done this irl. Stop trolling.
1.5x the safe G limit is possible in the game. There’s no reason the F-104 should be limited when every other aircraft isn’t… That isn’t artificial buffing.
LMFAO you are making things up still?! show me a source where 11gs are possible in the F-104 starfighter omg please.
I do not care about the Mig25. Is it in WT? This dude has to make up stuff just to be right
from this video:
i know this is not related to the mig29 thread, sorry for that i just wanted to share this cause i was like, WHAT, when i saw this video
Bug report it, but don’t let Ziggy keep derailing.
LMFAO! I was being generous! Now I am derailing by pointing out GJ artificially buffs.
You see what I am working with here boys?
yeah but that was just one thing that i wanted to share, lets keep focus on the mig29s since @MiG_23M said that he will try to make a suggestion for gaijin to improve the instructor of the 29s
I’ll have my infinite fuel and infinite missiles test flight going for us tonight to see what kind of AoA it’s pulling. Lord knows Ziggy is unwilling to do anything remotely helpful let alone his own research.
Or you can test them with combat loads. Probably will isolate the issue.
ok its your test. You the captain on that.
Yeah, and regarding the report of the mig instructor, i think you should leave it as how it is rn at least for the moment… I would suggest them to restrict a bit more of aoa to make it bleed less energy and make it rate better while using mouse aim, it would kill its 1C but it would be better for balancing imo. But i think it would take a lot of time from you and we don’t even know if they’ll accept it or not because like you said instructor issues are completely up to the devs, it’s different from reporting a fm issue that we have sources and charts around everywhere on the internet, idk…
What the fuck. Is this after the FM change it got? I though it was only top speed on the deck
It’s rolling + pitching… Let’s try to keep on topic tho.
bro what- noooooooooooooo, pls, dont kill the already dead 1C performance of the 29 D: mig29 wont beat the f16 in a rate fight even if u make the perfect speed to rate the best with it, i rather being able to beat the f16 in one circle, if u end up in a rate fight against the f16 you already did something very wrong imo
Removing instructor AoA limits won’t make it competitive with the F-16 in one circle, it will still fail to perform. F-16 is simply a UFO RN and those reports are already in.
are u sure? cause the lack of nose authority is something I feel when I’m dueling against f16s, let’s say mig29 is pulling 23 degrees of AoA right now, why not just increase it by 3 and make him pull 26? (irl safe limit)