Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Good question and obviously there should not.

However it is because some people swear it’s not underperforming based on datamining, technical documentations and their own reports fixing it prior.

While others just want them to look into the possibility that GJ may have altered something.

One man has deadlocked the community that the SMT and the R73 are perfectly fine. That is @MiG_23M

No one else has come forward with his stance. At least that I have seen.

MiG-29SMT performs as expected for a slightly heavier MiG-29. Mostly identical in performance to the 9-13 when the overall weight is equal.

Both myself and @DracoMindC have run tests and comparisons.

I’ll run some tests later for exact figures and let y’all know.



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man, dont you think the mig29s main problem right now is that they are facing overperforming f16s? so ofc they will look bad even tho they are performing as it should

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But performance and weight is only equal when Min fuel and no weapons when it should be higher with some weapons at least. That is what I have been asking you people to look into.

But Draco only did testing with clean min fuel which means nothing to us in RB.

It is a problem for sure but I just do not see them altering the F16 any more than @Giovanex05 already got them to do.

Also I am not a fan of nerfing only buffing. So why I advocate the SMT go up. That is my personal preference and I made that clear from the gate.

Draco and I tested them both at equal weights. This is what is necessary for testing purposes. The number of ordnance and disparity in performance from additional weight is expected. It can carry more fuel than any other MiG-29… Of course it will perform worse when doing so.

My reports on the F-16s stability and FM are still open. Gaijin plans on implementing the FLCS in the future but their instructor can’t handle the fully unstable FM’s… As such it is dialed back and overperforming in AoA.

but that doesnt make any sense, why keeping the f16 flying like a ufo and not nerfing to a realistic fm? buffing the 29s to make them also overperform doenst make any sense

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Also it gets boo bopped by the F-14B, Italian harrier and the much larger and heavier JH-7 as well so the F-16 is not the only issue.

The F-16 is not the only issue. Even other Mig29s outperform it like the G.

The F-16 is top of the list but not the one and only jet it has problems up against.

The issue is that the way air RB and mouse aim works we can’t make the mig behave exactly the way it does irl, the top solution for the game IMO would be Gaijin to add some button for you to choose how much AOA you’d wish to pull, but as how it currently works it would unironically be better for the fulcrum to pull less aoa at like 500 kph, that way you’d bleed less energy and rate better… Idk 100% how the instructor works so idk if they can make the AOA vary according to your speed, if it could pull more aoa in very slow speeds it could perform better in 1C, but idk if that’s possible in the current game, what do you think @MiG_23M ?


MiG-29 performs as it should… F-16 can’t because it would brick mouse aim apparently.

Additional AoA makes sense but that is Gaijins concern… they don’t want players to lose all speed in a single turn.

Limiting AoA via instructor harms it’s 1 circle performance severely…

So then the Mig29 needs to be buffed.

If one jet, which has 3000 different variants across all the NATO nations must overperform.

Then why cannot the Mig29 be enhanced? Why must it be held to such a realistic degree as you claim it currently is?

Accuracy, realism. Gaijin doesn’t artificially buff FM’s to balance against other broken FM’s.

That aoa button mechanic would be wild, it would be similar to the sweep wings control…

Balance supersedes everything in case you forgot. It is literally why we have R27ERs for the Mig29 and G.

It is why Aim9Js are on any of the Italian starfighters. Except premi

Would be cool but essentially modifying the flight model file on the fly isn’t a thing in-game… Would require a much larger overhaul than you think.

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i kinda agree with that but i still think the instructor should not take over the plane that much, you can -control- your turn by giving little taps in the W key, i know it isnt the best way to controll your turn but it helps a lot when you want to keep some energy.

I agree that we should have maybe some type of sensibility related to how much the instructor affects the plane, like, 50% instructor will allow more AoA and will interfere less with the plane’s controls, 10% the instructor will act in extreme cases giving even more freedom to the plane (but this still wouldn’t allow something like pulling the maximum amount of AoA that the plane can)


That’s sad asf

yeah i mean, one thing at a time, fix the main plane that the mig29 faces (most of the time it is the f16) and then try to fix other planes that may or may not be overperforming.

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