Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

There is 5 men in here that are speaking for themselves that the IRCCM is lacking.

I already stated my position that the R73 started acting weird for me end of last week. Everything else is purely their own findings that coincide with mine before I even made the claim in detail lol.

So how am I speaking for them? When they explained before me?

This guy post a 2 month old video.

With no evidence, sources, or logical reason.

Like your disproven beliefs that the SMT was performing disparagingly in relation to the other MiG-29s at similar weights?

Nothing has changed in the IRCCM since, not to mention the R-73 is faster now due to reduced drag and improved PID for guidance. Even more lethal than in the video.

A two month old video is not a source or evidence that the missile has not been altered since before the patch dropped.

You hear that boys? You have no logical reasoning according to this developer and professional dataminer.

You are not a developer, get that through your thick skull. Can you even show us were the IRCCM sensitivity is in the files? Can you show us were Flare strength is altered in the files for each and every aircraft? Can you show us where large caliber flares are altered for each and every aircraft? Can you show us where chaff and radar sensitivity is determined and altered in the files? For each and every radar?

Can you show us the ranges where any CM has most effect and minor effect and where those are altered?

You have the superior datamining tools, don’t you?

The IRCCM hasn’t been altered. Check a datamine.

If you’re proclaiming that I’m those things please put it to rest.

You’re right, I’m not. You don’t need to be to understand what I’m saying either.

The R-73’s comes from the gateWidth line, which is the inner FoV. It also comes from the rangeBands wherein the bands for airframe / exhaust plume and countermeasures are slightly different. Older missiles are 1:1 ratio, in this case it has slightly higher ratio in favor of airframe over flares for R-73.

Yes, flares as a countermeasure have their own file. There are currently two categories. How well they work is dependent on the temperature of the aircraft and direction of deployment.

This is all evident in the files I’m not sure where you’re going with this but it’s detracting from your point. In-game testing is necessary to compare the IRCCM since they are not the same methods. Apples to oranges.

In this case, the R-73 cannot be defeated in a wider range of situations where the AIM-9M is defeated by a simple maneuver. I would argue that makes the R-73 better.

Yes, for the R-73 I can show you the ranges that it will be most effective based on the FoV. At a certain point it sees nothing but the target and flares are no longer in the FoV unless they are deployed directly between target and seeker … which is why the MiG-29 has an advantage with shoulder fired countermeasures. They are closer to the center of mass and when banking deploy between itself and the missile seeker, always staying in the FoV for a brief moment.

I’ll be back tonight.

This guy literally said none of you have evidence, sources or logical reason.

Let the record reflect that. As he goes into damage control.

All he has is a video from before the patch even dropped. Thats his logic.

You don’t have to alter the IRCCM genius. You can alter the many different aspects such as aircraft IR signatures or flare strengths of each aircraft.

I thought you knew this since you’re a developer and speak for them often?

You have the best datamining tools, right? Even better than Oshida correct?

I do not care what you can show me you narcissist. I want you to be silent and let others have a chance voice their concerns and their evidence.

at very close range headons you can also eat shit from a vulcan

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I am going to make a video of me dogfighting at pre stall speeds with infinite missiles and min fuel in a custom battles and title it R73 Test 1 and Test 2.

That is going to be my evidence and source moving forward like this dude just provided.

Anything you guys have to say is going to be illogical because I have a video of me in custom battles. Aren’t I cool? All I really want is everyone just to watch my videos so I can feel cool even though they are recorded months ago, before the patch even dropped and has no relevance to Air RB whatsoever.

The logic is that the missiles’ been buffed since. You’re saying the AIM-9M has superior IRCCM when (of the two) the R-73 is the only one that can continue tracking a defensive target regardless of what he does in various scenarios. Nevermind the fact that these IR short range missiles are meant for the moments before and immediately after a merge, when you fail to kill the enemy at medium to long ranges. The R-73 and MiG-29 are better suited for this. At this point if we want to continue discussing just the missiles, there is an entirely different thread for you to spam up.

I’m not entertaining head-ons at high speed in a merge… I’m talking about a 30° frontal arc when you’re already post-merge. In spite of the Vulcans laser beam trajectory it hits like a water pistol in comparison to the Gsh-23 or the 29’s 30mm. And even when they have radar gun solutions the Vulcan users still miss.

Your barking up the wrong tree. Address the people who claimed it.

Your words and your little YouTube videos mean nothing to me.

They don’t have to mean anything to you, I’m just supporting my argument and being bashed for doing so.

Is that supposed to be your “compelling proof”?

You custom battle videos with infinite fuel months ago don’t mean squat to any of us. Address the people who made the claim IRCCM is lacking because your Test videos are worthless to me and have nothing to do with Air RB. Leave me out of it.

Your videos are being bashed because they are nothing custom battle gameplay when the R73 was first released to fighters, and you titled it Test 1 and Test 2.

Lol If that is the case let’s all just record ourselves in @Aussie_MantisMod Custom battles matches while playing lame music in the background and call it “compelling proof”.

Your comment that its’ IRCCM is underperforming is worthless because you’ve got zero reason or rhyme as to why. I’ve got primary documents showing its’ FoV and flare resistance are already accurate.

If you don’t agree, let’s see the reports or share something tangible we can use to perform worthwhile tests.

As an example;

The AIM-9L flare resistance is lacking, therefore by extension the resistance of the AIM-9M is also lacking (not including the flare rejection / IRCCM, but rather how strongly it tracks afterburner plumes).

There is no such documentation showing the R-73 is failing to perform in-game currently.

Why can’t you address @Smoak741 he gave a far more detailed analysis. Take it up with him and the others who offered detailed evidence and testimony. While all you provided is custom battle gameplay with lame music playing in the background.

No narcissist, that is called anecdotal evidence, just like everything else that comes from your mouth that you swear is the word of God.

You’re saying a lot of stuff I didn’t say, on purpose. It doesn’t support your argument.

I have primary sources for the R-73 and its’ performance. They disagree with the idea that it’s underperforming. I have primary sources for the magic 2 and AIM-9L that suggest they are underperforming.

As you can see, I’ve reported the ones that needed fixed. I’ve been reporting issues with the MiG-29 that had sufficient information backing them to make a report.

I’ve done testing to ensure the MiG-29 follows all of the available graphs, schedules, etc. I provided sources for you to test the MiG-29s performance. This thread is about the MiG-29. I suggest you move this argument to my R-73 thread or to the IR missiles thread if you want to continue rambling on about something from which you have no source or valid reason to make assertions.

Have a good night.

Yeah I agree, the Magic II is irrelevant here bud. Bringing it up is nothing more than another plea for attention and to make it all about you.

Everything has to be about you. I do not care about your thread, I don’t care about your youtube channel of custom battle matches with your sister. It is all anecdotal evidence that took place months ago.

Again, if you have so much of an issue with anyone stating the IRCCM is lacking and the R73 is underperforming lately,

please address those directly that provided the more detailed analysis.

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Where did you find the inner FoV for the R-73?

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