Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

very hard to change direction when someone fires aim-9m at you from ~2km and you are flying mig-29smt as a brick ~1100km/h spamming flares all the time and trying to change direction.

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I think at that range any missile with IRCCM is pretty deadly either way.

If someone fired that rocket at you and you are flying centrally with your back to it, it will 100% hit you and no flares will help.
But here I’m talking about the side/side-rear where the R-73 is easy to flare, and the aim-9m no.

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It has gotten me thrown out for team killing as well. It seemed to start doing this for me ending of last week. They seem to actively go for team mates as well. I use pure IR set up and R27ETs in all My mig29s since SMT release.

I actually started to take a break in the Mig29s and playing the Aim9M in the F16C and Harriers. They are exactly as you say I will fire side aspect and they can care less about the flares. I fire them out to 3km way from a subsonic harrier.

Rear aspect is not the issue as all missiles are pretty deadly in rear aspect anyway.

Funny thing is that stephanovic wrote that the r73 has a much better irccm and yet not


fake r-73 will go for flare

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If the enemy moves after flaring AIM-9M flies right past, how is it better?

Here we go… We must defend our daddy developer as if they always kept their word in everything.

Yeah Smoak, If the enemy does a twisty twist, barrel roll donkey kick and the Aim-9M flies right past, how is it better?

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I don’t understand the question so I won’t answer it.

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He is attempting to say without being direct is that the aim9M can be flared, so what are you talking about.

Being fully aware that has nothing to do with what you or anyone is talking about. Obviously, we know it can be flared and no one said it cannot.

He is just not able just say it in a coherent way lest the question look foolish. It is nothing but a tactic to muddy water, obscure the truth and discredit your testimony without directly addressing it.

Translation: AIM-9M misses if the target moves his mouse after flaring so it’s better for the current meta (console players don’t have a mouse) lol

I find the R-73 universally better, able to hit things in point blank head-ons, has fantastic IRCCM when used properly against optimal targets where the AIM-9M just turns the seeker off and flies off into the sunset forever chasing the forbidden heatsource

I’m not available today but tomorrow we can do testing if y’all would prefer. I’ve already said the AIM-9M is better for the current meta but that doesn’t make it’s IRCCM superior.

Good for you.

I wonder what the R73 being able to maneuver better in point blank head on has anything to do with the IRCCM.

What does the sun have to do with it when the R73 loves the sun more when trying to obtain a lock in the first place with the high off boresight capability.

Everything has “fantastic” IRCCM when used against optimal targets. Lol thanks for being specific.

No one is talking about against optimal targets. How specific do these guys have to be?

For a missile that was designed to be shot high off boresight and not directly behind someone is definitely underperforming. It’s completely counter intuitive to the purpose it was designed.

The entire point of the missile was to kill targets without having to be directly behind them.

The R-73 doesn’t have a 1.8s proximity fuse delay and is highly resistant in head-ons against afterburning targets at very close range

The forbidden heatsource was a humorous addon to “riding into the sunset” (it missed the target and kept going)

Not everything has IRCCM, and the AIM-9M’s will simply turn the seeker off when in the presence of a flare on a non afterburning target in rear aspect… The R-73 will continue to chase the target.

Yes y’all are, all of the shots shown or discussed were against targets flying in a straight line instead of maneuvering after popping their flares… that is THE optimal target for AIM-9M.

You like to say something is over / underperforming often without any actual source or backing. We have more than enough primary sources to indicate it’s performing as it should.

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a proximity fuse is not IRCCM.

Captain obvious we know that. However, every missile is extremely deadly when fired from rear quarters and the R73 is not designed to be fired from only the rear quarters. It was overengineered to be fired in high off boresight and maintain a track at those aspects.

Coming from the guy that just said “the R73 is super good at optimal targets”

Who is we? You and the developers? because you are one, right? Who told you, your datamining tools?

Speak for yourself for once in your life. Play the the missile more than a 100 games as GJ has designed it to be played and get back to us.


So is the Aim9H. So what’s your point?

The R-73 doesn’t have a 1.8s proximity fuse delay and is highly resistant in head-ons against afterburning targets at very close range

I just tried the R73 on a target that had the AB front aspect turned on and after 1-2 flares the R73 flew to flare.
The distance from the target was about ~1km.
I tried at shorter/larger distances same thing.

And the function of the AIM-9M’s IRCCM would be better for point blank head-ons had it not had such a long arming delay for the proximity fuse.

Yes it was designed for use in dogfights (and dogfight ranges). It’s somewhat flare resistant in these conditions. For an opponent to lower their thrust significantly and turn to keep the missile off his rear would be quite detrimental to the fight. At that time missiles were not considered good enough to forego a gun still.

It’s also pretty early IRCCM, I’m not sure what you’re asking for. In fact, it’s interesting because they copied the IRCCM from the R-73 to the magic 2… which should have an even smaller iFoV AND the same methods for flare decoy rejection as the AIM-9M. The R-73 itself is already accurate.

I stated the obvious, but you can’t connect the dots and understand why the R-73s flare rejection method is superior?

The people making the bug reports.

I always have. You’re gonna speak for the entire community about the AIM-9M knowing full well it’s not as good as the R-73 as bait lol

R-73 still missing 60G in TVC mode which would agree that it’s a close-range dogfighting missile

At what ranges?

This is something we can test, try using the AIM-9M on an award target who knows all he has to do is flare and move the mouse a few inches. In the videos you can see an aware opponent who was preflaring, maneuvering to kill me and he was completely helpless to stop the missile because he didn’t jam the WEZ.