Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

SMT has more drag because of the enlarged fin.

Global Defense Corp isn’t a trust worthy source

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The only significant aerodynamic changes, if you can call it that, is the retractable probe.

Which “fin” is enlarged?

Unrelated, but what is everyones take on the new engines? Also what fuel settings have you decided are best?

I am actually loving taking 20min internal and the drop tank. lots of fuel and you can drop it and be almost dogfight ready (still need to burn some off)

Still testing it in games but the SMT has definitely gotten a little faster I have outrun everyone pretty easy today on the deck. Before it was rare, I can get away in it now like other Mig29s.

Please guys, lets not start this “not acceptable website” trend

GJ has used many random sites as source. There are very few places out there that offer the information regarding these old weapons systems and the more we keep saying things like this:

No one will want to post anything of the hard work they just did in researching.

We already have much stricter rules when it comes to using operational manuals to change models because of this guy. Let’s not go down this path of “your website is too random.” None of that serves the game.

Again, GJ must use “random” sites there is just not enough information out there. Just put out the information and let the contents be scrutinized by the community. If they are false, it will be found out.

I remember Smin linked us the Elta radar in the Kfir’s source was from some random site in South America iirc. But the information was sound and literally all we had to go off of.

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What dead language? What are you talking about

There are six official languages of the UN. These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The correct interpretation and translation of these six languages, in both spoken and written form, is very important to the work of the Organization, because this enables clear and concise communication on issues of global importance.


Did you guys did not even bother with sources??? Just the Global Defense one was a great read and has It’s got all kind of information on the radars and export radars. Ranges, Frequencies. Modes for the Different Mig29s and exports and Flankers, Indian and Chinese.



I would like people to actually go through sources when people post them instead shutting it down immediately as “nonsense” or “unacceptable”. Look, every site is rooted in some bias, you are only there for relevant data. Not the commentary.

I am going to research and verify these other radars of the aircraft I believe will come in game.


I have no issues with such sites but that website posts absurd claims

I thought the hump on the SMT is known as fin

Yeah I saw the random comments by the editor out of nowhere talking bad suddenly about the Su35. But its clearly his opinion. But the technicalities seemed on point and he didn’t take away from them. I am going through one of the Migs29 radar modes in the chart

I had no idea, yeah it does technically induce some drag.

But if they are going to model that hump that draggy, good lord.

Most airflow is already channeled down form the cockpit the hump is not go any higher or outward. I assumed it would be minimal.

Funny thing is as far as i know Mig21SMT’s hump doesnt add additional drag compare to MF or BIS model.

İf this situation only occurs on Mig29 then it should be revert.

1.F-15…AN/APG-63…Detection-16 targets\Escort on the passage-10 purpose\The use of missiles for 1 (one) target …
2. The detection range is 160 km. for a target with an EPR of 19 square meters (FB-111)…160 km. for purposes with an EPR of 3 square meters (F-5)…60 km.



  1. Su-27…the first version of the H-001 radar was designed and tested with a Passive phased array antenna…it was not ready by 1982 (they decided to bring it to the Su-27M in 1985, it received the designation N-011 and was adopted as part of the Su-35 in 1995)
  2. The second version of the N-001 radar was designed and tested in 1982-1985 with the help of the designers of the N-019 radar…It was adopted in 1985 as part of the Su-27…
  3. The N-019 radar was ready on time…serial production of the MiG-29 began in the second half of 1982…

How can we verify?

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R-73 decreased drag coeff from 2.775 to 2.5 ballistic coefficient changed from 1127.2 kg/m^2 to 1251.2 kg/m^2 for reference AIM-9L (similarly long burn low acceleration SRAAM) is 1324.8 kg/m^2. AIM-9L still glides better but keep in mind the R-73 burns a little longer too so it enters its glide phase a little later in all they should be more similar range wise (AIM-9L should still have an edge) as long as the missile doesnt use its TVC in that shot

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This comes from the soviet F-15 manual, which is wrong. Quite wrong in the range estimations.
This is the detection range chart using the 160km for 19m^2 values.
see how 3m^2 is 100km and not 80m^2 like the value given on the manual.
This also gives( IF it translated correctly) ±10° for elevation which is not the case.

The chart you provided gives the values for the original F16’s APG-66 and the APG-65 of the F18. But a “medium sized target”. Fortunately we have the APG66 values where we can reconstruct the data, where I did the F16s report but radar dev just decided to go with the soviet chart below for it instead of proper range lmao.
2021-01-16 (3)
On War thunder the value on the F-16’s APG66 is 45km for a 3m^2 target, doing the ratio it should give 3.5. 157km for a 3m^2 target for the APG63 in RWS. VS range will naturally be slightly higher. APG66 should really be 22N.M for 2m^2.

I have no reason not to trust this forum…This is a graph of the manufacturer Hughes Aircraft…The range is indicated in nautical miles (nm)-including for the F-15…

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Which is what I have here
2023-01-11 (5)


The detection range is 160 km. for a target with an EPR of 19 square meters (FB-111)…160 km. for purposes with an EPR of 3 square meters (F-5)…60 km.

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Thank you

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I feel that when we start too get thaings like the F-15 and Su-27, the Mig-29’s are gonna take a back seat and it might be a bit before we see a new variant. Maybe a Mig-29K after the Yak too make a naval line…

Looks like autopilot on R73 has finally fixed.

İt flies much smoother and reaches further away.