Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Just a reminder. I still stand by It does not matter how much crap you put in the Mig29. it will never be strategic fighter.

However, at the end of the day it will always be a pure high alpha dogfighter and point defense fighter. Still with a higher thrust to weight then the F16C.

It should never suffer in that area to the degree as it was purely designed for it. Yes, the F16 was originally too. But its modernization focused more and more on the strategic swing role capability and never had a heavy radar in the nose of the Blitz fighter design.

I have a hard time believing a Mig29 pilot was assigned newer SMT’s and was like “eww, I want my more old Mig”

I asked if it was reported yet, was informed by tech moderators that the engine series was already reported.

I saw there were changes to fuel consumption, I inquired whether or not it was the change to series 3 coming and it was confirmed to me.

I then told the people asking in a simple manner, the series 3 engines were coming per the datamine.

There’s nothing else to this, feel free to report if you think something malicious is going on.

Well since todays fight are most likely starts with BVR and Dogfights are pretty much suicidial actions i dont think any Mig29 pilot will complain about SMT’s flight performance.

At the end more advanced Radars and BVR missiles are the most critical thing in actual combat scenario, so sacrificing some flight performance will be acceptable in that case.

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i’m eager to see how the game will look once the meta changes and BVR becomes more relevant

If nothing wrong was done. Who was the tech mod that told you it was actioned? Name. Let’s see the report that came to your possession, and you stood by it not knowing its origin. What is the name of the tech mod that gave you confirmation it was actioned? If it really had nothing to do with your 3rd party applications.

What told you that you have then a legal right to act as an authorized agent of Gaijin Entertainment to then run straight to the forums and God knows what discord servers and be the first and only person to declare that Gaijin is working on new content and when it is coming??

You still have no legal right to as a licensed consumer to run your mouth regardless of what this nameless tech mod told you. It is not an official announcement by the very legal definition, and you would get smoked in court if Gaijin filed a suit for your unauthorized use of data of their intellectual properties that you admitted were still being worked on.

(Yes, until it is confirmed officially being made known to the public by an authorized representative of Gaijin Entertainment) it is considered live and active work of unreleased product and the intellectual property belonging to Gaijin Entertainment no matter what.

Regarding the mere confirmation that something is actioned in private transmissions that you initiated in the first place with a tech moderator who serves as your insider contact.
Actioned items still have no legal merit of an official confirmation as legally defined. That contact and those private transmissions does NOT allow you legal agency to act on behalf of GJ advertise upcoming services/products etc.
As a licensed consumer it is highly inappropriate to race over to the forums to proclaim the good news and even admitting all of it yourself before the public can be properly notified and confirmed by an actual authorized agent of Gaijin entertainment is able.

That is the definition of a leak.

Look, chief as long as GJ Entertainment has knowledge of tools that you admit came into your possession and the fact that you just were the first and only person to declare any new content was coming before the game developer can. Knock yourself out @_David_Bowie or @Smin1080p

December uptade will probably gonna open that door.

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I hope so

My sources are the same as yours (came to me in a dream). You want a source for my hot takes now and you don’t want to provide any for yours?


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Keep it up. Boast about it more.

Being as it is difficult to strip you of the tools used to dive into the files you have no license to acknowledge or record. There is only very limited options available.

It’s just the dev server, which anyone can download.
Tech mods share when stuff has been actioned internally all the time.

I’m not an official, so feel free to take anything I’ve said with a grain of salt. I could be lying for all you care. (You’ve said you don’t in the past).


I did nothing wrong. I asked about something, it was confirmed. A tech mod later also confirmed it publicly in the thread. No rules were broken.

I’m not responsible for changes that happen after I claim they’re gonna happen. I claimed we’d get AIM-54 changes that never happened. I’m just assuming based on stuff that’s been reported and confirming with changes visible to anyone.

If I did something wrong take it to DMs with forum mods or something cuz at this point you’re poorly veiling insults and derailing the thread.

-not off topic-

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I think it will remain similar, the MiG-29 is already fantastic in BVR. The FOX-3s coming next patch and changes to IR missiles won’t change the meta much imo.

People will keep skimming to avoid radar and preflaring / lowering throttle in head-ons will be necessary for IR missiles (already kinda is).


I’m expecting two new top tier fighters and a bunch of changes to existing ones armament. MiG-29 might not get a fox-3.

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Just to interject really quick, Considering Oshida does all the datamine’s is it not considered bad practice when he does it? Or is it the specific issue the statement of mods confirming “inside” information to @MiG_23M and then him passing on the info that is the issue.

Just seems like an odd argument about nothing in particular.

I have yet to see @Oshida_BCF come out and declare unreleased content is coming and when it is coming before Gaijin can announce themselves.

How many times has he went to moderators for inside confirmation of specific data that passes through his hands of unreleased content to find out when it is to be released and then race to the forums to advertise it?

That is not the purpose of datamining.

Okay so the unreleased content was the engine changes in this case correct?

So the official announcement would have been today in the form of the changelog they posted?

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Yes, unreleased content in this case the RD-33 series 3 in which Mig incorrectly interpretted from his limited use in the datamining as a brand-new model

@Oshida_BCF tried to correct his reporting and clearly lay out they do not report cerrtain things. Instead Mig disregarded the community who has done it for year and proclaimed and advertised the new content before it ever was released.

At the end of the day no matter how small the content actually was. The fact remains datamining should be reserved for the few highly competent, morally guided individuals such as @Oshida_BCF
They do their reports for the community to keep transparency of the game. Not predict new content.

Not everyone, not even myself should have such access for personal gain like Mig has demonstrated. I tried to warn him this hobby is very critical and not like bug reporting etc. Because you are handling and exposed to the intellectual properties of GJ, and leaks disrupt their bottom line.

I do not know, but GJ should have a say when and how things are announced or not. In every major company actioned items have been delayed for whatever reason or cancelled.

He gave Gaijin no choice and he is nothing but a mere consumer but is now armed with additional capabilities not offered to the average customer. He is direct violation of his user agreement.

Got it, I either misread or misunderstood @Oshida_BCF’s earlier comments about common practice when it came to creating datamines.

Consider my confusion dispelled.

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i’d be satisfied with the 9.13 getting r73s, f15 with amraams would be cool too

There isn’t an issue with any of this to my knowledge. Nothing will come of it. Anyone is free to inquire about upcoming changes whether they show up in datamine or not.

In this case, a change was visible in the datamine that clearly reflected a report I inquired about in the past. I see no reason anyone should consider my opinion more or less valid than the other dataminers. If you check my GitHub, it’s the same data any other dataminer is pulling. I just had advance knowledge of a value that was changed.