Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

MiG-29KR (9-41) fitted Tumansky RD-33MK engine better MiG-29M (9-15) fitted Tumansky RD-33K engine but unsure MiG-29KR (9-41) from Russian Navy using Phazotron N010 Zhuk phased array radar like MiG-29M (9-15) ?

Is there any possibility that in the future gaijin might consider MiG-29S (9-13S) & MiG-29SM (9-13SM) located between MiG-29 (9-13) & MiG-29SMT (9-19) but before MiG-29M (9-15) and MiG-29KR (9-41) ?

There is no such designation as the MiG-29KR, there is just the MiG-29K

Tumansky has nothing to do with these engines

I guess MiG-29K (9-31) for Indian Navy and MiG-29K (9-41) for Russian Navy


no.Both countries use 9-41

So patch notes say they added RD-33 Series 3 but it is still 10 kgf less than 29G series 2 engines and still name hasnt changed?

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They goofed is all, should be fixed soon

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gaijin being gaijin i guess lmao

What am I supposed to do retype it?

Did I die to JH-7A? Why be so indirect in claiming I have a personal issue against the JH-7A. Just say it.

Lets be clear here, you just want me to stop mentioning the aircraft altogether, because you sense there is some sort of attack on it. Are you insecure about it?

The truth of the matter is that I have the aircraft and think it’s kind of cool and heavily unmodelled It is unfinished. Regardless, I can care less if it gets nerfed or even if gets further buffed instead.

I also stated I would not bring any of my findings in the JH-7A thread I have no intention of nerfing it or any vehicle in that matter.

I do not cry about models overperforming because they are my competitor and write a report based on a deep stall point not even modelled in the game. I never advocated that any aircraft be nerfed my entire WT experience. Only promoting fighters I feel is lacking, I only mention overperformances of others.

I like the new engines but the extra burn is a little scary in AB that I would run out. The jet gets up to .98 really quickly without AB does anyone have the old speeds?

@MiG_23M can you run a datamine report and tell me everything there is to know about the aircraft? also the data that the devs are tweaking so you can predict what is to come next like you did for the engines?

You were the first player (Licensed Consumer) in all of WT to declare the Series 3 was coming to the game well before @_David_Bowie or any other authorized agent of Gaijin entertainment can tell us it was coming. Neither did the datamine reports commited on 11/10 reflect a series 3 engine. Only the use of your own datamine tools would give you, a regular consumer the ability to make such a prediction. In which you already admitted of having possessed the software and expertise.

You made it point that you hold expertise in this field and in which you can immediately differentiate & determine what Datamine is inferior to another.

Then it seems that you are trying to hide that you were the first and only person to come out declaring the new engines before GJ Entertainment did and your story changes. It went from you actively seeing the changes to:

Who reported it? Who is the Tech modderator who gave you advanced knowledge it was actioned?

You keep referring to an unknown report as cover. if it’s unknown why didn’t you not that clear but instead actually stood by it and declared without a shadow of a doubt the engines were coming? To the point you went to seek insider confirmation from a nameless tech mod that it was actioned. Because your own ability to datamine and your own unlicensed access to the files tipped you off.

You still have not legal right to come out before and official announcement can be made.

Then your story switches up to “oh just some information got passed” to some bug reporter.

You mean information as in unlicensed pulling of data that was being actively tweaked by developers by abusing datamine tools as you just admitted and then went to a Tech Modderator (whom we know) to make sure it was coming soon?

So if it was someone else’s report as you later claimed who’s report did it belong to that gave you the advanced knowledge that the engine will come and who tipped you off that it was actioned? Who is the Tech Mod that told you it would be actioned?

What makes you think that is an official announcment and you can now act as an authorized representative of Gaijin Entertainment and declare that the content is coming? What makes you think that you think what just occured was not a leak?

It was a leak by the very definition, and you are the leaker. No one else came out about engines except you. No one

The datamine community told you there is data that cannot be reported and I even told and warned you there is things that go unreported all the time. You have access now, so tell me how your access has any legal benefit to Gaijin entertainment? When the first thing you did was declare new engines are coming?

Anyway, just curious as I love data security btw. I am pretty sure Gajin Entertainment like any other company is very invested in data security and the integrity of their intellectual properties as they already have gone through great measures to keep the public from accessing data as its being worked on and before they can even have a chance to release it like the Series 3 engine.

I was going to warn you the other to be careful with your new hobby because all you want to know is what is coming to the game. That is not what Datamine tools are for. But I rather warn you here.

Why would I be insecure about JH-7? I just simply pointed out that you are saying the same thing over and over which weakens your claims.
Also all of us should avoid discussing about JH-7 in this thread.


Except you didnt Ziggy.

You enjoyed that F-16 Flight model until the part where you got bored and decided to switch to Mig29, thats when you realized it was actually not funny to fly against F-16 in SMT.

Yes, and I changed my position due to more personal research. Is that allowed?

Which some of us are incapable and believe a change of thought is some sort of illness when its actually the greatest trait one can have. That is challenging your own beliefs and original conclusions.

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So you’re accepting the fact that your initial opinions about F-16 and Mig29 flight model wasnt actually accurate.

İf thats the case im ok with that.

Actually look at my stats, I played the SMT far more than the F-16C and D I barely touched them.

I only play the G and SMT.

Still the SMT more because that is the aircraft that needs the most. Experience in the aircraft as the game is designed is critical to understanding what it needs in the meta and discuss what is and what is not possible to achieve that here.

I may not have datamining tools, insider knowledge from nameless mods like certain members who think they know everything about anything only playing to remain on the forums.

Everyone who actually has games in the aircraft that has complaints is of more value to me than some dude with datamining tools that thinks values higher in number means it is not suffering.

Yes. If the F-16 will enjoy this model which I do like then the Mig29 should not be held back in the many ways that it was literally designed to do.

Fair enough.

As long as people realize what is right and wrong everything will be okay i believe.

i’m feeding my hopes for december so much… I feel like i’ll be disappointed