Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yet you sit there the etire day conversing with me when I asked you to stop.


For real Its 9pm and I got to actually go.

So if I ask you to stop posting hot takes without some valid basis for the claim aside your opinion… You’ll do it?

I’d really like to know how and why the SMT is underperforming though.

If someone tells me to stop pinging them, because they have no interest in what I have to say. Yes, I will immediately stop directly pinging them in my post.

That is how human’s socialize. I can care less about what the next man posts as long as I am not tagged. I am not the holy sentinel of the of the War Thunder Forums and Guardian of the Narrative like you think you are. One man’s hot take is another’s valuable opinion. You have no right to ask anyone to stop posting and keep bothering them with by tagging them over and over when they asked you to stop because they have no interest in what you have to say.

Nothing I have said here is a “hot take” that the SMT is not pulling enough alpha and roll rate is inefficient having the many technologies to counteract weight with a hight thrust to weight engines.

Or that a dedicated Naval Strike aircraft is missing the qualities and technologies of a fighter and is overperforming?

Your testing is irrelevant to these “hot takes” and many players, countless players believe the SMT is underperforming. Find one of them and stop pinging me loser.

I see no reason it’s “underperforming”, I await your sources.

I’m not familiar with the actual MIG 29, so I’d like to ask a question.
Specifically, how high of a degree of alpha would you say is sufficient?

That is you’re opinion. Rub it in your chest.

It is not the opinion of the many players in and outside the forum. Find one of them and bother them for their reasons why.

You are of no value or use to me.

Its not a specific degree of alpha I am trying to obtain. It’s the very limited window the SMT can achieve the general Mig29 platforms performance I find the issue. Very limited and small window to perform on par with the regular mig29.

Even the Mig29G with full fuel and weapons (4xR73s & 2x R27ERs) can defeat the SMT with 20min and 2x R73s quite easily.

Thank you for your response.
So you are saying that it is causing excessive performance loss relative to the increase in weight.
Theoretically, a similar aerodynamic design should be able to compete equally well with equipment and fuel settings of equal weight.
I understood your argument to be that.

Absolutely correct, thank you.

Excessive performance loss. That is the “hot take” I have.

The weight should be a factor no doubt. It is the degree it has been applied. You can make other Mig29s much heavier in game. They still have a distinct advantage over the SMT. Anyone that takes the time to go 1v1 in all variants will easily notice.

Excessive performance loss. Gaijin obviously feels the same as incremental changes has happened since release and the final change has not been confirmed either.

The weight should be a factor no doubt. It is the degree we see I find problematic.

I’ve had no issue beating superior platforms currently with similar fuel amounts in the SMT. (superior due to overperformance of those platforms)…

Do you have any proof the SMT has a reasonable disparity in performance with similar weight?

The datamine also suggests there should be little disparity based on the fact that few variables have changed besides weight.

I do not care if you have an issue with the King of England. Anything you have to say does not matter to me. Ask someone else.

I’m asking you to show us what you’re talking about. Should be a quick and easy in-game demonstration if it’s such a disparity?

This is an interesting statement. What changes would those be? The only changes I’ve seen so far have been directly related to mine and @Giovanex05 reports on the earlier models. I don’t recall anything specific to the 9-19. Nothing unless myself or Gio reported it.

Yeah, because Gaijin only makes changes to their own game if they are reported by players.

Another beautiful example of your fine intellect at work.

Have the changes to the MiG-29 made it to the live server? It seems like it has.

That’s right, that’s exactly what I said. Not misconstrued at all.

If you take a look at the changes as seen in my datamine. You’ll see they only changed what they said they’d change in response to the aircraft’s bug reports, nothing else.

No, I don’t think so. Check the version in the top right.

I just got an update for WT less than an hour ago so its possible. I’m not sure though.

That’s the update, should have the improvements that appeared in the datamine. RD-33 series 3 rename hasn’t come yet afaik though.

I’m not wrong, and changes that aren’t in the datamine affect a much wider range of things than a specific vehicle. If there were changes to the MiG-29 specifically, we’d have seen them.

Also no, I’ve not been playing the game since I was 10. The game wasn’t even out at that point. Let’s avoid this personal discourse, it’s not the place for it. Stay civil.

I’m still waiting on the source for SMT overperforming or a simple example of the aforementioned disparity.

Says the one who use our tools/repo to datamine

idk why you’re saying it’s getting a “new engine”

it’s just getting a consumption value tweaked slightly

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