Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Wrong again, bad bait btw

I’ve gotten direct responses on most of them, and nearly all of them warranted a change whether they were marked “not a bug” or “fixed”.

So does the Yak-15 have these technologies? How come it out-rates the MiG-29?

Outside the scope of my direct knowledge but I can check the differences in the files tomorrow when I’m next available.

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This answer is the equivalent of “I failed to change the game in every single report I have ever made, but at least they acknowledged me.”

Its far lighter and smaller and as a result is has a smaller turn radius.

That is the only factor genius. How is someone so good at 1v1s, but so unable to understand that?


No, each report made a change. The devs have also acknowledged the issues and stated they will be correcting the F-16 (as an example) further as they improve their instructor and flight model.

BFM has little to do with aerodynamic design…

The F-5E is smaller and lighter than the MiG-29, has some of the technologies you mentioned… and a better T/W than the Yak-15. Why doesn’t the F-5E out-rate the MiG-29 then?


Is irst even supposed to give gun lead(and closure rate)? without slaving the radar that is

The İRST on MİG-23 doesn’t show distance but the one on Mig-29 can show distance so I’m guessing it should do so. So GAIJIN deliberately made 29s İRST able to do those , so I’m guessing they did research about it

I’m making an uneducated guess but maybe it is using the radar at the same time to calculate such data? Or maybe it is like a constant laser range finder like on the tanks? But working constantly to measure distance and closure?

Yeah it’s weird to me as well. If it slaves the radar logically it would give a warning. I don’t think the IRST is like a modern thermal imager that is found on some spaa

BFM has many things to do with aerodynamic design of combat aircraft of the 4th Generation. But ok…

The Yak-15 is still far lighter than the F5E be several thousand pounds with a radar in the nose. The F-5E is also designed to fly and operate at supersonic and transonic flight and does not have the straight wings more suitable for turn radius at subsonic speeds.

The F5E does not have the size, lift properties of the Mig29 and enough thrust can be generated to make use out of its own LERX. Which is the first fighter and predecessor of the technology.

Additionally, the F5E is modelled rather poorly but I digress.
Are you done asking questions that only serve in providing more evidence that you really do not know what you are talking about?

İt might be using radar like TWS tho I have no clue. Or it might have something like a constant laser range finder or something similar.

Tho I’m just making speculation based on my very limited (not) understanding. But finding data on such niche things is difficult especially if you do not know where to look and I do not unfortunately.

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The MiG-29’s IRST has a laser that is used to determine distance.

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The basic fighter maneuvers were a thing prior to gen4s. The fighters capabilities and the modern meta of HOBS missiles dictate which ones are most useful for them these days, but they have nothing to do with aerodynamic design.

Does it not? You know exactly how much lift it makes and it’s related to the LERX and nothing else? You almost touched on what I’ve been getting at this entire time. The JH-7A wing design is not the same as the MiG-29s.

No, are you gonna provide a basis for anything you claimed earlier? Such as;
JH-7A performing better than a MiG-29
JH-7A having bettera AoA than MiG-29
JH-7A overperforming

MiG-29SMT underperforming, and how?
(My questions are only trying to further discussion and get you to present your lack thereof an argument).


Who said that it was not? The rest of your answer and whatever sense you think you made is still irrelevant.

BFM is a huge aspect of aerodynamic design in 4th Generation fighters and fighter aircraft in general.

Not so much of the 3rd generation with many designs such as the F-104 and Mig25. Both designed to be purely interceptors. Fast interceptors was the dominant trend of the 3rd generation.

We got a real sherlock holmes over here.

Why? You are irrelevant and a waste of time. You going to submit the report if I provide irrefutable evidence the SMT is underperforming? You are a failure of a bug reporter with no wins.

None of your test are accepted by developers so anything you have to say about them is IRRELEVANT to me. Smin himself made it a point and directly told you on behalf of the developers before closing your own reports!! So how is your claim that the JH-7A is not rooted irrelevant falsities? Because you tested it?! Lol

4th gens primarily focused on high performance and energy maneuverability… Which helps during ACM… but the BFM has nothing to do with that. They’re just BFM…

You want to be taken seriously, behave better.

@Smin1080p this true? Last I recall 99.5% of my reports are using full real and the one time I used WTRTI my report was still valid. Most of my reporting has been implemented or made a real change.

@Ziggy1989 you’ve reported nothing, you’ve made no case for yourself. You’re trying to avoid any responsibility and can’t provide any semblance of reason for your assertions. It’s a common theme with you. You’ve got nothing to show the MiG-29SMT is underperforming at all.

Keep digging

“I’m not willing to race, but I swear I’m better than you!”

It doesn’t need help, that’s what I’ve been saying.


Terrible bait

“The vast majority of your reports got things fixed that needed fixed or are acknowledged and on the to-do list but I assure you, you’ve failed!”.

Can’t make this stuff up.

Come back with a basis for your claims.

Lol you are soooo bothered by this.

“they acknowledge my existence though” & “nearly, kind of but not and almost exactly had all of them accepted”

lol You can link whatever you want. You are failure of a bug reporter compared to the average standard and you feel the SMT is fine so there is no point in speaking to you on the matter.

Yes, and I said ok, there is no reason in speaking to you any further on it way back. Because even if you did, you are still a failure of a bug reporter compared to the others in the community and will just screw up the report anyway.

You better hope they do not touch that flight model ever. Because the SECOND they do, I will be back here waiting to hear what you have to say about it.

I hope they do, but it won’t be because you said so. You’ve got zero sources or credibility on the matter and no basis to say “I told you so” to begin with.

Say what you want, my reports made noticeable change and you could do the same if you’d had a valid source. Once again you reply with nothing worthwhile that could further the discussion. Zero points. You can’t even outline what’s specifically wrong with the FM in the first place, you’ve left your claim to be as ambiguous as possible.

What is a source? You have credibility? You did not even know what a single piece of technology does on the Mig29 or what doctrine the airframe design consist of.

I explained the technologies of the Mig29 how all of them combined provide lift and sustainment of high angles of attack and sustained turn rate in which 2,000lbs would not make much of a distance to this degree.

What is a source to you? Go learn about it kid and perhaps you will change you position like normal human beings do. Thats how I concluded the Mig29 in general is lacking in areas not yet present in the game when initially I thought it was fine.

sign a peace deal guys, it’s just a game


Yes I did, you can’t just state that other people don’t know these things.

There are formulas to determine this, ones that Gaijin has used to develop the flight model. I trust that they can augment the flight model properly based on the earlier airframes. All you’ve done is explain the airframe design like it’s a wikipedia article.

“Sweet potatoes are potatoes but in my personal opinion, since potatoes are potatoes… The sweet ones are too sweet”.

Literally any primary documentation that provides real world or calculated data on the performance of the vehicle?

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