Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

oh yeah maybe if you can’t get the r73 off then mig23 could win

what about the G it better then the ml in a dogfight

I agree 100% with what you wrote and i’d also say that they should add EC RB as an alternative mode for those who wanna get a different experience (rb physics, no nametags, no missile diamond and unlimited spawns), however i have 1 question, does the SMT and more modern versions of the su27 suffer from the same rwr issue?

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Quite frankly, I’m amazed at the fact that we still have nametags and missile diamonds in air RB. Those should purely be arcade features, particularly at top tier where we all have radars to work with. Its embarrassing that you need to either play sim or ground battles if you want a good air combat experience at this point.

As for the RWR question, the SMT shouldn’t suffer from the issue. The Su-27 would until a variant without the SPO-15 is added. This would REALLY help balance the Su-27, as I have a sneaking suspicion it will be oppressive when its added as it will have a better FM and likely better missiles than the F-15 and it gets 2 more missiles on top of that…

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Perfect, that’s the kind of match that i’m waiting since the Apex’s Predators update, as a russian you’ll need to rush and try to get close to the western aircraft to have more chances of winning and as a american it’ll be better to avoid merging with the ruskies because of the archer, i’d love this dynamic gameplay.

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What i suspect is that they’ll add an overperforming su-27 because of months of f-16 dominance and the worst part is that the players will agree because “muhh usa dominated for months so now it must suffer”, the cycle continues…

Unfortunately, it’s not possible with things like the AIM-9M in the game. You cannot see it without the diamond, and it would be incredibly unfun to play against since you can’t defend.

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you’ll need to pre-flare when getting close to the enemy jet, it’s not that hard to avoid the 9m if he’s not launching behind you or at your side, you should be able to merge without issues and once you do the r73 will be a nightmare for your opponent.

The funny thing is the F-16 hasn’t really been overperforming for long, iirc only since the sons of atilla update, so a bit over 1.5 months…

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The missile is far worse but the rwr and radar alone make it better. It can just disengage and reengage far quicker that the Mig29 can and once aim120 is added, the missile issue is solved. In an actual air rb environment the spo15 is simply insufficient already to perform bvr outside of a 1v1 maybe a 1v2, the f16 can bvr fight half a team if it wants until it runs out of chaff.

well you know how this community works…

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The 9M is also relatively new (only 1.5 month), and this could be solved with MAWS as well, which are starting to appear on jets in-game. Its also just not a good excuse for the fact that we’ve had years of this spotting system.


They have since apex, they had an actual useable fm on launch day. Took them 3 months to fix the mig29 only to make it even worse later. I mean the entire apex predators trailer had the spotlight on the f16, and yet people cry about russian bias lmao


The ML series out-rates all the MiG-29s but they don’t give it much trouble in slow speed unless you’re using the MLD. MLD can mop the floor with a MiG-29G if he knows what he’s doing… A high altitude merge will lend itself towards the MiG-29 although that’s rare due to R-27ER.


Let’s hope that they’ll change this situation with the “minor adjustments” that the mods promised

It is good, it’s very good. The SMT is a fantastic plane.

You must understand that both the F-16s and the MiG-29s get very heavy as newer models come out and they aren’t going to maneuver on par with their earlier models.

There’s nothing to change. The MiG-23 and MiG-29 are performing mostly accurately at the moment. They’re fine.

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so irl the 23 outrated the 29?

The mig-29 had issues on launch but got the R-27ER like 3 days in and then continued to receive buffs for a while. It definitely wasnt the entirety of time since Apex that the F-16 was “dominating”

In real life pilots weren’t permitted to sustain >8.5G in the MLD. They also weren’t allowed to maneuver with wings forward more than 33 degrees - so those that did had little documentation or stories to share of them doing so.

Airframe fatigue is not a concern in-game, as such the aircraft is able to maneuver in those wings forward configurations without concern for airframe or loss of stability thanks to instructor. This allows them to do things real pilots wouldn’t dare. The same is true of all aircraft, being able to pull beyond the airframe and pilot limits that would influence their performances irl.

In short, yes. The MiG-23ML+ out-rates the MiG-29 on the deck.

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