Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

xD i think you are casual air rb player who never play tournament or any potent game mode

mhm that’s interesting, but what about the minor adjustments mentioned by the mod? The fulcrum still lacks a bit of low speed performance, no?

0.5 deg/s at lower speeds will not close the distance with the sustained turn rates. It will continue to lose to the MiG-23ML+

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mig29 became better (for the meta) and on par with the f16 only after the fm revision. While the ER was added a few days in, the radar didn’t function most of the time, and it took 2 months for a total fix of the radar. iirc it didnt even have HMD radar que. even r60m were not stock while the the f16 had aim9l

i remember reading your comment about the mirage outrating the 29, is that accurate aswell ?

Yes, at low speeds. If you can maintain a speed of around 515 mph (825 km/h+), you can out-rate the M2K. The issue is that his turn radius is so small that he can easily offset the circle and find ways to nose point at you with sufficient angles to land shots. To counter this you’ll need to climb or constantly yo-yo to stay behind him without dumping speed. If you dump speed, he can easily use defensive BFM to force an overshoot or go into a vertical scissors where he simply wins.

There is 0% chance of running from the M2K so long as he is still equipped with the magic 2. The other issue is that the magic 2 will get considerable improvements next major.


Not doubting that it is well documented (su-27 manual is a primary source), but I haven’t understood why that happens.
Either Soviet engineer were dumb or they would have just blinded the rwr to the frequency the radar is using in that moment, unless there’s something that I am missing.

How the RWR itself is even picking up that much radiation from the aircraft radar is weird, although Soviet RWR technology was never top notch.

Is there anything on how this changed depending on what mode and scan path the radar is using (for example i’d expect this effect to be much less severe in single target track than normal src)?

Also any information about the Spo-10 having similar issues? Because if it doesn’t then the Spo-15 would be a downgrade, which would also be quite weird.

The problem here is more of “who plays the game”. Before I bought a new computer I had a rather poor 1440x900 screen where missiles were almost impossible to see, and I would have been at an enormous disadvantage compared to the myself of today (over 1440p resolution, HDR, better colors etc) if missile diamonds were not around.
Before I struggled to see planes 4km away, now i can see the little smoke the AiM9M makes.

Since air RB is not a full simulation (rather it is an arcade game with (at least theoretically) realistic physics) imho missile diamonds should be there

Weight makes a huge difference. The main reason Japanese ww2 planes were such good dogfighters was because how light and nimble they were.

Is that true to real life? Somehow I can’t see how a mig23 is going to outrate a 29 on the deck, regardless of how brave the pilot was with the wing sweep.

Does the RAF report describe how the fight was carried? Because in a general sense how an aircraft good in WVR will perform against a fighter good in BVR depends on how the mission is carried out.

Explaining myself better

If you take two aircraft and put them alone against each other, starting at long distances and at high altitudes and in completely flat terrain a MiG-31 or anything that goes fast and has a big and advanced radar will be the winner most of the time and at least will almost never get shot down.

Put some hills in the way, ground radars/awacs (aircraft will know where enemy is without needing to use his own radar) and shorter ranges (aka smaller fighter won’t have fuel shortages or anything similar) and suddenly the only option any large bvr fighter will have is to run from the smaller fighter if his missiles (that now have a FAR harder time to connect) miss.

I wouldn’t call the MiG-29 hot garbage considering that your getting a very good airframe in terms of performance (only the F-15 can compete in speed, zoom clmb and high speed maneuverability) and some decent (for 1982) BVR capability for the price of an F-16A (that doesn’t have BVR capability in the first place).
Give the MiG-29 more than 2 radar missiles and good avionics (basically make a MiG-29M lol) and in any mission that doesn’t require a lot of fuel it won’t fear any aircraft in his weight class.

Are we talking just out of fourth gens?

Still need to investigate on this (@MiG_23M though I won’t be able to find much time for that on this 2 weeks as i have exams to give now :-/) but it may be possible given how high aspect are the wings of the 23ML, but still the difference in T/W compared to the MiG-29 is massive.
Since mig-23 manual does not have any chart for full swept out wings best way would be looking at the polar diagrams and see if the lower induced drag on the MiG-23 is low enough to compensate the difference in T/W

Yeah even when i was making the MiG-31 example.
An F-35 would murder it lol

Yes we can delve into it when I’m back home after Thanksgiving.

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they should employ both of you tbh

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Neither of us are qualified for that. Wouldn’t be very useful to the team. We also kinda just do stuff for free.

Bug Report Time…

Already done and forwarded.


N001 VEP, do you have any documentation for what improvements this radar established? Given the original N1001s serious teething issues.