Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


I will keep an eye out & keep looking. Will let you know if I find anything on my end.

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yeah i think the long standing use of f16’s has been good proof that a light fighter still retained a purpose well into modern times. I dont see any reason why the mig’s couldn’t have had a similar service life up until now had the finances been permitting.

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Interestingly, everywhere else in the world the F-15 category fighters are considerably more expensive than light fighters, only in the Soviet Union this ratio was very suspiciously low. I consider this a intentionally manipulated to eliminate competition in the form of the MiG company.

Anything’s possible haha - certainly stranger things have happened

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Exactly, if 9-15 had a chance to start to its life it would’ve been a really good fighter.

december 1991 destroyed the defense industry of Russia and other ex SSRs, but maybe we’ll see the 9.15 in war thunder someday.

Our suggestion is aiming that


Yeah, they are more expensive they are more capable than the F-16 & Mig29 other light fighters.

Look how capable the F-15E is and the insane ammount of missiles the EX will carry. That aircraft will be a principle threat in the Indo Pacific against the Chinese Flankers coming out of Guam besides F-22s & F-35s. Also, cannot forget the B21 raider & B-52s. They will be air to air data link missile trucks for these fighters. China is already developing their B21 competitor.

The F-15 will fly well into the 2030+ as well as the Flanker.

I hope so, always believed that 9-15 deserves to be in Warthunder.

Already voted for yes long ago, fingers crossed.


absolutely it should be in game

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9-15 would be a Flanker eater


Just imagine that Gaijin decides to introduce 9-15 with TVC, would’ve been a real Terminator.

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Idk how good it would be compared to the flanker but i’m pretty sure it would’ve been an awesome fighter, it fixes almost every weakness the original mig29 had when talking about BVR, not to mention the new engines and fbw that would improve the already fantastic flight performance that the fulcrum got.

For the 90s it would’ve been an amazing vehicle.


First, read this book…



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My boy pulls up data out of thin air immediately.

Mig 1.44….

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I have all, thank you, :-)

We will get it. Probably sometime after the Typhoon comes & Rafale

Knowing GJ I would not be surprised if we get it before both of them lol.

Nah we should have the Mig31 as next completely new platform

Works for me, i always admired Mig 1.44 and other prototypes that never came into service.

Did it have RAM coating or am I tripping? I haven’t gave it a thought for ages.

frankly i think we should have gotten the 29M 9.15 instead of the 9.19, then they could have followed the progression of mig29 variants into the modern times better justified by the with avionics upgrades they received. And the progression would fit in a more historically logical manner.

Or at the very least a proper S variant. Jumping right into the 9.19 was so weird

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