Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I guess when someone doesnt agree with you they become emotionally hurt, interesting.

If thats what you wanna believe then go on, but if Thailand Gripen’s did achieve much better results with Amraams and old model radar against Chinese Flankers then imagine what Gripen E Can do with better radar plus Meteor combo.

Gripen is designed for one purpose, and that is destroying Russian Migs and Sukhois.

Meteor says hello.

Acting like a little child arent we?

Tbh USA stopped giving a fk about Flankers and J11’s almost 15 years ago but you can keep believe what you want, NGAD is already on its way and Raptor plus F-35 is more then enough to destroy those Russian and Chinese junks.

This is not relevant to this topic. Discuss it somewhere else.

Fair enough.

Womp womp.

Nope advanced Flankers, su57 & J20 are the principal aviation threat to the United States. Not a dinky little fighter you can land & take off from a school parking lot. It has no chance at survival over the vast indo pacific. Its radar is not powerful enough & will always be spotted first

It’s a dinky little fighter for frontline defense. Its a budget fighter, for small nations who cannot afford the big dogs.

Thats all it ever will be. A fighter for those on a tight budget.

Well Grippen is way better than something like a F16.

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Maybe for F-16’s, F-15 is more then enough to deal with Flankers easily and Raptor will be just overkill for them.

Su-57 still cant be mass produce and lacks abilities to become real 5th gen fighter, as for the J-20 i dont think anyone takes that jet seriously aside from China itself.

Another empty talking with misinformations just like you did on F4F ICE, not surprised tho.

Getting out of original ideas it seems.

None of these are actually a threat to US. Same applies to Russia and China. Nukes are the real threat. Anyways we should stick to the topic.


Good call, im gonna stop arguing from this point.

@Ziggy1989 If you wish to discuss this more then you can PM me.

ICBMs when gaijin

Typhoon Class with Nuclear missiles please.


I said aviation threat. Those fighters are the principle strategic aviation threat of the United States.

The Gripen is a tactical fighter. It’s good for battles & localized conflicts. Not shutting down airspace for hundreds of nautical miles.

That is a reason why the new Russian Federation after Soviet Dissolution decided to invest in Flankers & stopped ordering new Fulcrums such as the 9-13S.

The Fulcrum is a small tactical fighter. The Gripen will suffer the same fate eventually. Especially since the F-35 is creeping in taking over the Nordic countries as the desired aircraft.

The Soviets had their doctrine of conducting air combat which was incompatible with using high AoA maneuvers ( this is logical, if a pilot does this in war it is bad for him). These maneuvers were practiced by test pilots and I’m sure a few others, but it didn’t affect the whole air force of the Soviet Union and later Russia.

You’re forgetting about finance and political struggle. The Soviets didn’t have the money for two types of planes and the Sukhoi people got more of the upper ranks of USSR/Russian politics.


Yes, that is why the Ministry of Defense chose to invest in the Flanker. They did belive it was feasible to produce two fighters at the same time.

The Flanker can do everything a frontline fighter can do & conduct large scale strategic operations. The Russians made the correct choice.

That’s kind of funny :-)

yeah, Chinese missiles can out range it by the way. So can Russian hypersonic missiles…

Poor Mig-29M (9-15) got cancelled because of that.

Shame, it was such a promising fighter.


If you overlook the political side then your theory is correct. There was a certain reason why there is no modern MiGs apart from MiG35.

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The right but forced choice.