Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

irl indian MiG 29Ks use ramps as well


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I was on about the UK naval for the Indian one as their would be a massive gap between the Sea harrier Fa2 and the F35b

Oh. Isn’t there anything left to add between them?(I know this is off topic)

nope we used harrier until we thought the f35b was ready but is wasn’t so had no naval planes for a bit so yeah it would be a big gap

Okey but then Centauro 105 and 120 for USSR TT.


Most players are hypocrites and would be against centauro and, for example, sub-tree ukraine from ussr (although it makes sense).

However, they like stealing Russian migs from India, just like OP t-90s on 10.3, as long as the ussr does not have similar tanks on this br


Sure why not. If other nations can get soviet stuff then ussr TT can get stuff from other tech trees as well(If it’s unique enough)


Look at the voting. Hypocrites don’t want honesty. They want everything for themselves

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Actually this isn’t unique enough. If russia actually bought it or captured it then it could have been considered. But in this case they just tested it. Yes I know you can still say that at least it was tested. But the thing is USSR tree can get a lot of domestic vehicles. Currently this Centauro isn’t needed.

In Sweden’s case their TT lacked enough vehicles so gaijin considered C&P vehicles. In the future USSR could get some vehicles from other nations but they will most likely come when there isn’t any domestic vehicle left to add.

Ussr and russia dont have light tanks for 11.0+ br.
But they need it

They had a lot of vehicles

Im pretty sure there are some modernised BMPs(Domestic+Export variants) out there that are suitable for 11.X BR. We can even get the BMPT that should be good enough for 11.X. Yes it wouldn’t be mobile enough.

Btw this is getting off topic so I’m going to reply to your suggestion post.

Its not a light tank. Light tank - 105-125mm gun

I’m tired of explaining it to people. Light tanks are big gun things, they are effective. IFVs are doomed to be worse because of the useless troop compartment.

Bmpts are 10.0-10.3 at most. The best russia can have is the kurganets and t-15. But that’s hardly 11.3.

I would still prefer a missile carrier with unmanned turret over a wheeled tank

I don’t think they are needed if they have other stuff that can counter them despite being different types of vehicles. it’s important to avoid these tech mix to make other TTs exclusive, many ppl are interested in Italy because of its wheeled tanks, for example.

And what unique thing will the ssr have if t-80u, mi-28a and t-90s have already been taken away, and t-90ms and a bunch of su-27/35s from india also want to be taken away?

Classic hypocrisy

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It’s no use. Armor KE is growing and will continue to do so, many tanks already have Active protection and there will be more. At missile will be weaker further and further away

It’s a very limited number of variants when compared to what the russian/soviet TT got at its disposal lmao, it’s not even close. Not to mention that these are “secondary” countries that needed stuff to maintain them competitive, i’m not against mixing tech but IMO it should be avoided and done only when absolute necessary, which is not the case of USA and USSR.