the pylons are different, but the ejection devices are the same
All 29s with 4 wing hardpoints can carry R-77s on the same pylons as R-73s
That’s true. There were times when the Soviets/Russians re-used previous designations, this is one of them.
since the 9-41 series came up I guess it would be useful to differentiate the different ones
9.41 (base) refers to modern MiG-29Ms all having similar characteristics for ease of production
there are 2 suffix ordered in 9.41XY
X denominates the variant (no suffix for 29K, S for 29M/M2, D for MiG-35)
Y denominates the user country (R for russia, M for Egypt, etc)
For example MiG-29M 9-41SM would be an Egyptian MiG-29M
its also useful to denotating a true MiG-35 from a MiG-29M pretending to be a MiG-35, for example Russia operates a few MiG-35S but they are designated 9-41SR/47SR this is because in reality they are MiG-29Ms and lack many features of the MiG-35 like more complex defense systems, AESA radar, and planned TVC
also twin seat and single seat 29Ms have the same canopy but twin seat are 9-47 and single seat are 9-41
incorrect designation D does not exist
The MiG-35, also known as the 9-41 SR, has all the characteristics and systems from the planned MiG-35 that was never planned there.The only thing these 6 planes were without AESA
MiG seems to refer to MiG-35s as 9-41D/9-47D, unless they since changed their naming scheme again since 2010
MiG-35S 9-41/47SR also lack the MAWS system of MiG-35D 9-41D aircraft, it also wouldnt be the first time a MiG-35 was portrayed by a 9-41S in MAKS-2013 and 2015 MiG-29M 9-41S no. 7001 was displayed as a MiG-35
Very confusing not gonna lie.
In real life, there is no such designation yet. Most likely, everything was redone again
Ah you’re right 9-41/47SR do have MAWS then it just looks different from further away that I didn’t recognize it.
Literally unplayable /s
I found this and i feel like a 90’s kid who found his dad’s mags.
Is the 11g limit accurate? This thing has no nose authority in game
you can do more depending on the weight
Whats the G limit on SMT in real life?
İf its the same 9G limit then its underperforming in game, cause i never managed to reach 13.5G in my SMT no matter what was the weight.
the SMT is most likely 9G, however, for the MiG-29 9-12 and 9-13, the 9g limit is calculated for a mass of 14200 kg, if the mass is less, you can exceed 9g in the flesh up to 13., However, in real life you will not break the wing even with overload 13.5.Breaks in another place
The thing is i also never managed to reach 13.5G in my 9.13 after the fm changes.
İ tested with full tank, tested with almost empty tank and no matter what it was always stuck to 12G at best with armament.
Before the Fm changes it was able to reach 13.5G without issue.
So the FM setting is incorrect
so if SOS-3 is disabled, you can go beyond the limits up to the destructive
İm not the expert in that case so i cant say anything for sure.
But even then reaching 13.5G in game shouldnt cause any massive damage to the plane according to formula that Gaijin uses.