Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Can anyone made similar theme, about Flankers family?

G limits are a maximum, not a minimum. It’s where the structure will fail.

I can’t comment on whether it’s accurate or not, but if the aerodynamics of the 29 are preventing it from reaching 13.5G it will never reach it, even if the airframe “can handle it” according to GJN’s formula.

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also depends on mouse aim or full real since instructor will always limit how hard you pull in any plane

Not really.

Even with mouse aim planes can actually reach their 1.5X measure, full real control allows you to exceed those limits in return of destroying the plane.

mouse aim has a fixed limit on AoA especially at higher speeds it will stop you from pulling as hard as possible, in full real you can surpass this easily without breaking the plane. Important to note the 1.5x measure assumes max internal fuel weight which is why you can surpass 1.5x limits in aircraft with lower fuel quantities without breaking

1.5x applies to all weights, rip g is dynamic with weight. A standard “9G’s” limit will have a rip of peak rip of 13.5g’s and will get lower as aircraft mass increases.

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not really aircraft with a max G after 1.5x of 11g for example can pull more than that without ripping you only rip at higher fuel masses

F8E laughs pretty hard.

Crusader only rips its wings once fuel reserves drops to 15mins, otherwise its perfectly capable of pulling any G with high fuel load.

I am loving the Mig29s both SMT & G are amazing compliments to one another.

I kinda agree. The MiG-29G is a very fair match-up against the F-16, finally. The SMT would be interesting if it got R-77 + R-27ER loadout for the ultimate BVR machine while being a shit truck.


While bein better then SMT in dogfight Mig29G still no match for F-16.

İ unlocked my F-16C yesterday and spaded compeletly today, i can easily say nothing can beat this beast in a dogfight.

Mig29G only increases your chance against average player.

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yeah, the F-16 is def better performance, but the R-73 with the better FM actually allows me to get some really nasty R-73 kills

Together with R73 SMT can also get really nasty kills tho i believe Mig29G is better in that kind of position.

Still any decent F-16 pilot will jam the wez and easily kill any Mig29 while circling them around.

I’ve been a big fan of inducing a flat spin as a last resort in a dogfight to get an R-73 on target and surprisingly wins a lot, not much you can do to defend against it but does leave you open for third party

Fair point.

The performance of your average player is quite poor. The problem is that your average MiG-29 player will not be beating the average F-16 player any day of the week… unless they get a lucky R-73 or something. It’s going to close the gap in efficiency… but that doesn’t make it a fair matchup imo.


Thats exactly what im saying?

İm kinda confused tbh.

I’m agreeing with you, I don’t think they are 1:1 just because one of them has better armament and the other has better flight performance. At least, it shouldn’t be this way. The F-16 shouldn’t be artificially buffed to compete.

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Well it this rate i Lost my all hope for this case and just patiently waiting for better new jet for Russia.

Although SMT is still pretty good in my eyes ever since it recieved better RWR and large caliber countermeasures, plus A2G ordinance makes it much better in ground rb.


What i hope is that when they add new toys for america (fox3 missiles and new jets like the f15 or the f18) they’ll eventually nerf the f16, in my opinion they are keeping the viper fm op because of the current bvr capabilities of the mig29. Kinda trash behavior imo cuz that means that everytime they add new stuff it’ll be performing unrealistically for months until they can finally fix the vehicle while at that point many other vehicles would come to the game. Like i said many weeks ago, the only thing that is keeping me playing war thunder is the fact that i don’t have money to buy a HOTAS setup…