Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

So no missiles or countermeasures at all? Not even the belly wet pylon countermeasure dispenser thing?

There are so many common myths with the platform… like the ML being unable to use R-24 or the MiG-27 not using R-73 (despite pictures of both being equipped with pylons / missiles). Unfortunately, we do not have pictures to disprove the claim that the MiG-23BN had no air to air capability. I’m of the opinion that it easily could have with some pylon changes.

Nope nothing, PKVP-23 didnt really become a thing until the 1980s was a USSR exclusive until after the cold war, and afaik didnt mount flare dispensers. Though PKVP-23 is technically compatible since as long as the drop tanks work the same as other MiG-23s then PKVP-23 works too.

It could not, theres like this weird counter myth stating it could because MLA isnt an official designation and MLAs were often called MLs, but to operate R-24s you’d still need the N003 radar. There are some rumors that MLs with the Izd 324 radar being able to use R-24s, but thats all just rumors, no facts to back up those claims beyond random people on random russian forums stating they suspect that might be the case. But the ML we have ingame I suspect is supposed to represent an early MLA since it has the exact livery of a very early MLA airframe, and the mistake there is just it having the wrong radar (though currently all the MiG-23 radars are copy pastes of each other with the only difference being a made up “vertical scan” in half of them, and the MLD being the only one that should have a vertical scan)

I don’t think its much of a myth the MiG-27 didnt use R-73s as much as its just not common knowledge. There’s evidence of MiG-27s actually using these missiles from photos and Indians being offered the capability as part of their MiG-27M deal.

So its not really a myth when theres plenty of credible evidence proving the MiG-23B series had no guided A2A armament and there is straight up zero credible claims stating it could use guided A2A.

Tbh I don’t like that it’s an ML but actually an MLA, they should really rename it to like ML(A) or MLA/E (E for Early) or something like that. It is kind of annoying. I would accept having BVP-50-60 flare/chaff dispensers because flares are very important in the game but also having R-24 is annoying for being basically an MLA/MLD with a lower BR.
Also I know the MLA and MLD aren’t quite equal but I remember them being equal enough, like the MLD and MLA only having a minor difference in terms of avionics and instead the MLD was primarily an improvement in aerodynamics/flight performance.

As for the MiG-23BN, I would not be entirely opposed to it receiving semi-historical A2A and countermeasures sets only if it gets moved up in BR as well. At 9.7 in RB it is kinda a sweep vehicle if played right, and it would only be worse with missiles. This is getting off topic but anyways, ahistorical weaponry with justifiable reason (see Gripen with Skyflashes) are, in my opinion, fine and may be added purely for balance.

(no full doc and it also received S-8 later)

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Likewise the MiG-23ML was allegedly unable to use R-24, and they were able to mount and fire Magic missiles from MiG-23s within a day of putting the correct pylon on. I don’t think it’s beyond reason to give it some air to air missiles which would require literally almost nothing of the aircraft be modified to use them (depending on what missile we’re talking about).

But yes, I think that sufficiently answers the question. They added that variant specifically for balance reasons, I guess. Just the best airframe at the entire BR… limited by ordnance only.

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It’s well known that MiG-23ML (23-12A) is able. Just fitted with Sapphire-23MLA radar due to which this 23ML variant was often called MLA. 23ML (23-12) wasn’t able.

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I’d like to know the hardware changes specifically preventing it’s use.

IIRC the R-24T was backwards compatible to all Floggers but the R-24R required the MLA radar to guide. I do not have the understanding of radio physics to understand why this might be, nor can I attest to the veracity of my memory without sources at the moment, but if you want a place to look for reasons that’s where I’d start

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@MiG_23M found this video and I think it’s pretty good. Can you share your thoughts on it if you ever watch it?

Quite cool, only missed that MiG-23MLA in game is also 200kg lighter than both the ML and MLD.
The 200kg by themselves are not an huge difference but combined with the instructor and older wings imho it makes the MLA better than the MLD

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İs it? Cause i think MLD is better thanks to its instantaneous turning capabilities.

Imho it’s an highly subjective opinion, and for me it’s not even constant (had you asked me which was better 1 month ago I would have said the MLD, because now it also has a better RWR).

I’d say as a general trend the MiG-23MLA feels stronger than the MLD in downtiers while the MLD feels less difficult to do good in in uptiers.

In 1v1 thought right now the MLA is definitively stronger, it is a monster in a rate fight (seriously apart from the Gripen I don’t think any other plane can get away from rate fighting the MLA)

Those are good points no doubt.

İ believe having better one circle performance alongside with better Rwr makes a good difference also funny thing is i never lost a sustained dogfight against other MLA players but i suspect thats because of skill difference.

Anyway it looks like it comes down to personal choice in the end, thanks for the conversation.

Yeah, it’s entirely subjective.

That’s 100% skill, if the fight becomes a rate fight the MLA is going to slowly but surely win.

o7 :D

You want me to sit and waste 30 minutes of my time fact checking some youtuber I’ve never heard of before’s opinion of the flogger? :/

Neither has IRCCM missiles, the MLD automatically can force one circle from the start and then ditch if it looks bad… runs away and repeat. In either case, the fight is drawn out and often won by whoever takes the advantageous position at the start and comes down to “who can merge better”. The MLA can stalemate this by just forcing two circle at every merge but you’ll both run out of fuel trying to do all that nonsense.

idk about that, if there’s altitude yes, but without altitude it won’t be so easy, as by forcing 1 circle you will be slower

that’s for sure, difference is small

Yes, I suppose I am thinking of the dueling maps I normally use which start from altitude and devolve towards the deck over time. In an actual match people skim the deck.

But enough!